The American Boy – October 11, 2008:

It’s hard to believe how or why, but there really exists a subculture in America that is militaristic, hateful, vengeful, irrational and ambitious. These extremists are cancerous to progressive society and similar groups have had similar effect throughout the history of civilization. America’s version of the Taliban consists of fundamentalist Christians and their cult-like behavior.
It comes as no surprise that these people are oblivious to the irrationality of their thoughts and actions, but it is scary as hell. Undoubtedly, these people are very dangerous. Aside from spreading hatred towards homosexuals, women, and minorities, as of late they’ve successfully gained some political power. George Bush is their savior, a modern day Jesus, and if you wonder who the 25% of people that think Bush is doing a good job are, well folks, now you know.
It might seem all too innocent, but don’t make the same mistake we’ve made with other extremist organizations in the past. We let the Taliban and others flourish, organize, and it was only a matter of time before they became violent. It’s not that far away here. They already preach hate and destruction for those who don’t support them, encourage their members to not associate with societies in which they live, and various other sociopath behaviors. They’ve blown up abortion clinics, killing innocent civilians, doctors, and others. They are responsible for the 1996 Olympic bombing. They believe that the end times, of which they believe we are in, will be characterized by an army from God slaughtering all who don’t faithfully believe. It actually says the ground will run red with blood.

You can’t reason with them, much like the people who bombed the world trade center. You just have to realize that they are a huge threat and seek to minimize their impact on civilization. Modern day barbarians, they will seek to destroy all that is modern about America.

  1. deowll says:

    It’s not often that some one starts off by describing themselves when they make a post.

  2. Billy Bob says:

    Was that some sort of atheist Inquisition fantasy?

    “Admit you’re one of dem “religious fantatics”, boy, or I’ll use the taser on your testicles again!”

  3. Rich says:

    Is this an early April Fools prank? I went to one of those conservative Christian churches for years and never met anyone like that, nor even heard of anyone like that. No- I did see one of those types on “CSI” last night. These people you claim exist I put in the same category as cults who sacrifice babies, also bigfoot and Nessie. You must be taking some of Rush’s uppers.

  4. bobbo says:

    As much as I dislike magical non-think, I think the article makes a crucial error. It lumps all religious whack jobs into one monolithic group as if they were members of a single cult.

    In fact, nonsensical and hateful activities are taken on by a bunch of different idiot groups with different levels and types of beliefs. Calling them all fundies is fun, but not accurate.

    Prove me wrong by showing the abortion bombing groups ever met with the Munich terrorist cell, and so forth.

  5. justEd says:

    “You can’t reason with them,” “but we can make fun of them”
    I think that says it all. I can put up with and except any crack pot group as long as I can make fun of them

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #22, Dallas,

    The difference is in their tactics but that’s only because of the differences in the societies they operate under.

    EXACTLY !!!

  7. Paddy-O says:

    #22 Dallas, “The difference is in their tactics but that’s only because of the differences in the societies they operate under.”

    Yes, one society was founded on Christian principles, the other Muslim principles.

    What’s your point?

  8. #52
    “Uhh, you do know that since Christianity and Islam have the same roots — have you done much reading?”
    I am well aware of the dynamic roots of Islam and Christianity, though I am neither…

    As for Inquisitors and missionaries I have not enough room to discuss them here, however I may find a place in my blog in the future.

    “All the evil done in this world is done in the name of religion…. you have what I want…”my god told me to take it”. “my god is better than your god””

    I couldn’t agree with you more on this point,in fact, it trult pisses me off that a catholic thinks he can pray to Satan 6 days a week go to confession and all is forgiven.


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