1. LinusVP says:

    Not voting for O because he’s half white.

  2. RMR says:

    Wow…that hits right along with what polling data is showing.

  3. BillM says:

    I thought voting for someone because of skin color was, well, racist.

    My point exactly….
    Tell me the percentage of whites likely to vote for Obama
    Tell me the percentage of blacks likely to vote for McCain
    Tell who the the racists are

  4. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    McCain’s best chance to win the election is to hike into the mountains of Pakistan and come back with Osama bin Laden in handcuffs.

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    #33 – BillM

    >>Tell me the percentage of whites likely to vote for Obama
    >>Tell me the percentage of blacks likely to vote for McCain
    >>Tell who the the racists are

    The majority of EVERYONE is voting for Obama. And it’s not because of his skin color. It’s because of his higher ethics, morals, and ability to lead.

    Other than the toothless moonshine suckers who show up at McCain rallies, who’s going to vote for McCain? His voice sounds like a guilty husband haveing a 900-number phone sex conversation in the basement while his wife is upstairs (bet he’s done that, too!), his manic-depressive personality is frightening to anyone who cares about the future of the country, and his totally vacuous “plans” (no matter how many times he shouts “i know how to do this….I KNOW HOW TO DO THIS, MOTHERF&CKR!!) should give any rational person pause.

    btw, there was a clip on the news a few minutes ago showing some whacka-a-doodle pastor in Iowa praying before McCain’s appearance at a rally, saying “You must vote for John McCain, otherwise the buddhists, the Muslims, and the others will think their god is bigger than yours” (paraphrased).

    Sheesh. Yeah. God’s on his side. Riiiiiiight.

  6. onomontapeia says:

    Crazy- doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. I’m going Libertarian, that’s real change! The rest of you… on the count of three…one…two…three…BAAAAAA!!

  7. Jägermeister says:

    #34 – Gary, the dangerous infidel – McCain’s best chance to win the election is to hike into the mountains of Pakistan and come back with Osama bin Laden in handcuffs.


  8. Ivor Biggun says:

    It’s a crying shame we can’t get Dvorak or anyone else to NAME the other candidates. It’s like everyone is satisfied with the rigged system we have and really want no change at all.

    Anyone who votes for either McPain or Obumma is not voting for change of any real positive type.

    The only choice to get the USA back to the Republic some of us older folks remember is to vote Bob Barr, Libertarian.

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    #38 – Mr. Biggun

    I don’t know about Bob Barr. He spent all that time in the ’90 dicking around with Bill Clinton’s extracurricular sex life, he was for the Patriot Act before he was against it.

    He seems like a Republican (which he was, before he wasn’t) in Libertarian clothing.

    At least he’s seen the light on medical marijuana, and is now for it (after he was against it), and is working to overturn his very own “Barr Amendment” that overturned a votor-approved medical marijuana initiative in Washington DC.

    It’s good to know that he’s going to Naderize McBush, though, siphoning off all the neocons and Republicans who just can’t stomach Mickey B and his abhorrent compaign.

  10. James Hill says:

    The break down as of now is 36% McCain/Palin, 56% Obama/Biden, and 8% Other. That makes sense for this group, and if McCain can’t motivate his base a little more than what the “Palin bump” (insert pregnancy joke here) gave him, the final results could turn out to be very similar.

    #1 – Good question: I’m voting for McCain specifically because Palin is on the ticket, but that’s because my wife lived in Wasilla for a time (and Anchorage for a good portion of her life).

    (Really, that’s the only reason. Ideologically, I don’t see Obama and McCain as that far apart [once you remove the pandering to their respective sides]. While I don’t get hot flashes while listening to Obama, unlike the left, the New York media, and Oprah, I think he’ll make a good President [I’ve assumed he will be the winner for a year].)

    I won’t be voting for McCain based on party loyalty, because he’s shown none while in office. I wouldn’t have been swayed to vote for McCain if he added Romney or Huckabee (Giuliani, maybe, but that has more to do with the man than the party).

  11. James Hill says:

    #39 – Worshiper, you’re kidding yourself to think Barr will have that kind of impact. Besides, the proper term is “Perot-ed”: Perot’s impact on Bush ’41 was much more dramatic than what Mr. Consumer Advocate ever did.

  12. Carcarius says:

    Have to vote O’Biden… I don’t agree with Palin as VP pick.

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    #41 – Jimbo

    >>Worshiper…. Perot’s impact on Bush ‘41 was
    >>much more dramatic than what Mr. Consumer
    >>Advocate ever did.

    Well, I don’t know about that, young fella. Perot certainly got more votes than Nader did, but the Dumbya/ Gore race was much close(Dumbya only won by 0.5% even after all the scrubbing of voter lists and judicial hanky panky).

    And I don’t recall there being the same disgust with Bush 41 as most reasonal Republicans (if you can imagine such a thing) feel for McBush.

    If it weren’t for the closet racist vote, Obama would win in an incredible landslide.

  14. McCullough says:

    Mustard- I know it’s illegal, but WTF. To the crooks in D.C., this ain’t nothing, taking bids on my vote…..what is your bid, sir?

  15. dave says:

    i will probably just pick random names who aren’t incumbents. chump-dumping time.

  16. rectagon says:

    Stephen Harper!!! WOO and HOO

  17. Mister Mustard says:

    #44 – McC

    >>I know it’s illegal, but WTF. To the crooks
    >>in D.C., this ain’t nothing, taking bids on
    >>my vote…..what is your bid, sir?

    After Marion “Goddamn setup…I’ll be goddamn. Bitch set me up!” Barry, I only deal in crack cocaine.

  18. KevinL says:

    All you black guys that don’t vote for McCain are biggots!

    All you men that don’t vote for McCain/Palin are sexist!

  19. Bill says:

    Tooo late!!! already voted absentee!!!

    I voted for the “other one”

  20. Terry Love says:

    As a Brit I can’t vote in your elections, but I wanted to see the results of the poll so I had to vote in the poll… Other seemed like the way out but a “I’m Not An American” option would have been handy and not scewd the results

  21. ECA says:

    tHE PROBLEM IS THE pres. dont have control…

  22. ECA says:

    THE PRES. dont control the CONGRESS or REPS…
    ANYTHING that is done is BROUGHT to him…
    ANYONE NOT in these 2 groups will have to fight 80% of these 2 groups..

  23. MarkP says:

    I find it interesting to see that even if we gave all of the “other” votes to McCain, Obama still wins this poll by ten points. Take away two or three percent from Obama for non-American readers who participated and he still wins by a whopping seven percent, which puts this poll in line with most of the majors.

  24. ECA says:

    17% OTHER..
    lets get 20%..

    that isnt the problem.
    the problem comes with those that dont have the intelligence to DECIDE. The only way they Choose, is by the number of times a person APPEARS ON TV.
    I would consider that MOST/Many/quite a few of those on this site are FAIRLY/MOSTLY/GENERALLY smarter then AT LEAST, 1/2 the nation.
    and I HOPE they think about BOTH SIDES. or even ALTERNATIVE sides of the coin.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    OK, so there are 1827 votes, 55% Obama, 27% McCain, 18% other. Since the Republicans control the software that means McCain wins by a razor thin 2,018 votes. It was close, but sorry Dems.

  26. Remember, it’s not who you’re going to vote for.

    It’s whom you’re going to vote for.

  27. ECA says:

    Lets see..
    Out of those polled,
    100million repub
    100million dem

    And the POLL on The nation only COUNTS them.

    It still leaves
    100million NOT of those parties.
    1/2 arent even registered

    Even if 20% of those Polled(dem/repub) are undecided..
    you still have 25-50 million NOT POLLED.. WHICH is a WHOPPING 10-20% on top of the UNDECIDED vote.

  28. Paddy-O says:

    #55 “Since the Republicans control the software that means McCain wins by a razor thin 2,018 votes. It was close, but sorry Dems.”

    Best post so far.


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