The American Boy – October 11, 2008:

It’s hard to believe how or why, but there really exists a subculture in America that is militaristic, hateful, vengeful, irrational and ambitious. These extremists are cancerous to progressive society and similar groups have had similar effect throughout the history of civilization. America’s version of the Taliban consists of fundamentalist Christians and their cult-like behavior.
It comes as no surprise that these people are oblivious to the irrationality of their thoughts and actions, but it is scary as hell. Undoubtedly, these people are very dangerous. Aside from spreading hatred towards homosexuals, women, and minorities, as of late they’ve successfully gained some political power. George Bush is their savior, a modern day Jesus, and if you wonder who the 25% of people that think Bush is doing a good job are, well folks, now you know.
It might seem all too innocent, but don’t make the same mistake we’ve made with other extremist organizations in the past. We let the Taliban and others flourish, organize, and it was only a matter of time before they became violent. It’s not that far away here. They already preach hate and destruction for those who don’t support them, encourage their members to not associate with societies in which they live, and various other sociopath behaviors. They’ve blown up abortion clinics, killing innocent civilians, doctors, and others. They are responsible for the 1996 Olympic bombing. They believe that the end times, of which they believe we are in, will be characterized by an army from God slaughtering all who don’t faithfully believe. It actually says the ground will run red with blood.

You can’t reason with them, much like the people who bombed the world trade center. You just have to realize that they are a huge threat and seek to minimize their impact on civilization. Modern day barbarians, they will seek to destroy all that is modern about America.

  1. Jimbo says:


    Love your neighbor. Turn the other cheek. The world is to be won with the word of God, not Jihad. There can be no more different religions than Christianity and Islam.

  2. So, how many Americans have been killed by Christian Suicide bombers. Your so called Christian Extremist have been around since the pilgrims and have not tried to force radical changes.

  3. LinusVP says:


    The worst of the worst

  4. Personality says:

    #2. We prosecute for bombers in the US. If they could get away with it here, they would.

  5. Ron Larson says:

    Interesting. Most of the comments to the original post complain that the American Extremist are no where close to the Taliban when it comes to bad stuff. That is, these “American Taliban” are not going around murdering people like the Taliban are apt to do.

    These people do firmly believe that the nation should be based on the Bible, not man made laws. And of course THEY feel that they are the only ones qualified to speak for God and to interpret the meanings of the Bible. And they also feel that anyone who doesn’t submit to their rule must be outcast or destroyed.

    The problem with the argument that they are “better than the Taliban” is that we haven’t seen what these people would do if they took over a country, like the Taliban did to Afghanistan. I think it would descend into a madness. This has happened in the past within the Christian faith, large (The Spanish Inquisition), and small (The Salem Witch Trials) scale. The results were not pretty.

  6. Ron Larson says:

    [Fixed. – ed.]

  7. Stephanie says:

    The answer to your headline question is simple: NOTHING!

  8. Paddy-O says:

    SN asked, “What’s the difference between radical Islamics and radical Christians? Not much!”

    I denote differences in humans by deeds, not words.

    So, obviously there are too many “differences” to list.

    If you judge by something other than actions, I have no idea as it’s not important to me.

  9. Jeff says:

    I doubt the 25% that American Boy sites are the extremists that did the 1996 Olympic bombing. Most of those groups are anti-government and think Bush is too liberal and most in fact think that the voting is entirely rigged and don’t support our government at all. The people he describes are the white separatists. Eric Rudolph, who did the Olympic bombing hid in area known to not trust any government official, including the state officials. I doubt that they are part of the 25% of the Bushies.

  10. Ren says:

    Yes of course they’re exactly the same. Why the other day a member of our church decided that he didn’t want to be a member anymore so we had to behead him. Then there was the girl in the congregation that got raped, so we had to kill her too because she had disgraced her family.

    Anytime someone denounces us we have to take a good old fashioned jeehawd (that’s southern style) out on them and lynch them.

    Just go ahead and ignore the main difference between christians and muslims, when a christian bombs a building or kills someone that is an unbeliever we are going against the teachings of the church. When muslims do it they’re following orders.

    And next up, Apples and Oranges, OMG they’re both fruit so they’re exactly the same.

  11. Special Ed says:

    God bless our troops, especially the snipers!

  12. J says:

    # 8 Paddy-O

    “I denote differences in humans by deeds, not words.”

    How worldly of you. Your statement is simplistic and really is more applicable to judgment rather than comparison.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    #12 “Your statement is simplistic and really is more applicable to judgment rather than comparison.”

    Yes, if one person gets upset at you and says that want to kill you but does nothing, and; other turns your head inside out with a 12 gauge it isn’t useful data to compare.

    Got it. Thanks.

  14. Brian says:

    Fanatics of any type are bad, right, left, Christian and Muslim.

  15. Mister Ketchup says:

    “You can’t reason with them,” but we can make fun of them. These friendly, loving fundamentalists are the reason I conceal carry.

  16. Paddy-O says:

    #14 “Fanatics of any type are bad, right, left, Christian and Muslim.”

    So are shoplifters. But I wouldn’t compare them to suicide bombers…

  17. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – Jimbo – Love your neighbor.

    But invade countries.

    Turn the other cheek.

    And then kill the bastard who hit you.

    The world is to be won with the word of God, not Jihad.

    And the crusades were… ?

    There can be no more different religions than Christianity and Islam.

    Christianity is version 2 of Judaism. Islam is version 3. They’ve got a lot in common.

    #2 – azdavesoulsearcher – …how many Americans have been killed by Christian Suicide bombers.

    Not sure, but Christian fanatics have killed quite a few Americans over the years. Not to mention the Americans who join the military to carry out God’s plan.

  18. freddybobs68k says:

    If you are unable to see the parallels – then I guess you must be blinded by something.

    The piece makes a valid point. Yes, they are not precisely same. And yes, I don’t know of any Christian 9/11. But in terms of bombing the abortion clinic bombings seems pretty analogous to me. If your point of contention is that they aren’t suicide bombers – then that’s pretty weak.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    #18 freddybobs68k said, “But in terms of bombing the abortion clinic bombings seems pretty analogous to me.”

    So, since Christian & Muslim fanatics are pretty much the same in the US and let’s say Iran.

    Why don’t you announce here in the states that you are converting from Christianity to Buddhism and see what happens. Then, move to Iran and announce that you are converting from Islam to Buddhism.

    Since the two groups are pretty “analogous” to you, it should be no problemo…

  20. Why aren’t people bright enough to see the difference between ‘radical’ and ‘militant’?

    A radical Christian would, by the definition of the terms ‘radical’ the roots of the word ‘christian’, be extremely humble, extremely loving, extremely accepting, extremely giving. Those guys that kill in the name of Jesus are no more representatives of Jesus than China is representative of America’s atheists…… I hope.

    Militants are those misguided individuals who think that Jesus wants then to kill non-believers.

    See, this is the annoying thing. People make stupid sweeping statements about various Muslims or Christians and when these Muslims or Christians fail to consider the source and get offended it’s all “you’ve got no sense of humour! Your god doesn’t have a sense of humour, you’re so stupid”. Yet, on this website I made a comment in jest about stones turning into cats and guess what? You’d swear I’d just broken into someone’s house on Christmas morning and pissed on the kids’ toys for all the “that’s so not true! You’re an ass-hat” and so on. Even forgetting the fact that people around these parts don’t seem to understand the difference between evolution and natural selection, it’s still downright hypocritical.

    It’s ironic and the people who pride themselves on being independent thinkers seem to have the least self awareness.

  21. Dallas says:

    Agree there is very little difference indeed as both groups are motivated by a similar agenda.

    The difference is in their tactics but that’s only because of the differences in the societies they operate under.

  22. dwight david diddlehopper says:

    For all those idiots who think the two are equivalent I suggest they take a trip to Saudi Arabia some time.

    I hate the stupidity and cowardice of moral equivalence.

  23. jbenson2 says:

    What’s the difference between radical Islamics and radical left-wing Democrats? Not much!

    Bombing? check
    Terrorism? check
    Theft? check

  24. freddybobs68k says:

    @ #19

    The _act_ in pretty analogous.

    The result might be quite different – not least that in the countries you mention you have governments that support such ideas.

    You may have also noticed that America has been heading down that road for, oh, the last 8 years or so, and how well that’s turned out.

    So if your point is that America is different because it has a separation of church and state, then I’d agree. But if that were the case you’d have a hard time promoting the Republican christian fundamentalist agenda, and yet unless I’m much mistaken that’s is often what you appear to do.

  25. J says:

    # 13 Paddy-O

    Why are you so fucking stupid?

    No one said it wasn’t useful data to compare BUT THAT IS THE ONLY ASPECT YOU CHOOSE TO COMPARE. Therefore simplistic!!!!!


    # 14 Paddy-O
    “So are shoplifters. But I wouldn’t compare them to suicide bombers…”

    You are so dense!! Why not! It doesn’t pass judgment to compare. They both have a desire to take something that isn’t theirs! On one hand it is property and on the other it is a life. See easy to compare! No judgment passed just a comparison. Doesn’t make them equal but you can still compare. Just like with radical religion types. They all think that others are wrong and only they will be with god. It is about mindset!!! Not behavior. You are too stupid to realize that.

    You are one of the most NON thinkers on this board and you try to squeeze everything through that narrow play dough hole in your skull.

  26. Paddy-O says:

    #25 Just do the test and let me know how it goes. I like dealing with reality when it comes to human behavior. You may stick to only theory if you’d like.

    Good luck in Iran…

  27. freddybobs68k says:

    What the muppet test?

    Guess what. You passed with flying colors. Well done.

  28. Cursor_ says:

    The overall issue here is that we have naive people in the US that cannot for the life of them figure out that radical islam, radical christianity and radical judaism is all the same thing.

    NOT aprt of ANY of these religions. And that IF ANY of these people say they are their parent faith, they LIE. They are NOT muslim, not christian and not jews. They are wolves dressed as sheep.

    Wake up from your dream. JUST because someone says they are something does not mean they ARE that which they claim.


  29. James Hill says:

    This makes angry liberals, like yourself, hypocrites for criticizing Christians while defending Muslims.

    Good thread.

  30. J says:

    # 26 Paddy-O

    What the fuck do you think the major underlying cause of behavior is?



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