“You Betcha!”

Times Online – October 12, 2008:

Palin remains far more popular than McCain with the Republican party base. He regularly has to endure the spectacle of members of the audience leaving for their cars when it is his turn to speak at joint rallies.

In Wilmington, Palin’s many admirers were in no doubt that she should run for president next time. Nancy Ross, a hairdresser, 45, said if the Republicans lost the election, she would be cheered up by the thought of Palin as the 2012 nominee.

“I would absolutely love her to run in four years’ time. By then most of her kids will be grown,” she said. “I’d like her to run against Hillary [Clinton]. She would squash her. She is a real person and we need people like her in Washington.”

Mary Ann Black, 58, a human resources director, said: “I love her. She’s so authentic.” Although she thought highly of McCain as well, Black added: “Her career is just beginning and his is in the twilight.

Matt Littman – 10/8/08:

But even though not every right-wing audience reacts to each part of Palin’s script with the same enthusiasm, one thing is clear: the far right really likes Palin. And let there be no doubt about this: in 2012, Sarah Palin does not want to debate VP Joe Biden. She wants to debate President Obama. She wants to be the Republican Party nominee for President.

Don’t believe me. But don’t believe that the Bush era is really over, just because President Bush will be leaving office in January. The politics of Bush are not at an end. Sarah Palin is proof positive. She’s not a genius…. she’s certainly not someone whose brilliance we aspire to. She’s not well-traveled, not well-read, not well-versed on the issues. Just like President Bush. So we can sit here and say, no way, she has no chance to be the Republican nominee. But she does have a chance. And it makes me want to throw up on my computer.

  1. chriskzoo says:

    Hey, why not. It would kill the Dems to see the first woman President be a Republican. Hell, the first black Suprem Court Justice was appointed by a Republican, not to mention the first Secretary of State, first black female Secretary of State, First female justice of the Supreme Court, etc.

    Wait, why is it again that women and blacks gravitate toward Democrats? Oh that’s right – lip service.

  2. QB says:

    The Republican party would have to invest a lot of time and money in her to get her ready. Bobby Jindal is far more likely.

  3. Dallas says:

    Agree. Palin is a very popular tribal leader with the Christian Taliban in the North American green zone.

  4. bobbo says:

    “Bring her on!”

  5. chris says:

    Let’s look at the facts:

    Appointed by a Republican:
    First black Supreme Court justice
    First woman Supreme Court justice
    First black Secretary of State
    First woman Secretary of State

    Appointed by a Democrat:

  6. CaptainHar says:

    Tina Fay would love it for sure. She has many skeletons in her closet that are just coming out.

  7. Dallas says:

    It is a very impressive record.

    Republicans also appointed the first retarded president – not that I have anything against retarded people.

  8. Erik Blazynski says:

    She may run, but ANY president that is elected now is going to come out smelling like a rose, you simply can’t fuck it up worse than these current idiots have. Obama wins and democrats win for the next 12 years at least. Basically were fucked!!

  9. Improbus says:

    Would the Obama camp like her to be the Republican nominee in 2012? You betcha!

  10. JimD says:

    What, and FACE GALES OF LAUGHTER ??? She would lead the Repukes into 400 Years of Exile in American Politics !!! Have a nice trip !!!

  11. bingoman says:

    Palin isn’t qualified to be a meter reader. She’s one “such as” away from being Ms South Carolina. She was a beauty queen and parrots speeches back and has no idea what she’s talking about.

  12. GigG says:

    #10 What makes you think Obama, if elected, will be around in 2012. She would probably be running against Biden.

    Aren’t we up to 5 arrests now of nuts/groups of nuts that were in various stages of wacking Obama?

  13. MikeN says:

    #7, no actually it was Warren Christopher.

  14. J says:

    # 5 chris

    First for DEMOCRATS

    First woman selected as Nominee for Vice President.

    First female to serve on cabinet

    First U.S. Attorney General

    First female speaker of the house

    First woman to be elected governor on own merits

    First women elected to U.S. Senate

    First woman selected as Secretary of State YOU WERE WRONG ON THAT ONE.

    First female African American female Senator

    First African American Cabinet member

    First African American diplomat

    First African American Representative to the UN

    First African American Congressmen

    First African American Female Congressmen

    First African American Governor ELECTED AND APPOINTED

    First African American Mayor of a Major City

    First African American Nominee for President


    Back in the days when Republicans were Democrats 1800’s

    First African American Senator

    First African American Senator After reconstruction

  15. pjakobs says:

    you want the president of the US to look like the naughty teacher from a cheap porn movie?

    you betcha!

  16. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I wonder how Palin would have handled the situation McCain was recently confronted with, where a member of the audience at a Republican campaign rally stood 3 feet away and repeated one of the patently false rumors making the rounds, that Obama is an Arab.

    McCain had the good sense to realize within a few seconds that he had to completely disavow it then and there or completely lose all credibility, but what would Sarah do (WWSD)? I bet she wouldn’t have handled it well at all.

  17. deowll says:

    If the American people think they are better off after 4 years with a Democratic president and Congress then she won’t be.

    It’s only if they totally botch their duties that she will get elected.

    Sounds like the odds are in her favor to me.

  18. Lou says:

    She will be a blip in history once the election is lost.

  19. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “Sara is the douche bag’s douche bag.” – Joe Sixpack

  20. bobbo says:

    #18–gary==I think Palin would have corrected the audience member as well: “Dear, Ubomba is not an Arab, we just don’t know for sure he’s not a Muslim.”

    Arab/Muslim, Tax/Spend, Maverick/Erratic==all tough lines to define.

  21. #18 – Infidel


    She’da said “Fuckin’ A right! The guy’s a damned sand nigger! You betcha! Bet he’s got WMDs from his pajama pal Ayers, too! Terrorist Godless sinner! Somebody ought to shoot the bastard like a lame moose!!”

  22. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #22, #23, both excellent answers 😉

    Unfortunately, the answer we were looking for was that Sarah would have looked the woman straight in the eye and said, “Oh good, then you got our email!”

  23. jim h says:

    Republicans – wake up.

    From Dwight Eisenhower to Sarah Palin, in 50 years time… what’s the next stop, then? Should we just elect Pat Robertson and get it over with? Or maybe just some high school dropout from Kansas?

  24. JimD says:





  25. J says:

    # 26 JimD

    I called it a while back.

  26. Dallas says:

    #26 Good article. I’m a huge fan of the Buckley family. William F was an incredible orator and I loved his show Firing Line. He had me vote Republican for years!

    It’s refreshing to see Christopher have the balls to follow the right leader with Obama, a testament to the Buckley family. Too bad the rest of the Republican pussies can’t think for themselves.

    Anyway, as far as Palin goes, she will vanish like her mentor, Dan Quayle. You know what Dan Quayle is doing now? Exactly.

  27. James Hill says:

    The whole thread misses the point.

    In 2012 the nominee will be coming from the blue blood wing of the party. Chances are, this individual hasn’t even been elected governor of a southern or western state yet.

    Unless… that person is Jon Huntsman. Time for you kids to start doing your research.

  28. Hugh Ripper says:

    Surely there are not enough intellectually challenged folk in the USA to vote for a Palin presidency. Honestly, for the Republicans to regain any sort of integrity they need to purge themselves of the neo-con Bush rabble. Putting the She Bush (thanks Jon) up as a candidate again would be anathema.

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    Sure, Palin for President of her cell block in the Alaska State Prison for Women.

  30. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #30 Hugh Ripper, don’t sell Americans short in the “intellectually challenged” department. According to an ABC News survey of over 1000 adults conducted in 2004, approximately 60% of Americans believed that a man named Noah built a huge boat and saved all dry-land animal species from drowning in the Great Flood.

    Next to a tale like that, believing that Sarah Palin would make a qualified President doesn’t seem like such a stretch. All it takes is plenty of faith, and Americans have always had more faith than brains 😉


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