• McCain’s campaign videos constantly yanked from YouTube as someone sends in bogus DMCA take down notices.
  • Obama putting himself into video games.
  • Huge Spambot net shut down.
  • Apple says no to Blu-Ray.
  • Sharp, meanwhile, will have a Blu-ray recorder in a new TV.
  • Garriott in space!
  • Open Office 3 now native to Mac.
  • Intel earnings said to be both good and bad.
  • Vodaphone wants tiered Internet.

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  1. Who says:

    Who wants to watch Blu-ray content on a laptop anyway? Especially when you have a PS3 attached to a 65″ plasma.

  2. Vonchiz says:

    The beginning of the end for Blu-Ray, in my humble opinion. Who wants another proprietary format when upconverted DVD’s are good enough for the average user – without having to re-purchase your entire movie library or expensive equipment. Both HD-DVD and Blu-ray dragged users into an unnecessary format war and many consumers were burned. I would not shed a single tear if blu-ray died. Sony has a history of bringing expensive proprietary formats to market that cost consumers a lot of money and end up failing in the end. When will they learn?

  3. Scott says:

    I am all for busting spammers and their minion, but the notion that arrests or the seizure of assets will result in a noticeable decline in such activity is nothing more than wishful thinking.

    The war on junk mail is like the war on drugs. A tremendous effort is exerted. Large values are attached to the goods seized–be it drugs, cash or botnets. There is no measurable change. Law Enforcement, by their reckoning, seizes many billions of dollars worth of drugs annually and arrests and incarcerates a a great many people. Yet, over time the quality of drugs on the street goes up and the price goes down. Are their ever even temporary local shortages that last more than hours? If such seizures were truly substantial wouldn’t we expect to see the opposite, enduring short supply, higher prices, and lower quality?

    Was there less junk mail in your inbox this morning? Mine either.

    I am not saying don’t arrest spammers. But, please don’t sell it as anything more than removing a bucket or two of water from a vast ocean. To claim it will have a lasting impact just cannot be supported by the facts.

  4. Improbus says:

    You got to love it when politicians have to face the consequences of a law THEY passed.

  5. jobs says:

    #5 pedro Apple was the first company to use USB in their whole line up abandoning printer and PS/2 ports, back in the 90’s.

    Blue Ray will be dead in two years. Movies will come over the net or on flash media.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #8 “Movies will come over the net or on flash media.”

    And how will the average non-techie grandma play those movies on flash media or download them when they can barely send e-mail?


  7. jobs says:

    How does the average non-techie grandma movies on Blue Ray?

    They go to the store (netflix) rent a SD card size movie and plug it into the card slot on there tv or sd device.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    #9 “They go to the store (netflix) rent a SD card size movie and plug it into the card slot on there tv or sd device.”

    Oh, and how many TVs that are owned by grandma’s have a card slot?

    How many own an sd device or have one on their computer (not that they’d pay to watch on their computer)?

  9. James Hill says:

    You’re missing the story behind Apple turning it’s back on BluRay, and so is the rest of the media that thinks this is about iTunes.

    Apple doesn’t want a DRM in its product that it doesn’t control, because that gives someone else a say in how their closed system works.

    That’s in line with what Steve said, and if the guys running the BluRay group want players in the next Apple TV, they need to redo their licensing agreement.

    That’s it: No more, no less. iTunes isn’t a major profit center for Apple, it just allows them control, and gives them a chip in the game.

    #5, #10, #12 – Pedro continues to demonstrate his lack of knowledge in technical threads. Can you at least admit that Apple is the leader in tech now, and has been for the past few years?

  10. Angel H. Wong says:


    You mean leading in Marketing Tech ’cause all I see is sexy PCs coming from them.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    #13 “Can you at least admit that Apple is the leader in tech now, and has been for the past few years?”

    “Tech” is too broad a term. Please narrow and clarify that claim if you really want an answer.

  12. J says:

    Wow! I can’t believe it but I agree with pedro on a lot of his posts.

  13. J says:

    # 18 pedro

    “That means the rapture’s coming.”

    I don’t know about that but I did call my doctor. lol

    Despite your obvious bias against Apple I do think you are correct on many of the things you said.


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