• No aliens have landed.
  • Apple shows new versions of MacBooks. Apple goes to the LED displays finally.
  • Microsoft finally gives Windows 7 a name!
  • LCD to be a huge market by 2012.
  • Doing Google searches may improve brain function. Yeah, right.
  • Free wireless broadband takes a turn.
  • Have patch releases sunk Microsoft stock? Researcher says yes.
  • Google web accelerator not working.
  • Samsung plans to re-enter the USA PC market. God, why?

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  1. sargasso says:

    “Windows 1110”

  2. Winston Tastes Good says:

    “Windows Vista to be Called Windows 7”

    Fixed that typo for ya.

  3. Ooooh! Windows 7! I’m breathless. The joy of being MSFT is that no matter what kind of garbage you pump out as an OS, the money just keeps rolling in. People are a-skeert of Linux, and Macs are too expensive and touchie-feelie for businesses to adopt them on a large scale. They could put a cute new interface on Windows 1.0, and folks woul STILL have to buy it.

    And I think that “google makes you smarter” is crap too. I used to know some things. I don’t any more. I just gooogle the thing, and make believe I knew it all along. It’s like pocket calculators leading to people who can’t make change for a dollar unless the cash register tells them how much to give back. Pffft.

  4. mthrnite says:

    In other news:
    Spade to be called spade.
    Creature that in many ways resembles duck to be called duck.

  5. James Hill says:

    The Windows 7 move is smart: It automatically takes the marketing crap down a notch, and lets M$ focus on re-releasing Vista as something straightforward.

  6. optionshiftk says:

    They should just call it ” Really sorry about vista, we swear this one is better(we hope)

  7. Borat says:

    #5 – Just where the fuck would we be without your remarkable insight?

  8. Stu Mulne says:

    Googling improves the brain?

    Probably, IMHO….

    Sounds silly, but the net effect ought to be a random version of sitting down with an encyclopedia volume and just reading the articles that look interesting.

    Not “directed”, but a good way to spend an afternoon.

    The major difference, of course, is the amount of stuff available that way, v.s. a volume from Britannica or one of the heavy hitter paper encyclopedias…. In short, a major time sink….

    I used to spend rainy afternoons with the World Book. Beat what passed for TV in the afternoon in the 50’s….


  9. James Hill says:

    #8 – Your worship is noted. Maybe you can post under your normal name next time, child.

    You’re owned.


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