Stuck up Brit gives his opinion on matters that don’t concern him… I mean, Monty Python comedian John Cleese gives his opinion on Sarah Palin.

  1. Thargon says:

    When the american government stops sticking it’s nose into everything else that goes on around the world then you have a right to tell the rest of the world not to stick their noses into your affairs.

  2. LDA says:

    Re: “Stuck up Brit gives his opinion…”

    I find it hard to believe that you think the (s)Election does not effect non-Americans.

    I guess that means you do not think Americans should have an opinion on Iraqi, Iranian, Venezuelan (etcetera, etcetera) matters. I do not use these examples because I am defending any of them but because I do think Americans should voice their opinions because it does, to varying degree’s effect them, but it works both ways.

  3. Jack F says:

    What qualifies Cleese to evaluate American politics? Sure, he did a great funny walk 40 years ago, but I’m not sure I see the connection.

  4. chris says:

    How does it not concern him!? The whole damn world depends on the quality of the next US administration. Thank God the Republicans won’t be in it.

  5. Dallas says:

    He is so right.

    The British, like other western countries are astonished how Americans can be suckered into following such ridiculous choices to run the country.

    The Germans don’t say much because they picked Hitler and they’re still sensitive about that.

  6. Johnson says:

    On the video: lacks any real content, old funny guy not being particularly funny.

    On tag line: Americas choice in president affects most of the world, especially Britain, so I think he has every right to comment. I thought America cherished the right to free speech, the right to trial by jury, the right to….Oh, my thinking is so last century. These rights don’t apply to suspected foreigners any more.

  7. bobbo says:

    Being the “London Correspondent” I assume you are being sarcastic or dry==but your comment is too simple and straight forward.

    Sarcasm for those that know you,
    Troll Bait for those who don’t?

    [Ed. – I was going for sarcasm]

  8. I says:

    While living in the US for nearly 20 years and paying US taxes certainly does not qualify Mr Cleese to vote I would think it should allow him not to be told to STFU.

  9. kevinsays says:

    More important, where did John get that American twang from? He talks like one of you guys..

    Thats pretty funny..

  10. contempt says:

    Cleese’s comments sound more like he is speaking of Obama instead of Palin.

    In fact his comparison fits Mr. Teleprompter much more accurately since Obama is the one guilty of parroting words of others.

  11. Chf. W. Cloud says:


    Only people with good honest American names should be allowed to have an opinion within this land.

    Now leave.

  12. Balbas says:

    #1: Ditto!

    Her shallowness is appalling.

  13. Gasparrini says:

    #11, I don’t live in the U.S., so what’s the point of telling me to leave?
    By Americans you mean to say ‘Native Americans’? Good luck telling everybody else to leave.

  14. Buzz says:

    Interesting responses.

    Argumentum ad hominem present and accounted for. How very Republican.

    But is Cleese off the mark in a factual sense? Do more than the percent of non-US leaders that Cleese suggests think that Norwegian Blue Sarah is a good choice for the veep of a 72 year old cancer survivor?

  15. Ron Larson says:

    I viewed this as an actor (Cleese) spotting the qualities of another actor (Palin). Nothing to do with being British. Everything to do with having to learn a script and then deliver it while making it look spontaneous.

    Re: The question as to why he now sounds “American”. Perhaps it is because has resided in the States for a long time. He lives in Santa Barbara, 100 miles west of Los Angeles. I’ve run in to him a few times down at D’Angelo Bread. I have to say he is looking better in this video. The last time I saw him he looked terrible. Of course he was going through his divorce at the time, and I know how gut wrenching that experience can be.

  16. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    At least Cleese compared her to a parrot and not a pig, because that would have been wrong.

    Polly want some lipstick.

  17. Fr33fall says:

    He may be stuck up but he is 100% correct!

  18. Breetai says:

    LOL! He’s half right but his lefty bias is shining through. He just described every single politician on both sides not just Palin. They’re all actors and should have a SAG card.

  19. Rich says:

    Monty Python’s Flying Dentures

  20. Semi says:

    Pretty shallow comment John, Cleese is a smart guy who I believe lives here in the USA. A World view of Palin should concern everyone in these times.

  21. #6 – “Johnson” (?)

    >>old funny guy not being particularly funny.

    That’s because it’s NOT funny. Once you get beyond the humor of moosburgers, lipsticked attack dogs, and her glassy-eyed, slackjawed stupor when asked what newspapers she reads, it’s not funny at all.

    In fact, it’s downright frightening. This is what the Country Formerly Known as the Greatest in the World has come to?? A Jenny-Come-Lately from East Bumf&ck being thrust into a position where she very well be the next President of the United States?


  22. Wretched Gnu says:

    [Ed. – comment deleted for violation of posting guidelines]

  23. WmDE says:

    Cleese has a lot of nerve living in the US after what he and his co-conspirators did to “The Liberty Bell”

    This version of the parrot sketch seems not to live up to the original.

  24. brian t says:

    Never mind that this stuck-up Brit has lived in California for something like 25 years, eh? You know, the state with an Austrian governor.

  25. Paddy-O says:

    #24 “He moved here because he was appearing on Broadway. There’s no Broadway in the UK.”

    He lives in CA. Commute from LA to NY is not much different than from London.

    “That’s one of the reasons why so many wealthy people stay in the US nowadays. It’s become a haven for the obscenely rich,”

    So, when Omama starts hammering the “rich” they’ll leave taking their $ with them and that will hurt the US economy.

    Thanks for verifying that for me. 😉

  26. Brian says:

    [Ed. – comment deleted for violation of posting guidelines. By the way, look up the definition of ‘sarcasm’]

  27. #29 – O’Pinocchio

    ?? wtf??

    A right-wing site links to IRS records of people who have left the US and lost their citizenship, alleging that they are “wealthy individuals”.

    No information is posted as to the net worth of these “taxpatriots” (in fact, no financial information at all is given).

    And the people who left? Can Uran? Cui Fan Li? Cunhui Li? Nilima Devi? Milonja Bjelic? In-Sik Kim? Chingakham Prasanna Singh?

    Somehow, I doubt many of these rascals can be found in the Forbes list of wealthy individuals.

    Of course the right-wing site CLAIMS they are all wealthy and fleeing to tax havens, because there’s no way to debunk their claim (unless you work for the IRS). What else COULD they say? Poor immigrants are fleeing the country because of Dumbya’s repressive taxation scheme? That doesn’t really make their point.

    More FUD.

  28. fulanoche says:

    Looks like the Troll bait worked much better than the sarcasm.

  29. Richard says:

    He is right to the point that she learned the speeches. All the candidates have body language, and speech coaches. I think both candidates for president and vice president are not qualified to run the country. I do hope that I am wrong!


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