Back in June we broke the news that Apple would be mixing things up a bit by moving away from its prior iPhone distribution model and getting a couple of nation-wide retailers in on the action. A little more than two months later, Best Buy indeed began carrying the iPhone 3G as we reported.

The other retailer we mentioned however, Radio Shack, did not. We’re not sure if the Apple and the Shack hit a wall during negotiations or if we still may see the iPhone 3G pop up there but in the meantime, it looks like another major retailer has swooped down and stolen Radio Shack’s thunder.

One of our ninjas has it on good authority that Wal-Mart will begin selling the iPhone 3G next month – on November 15th to be exact. If Wal-Mart is indeed getting the iPhone 3G, the timing makes sense with Black Friday coming just under two weeks later.

Bringing the iPhone 3G to Walton’s wonder would definitely help ease the congestion a bit for those heading out to snag an iPhone 3G as a gift. Then again, considering you can’t leave a store without activating the handset first, we doubt the iPhone 3G will sell anywhere near as well as the iPhone did under the previous activation model here in the US. Well, that and the little problem we seem to be having with the economy…

Can you imagine trying to activate an iPhone 3G in your friendly neighborhood Wal-Mart? Phew.

  1. Improbus says:

    I would love to have an iPhone but AT&T is a deal breaker for me. I will probably end up getting a G1 since I am already a T-Mobile customer.

  2. Brian says:

    AT&T is a deal breaker? You mean you don’t want the best network in America, why?

    You’d prefer t-mobiles infinitely inferior GSM network, without building penetration, to AT&T? Huh?

    As far as the iPhone going to wal mart, what will this do to the apple clowns whose sole purpose of owning apple products is to look down on others?

  3. Todd Henkel says:

    #2 – definitely loses some luster – unless WalMart adds a Genius Bar!

    Anyone notice the big box retailers seem even less staffed than normal for this time of year? I’m betting the temp holiday help hiring will be razor thin.

  4. Brian says:

    With the Bush-imposed economic crisis, there won’t be a need for additional staff, due to the terrible Christmas shopping season that’s coming.

  5. AT&T isn’t a problem for me (they’re not any shittier or more evil than any other cell carrier), but having the doofuses in Wal*Mart trying to activate the phone before I leave CERTAINLY is. A complete dealbreaker.

    I spent a half-hour in a Wal*Mart last month trying to get one of the Einstein “associates” to tell me where the power strips were. I finally ended up going next door to Home Depot.

  6. Improbus says:


    My employer pays for my cell phone and cell phone service so I don’t have a choice about the carrier. I get the phone and service for free because I am 24×7 tech support. Lucky for them I don’t enjoy yakking it up on the phone. I might put them in the poor house when I starting the data plan for Internet access though.

  7. Improbus says:

    Are we going to get a preview button in the near future? D’oh! Not “starting the data plan” but “start using the data plan”.

  8. Steve S says:

    # 2 Brian said,
    “AT&T is a deal breaker? You mean you don’t want the best network in America, why?
    You’d prefer t-mobiles infinitely inferior GSM network, without building penetration, to AT&T? Huh?”

    I think he means he didn’t want this AT&T:

    From the link:
    “In reality, AT&T’s wireless division has consistently found themselves at the bottom of most consumer satisfaction reports focused on wireless service. The latest J.D. Power and Associates wireless call quality survey found AT&T call quality to be either mediocre or substandard in nearly every major geographical area. AT&T was also ranked last (pdf) in customer care. The American Consumer Satisfaction Index finds AT&T is, essentially, mediocre. Consumer Reports agrees, saying that AT&T has “middling to low” customer satisfaction ratings.”

    Brian you must be talking about a different AT&T, the AT&T that doesn’t suck?

  9. brian says:

    8-I’ve had AT&T since 1995, and never had a problem. By far the best reception of any carrier, never had an issue whatsoever. But then I understand how the business works-if I want a deal on a cell phone, I understand that a 2 year contract is necessary. I’m not the typical whiny consumer who wants a cheap phone AND no contract.

    These people who complain about service…why are you complaining? If it doesn’t work, LEAVE. Stop complaining and find a carrier that works for you. If enough people left their carrier when they were upset, change would happen. Complaining about it to consumer reports or jd power of all places is just moronic.

    AT&T has the most customers for a reason.

  10. James Hill says:

    Bitching about cell services is funny to me: They all suck.

  11. Special Ed says:

    #10 – Not as much as you however.

  12. BigBoyBC says:

    I just wonder how many regular Wal-Mart shoppers can afford to buy a iPhone, let alone afford the cost of the service contract?

    Let’s see Wal-mart roll back the price of that…

  13. skunkman62 says:

    i guess the iphone’s “hip factor” just took a nose dive.

    #12 btw, the price roll back would be $399 then $599.

  14. justEd says:

    I had my cell phone activated at Sam,s yesterday. very knowledgable sales person. One of the best phone buying experences I have ever had.

  15. ECA says:

    Screw them ALL..
    all i need a a cellphone that gets RECEPTION..

  16. James Hill says:

    #11 – Your worship is noted. Next time, real time. Owned.

  17. zorkor says:

    @15 ECA
    all i need a a cellphone that gets RECEPTION..

    Buy any Nokia phone, they are best known for their receptions. Much better than iPhone and other junks.


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