I’m not the stock expert that John C. Dvorak is, but it looks to me like the market is going to go up today. How far and will it last? Will it be a fast spike and then drop off? Is this the recovery or will it be a short flash in the pan? What’s your opinion? I’m buying.

  1. mattg says:

    Up today, but probably a dead cat bounce.

    Slightest itty, bitty hint of any non-perfgect news and the herd will spook. And you know what herding cats is like 🙂

  2. Dallas says:

    Unlike Bush’s approval rating, I think the market has hit bottom. Some tech stocks are crazy low. Seems like buying RIM before Microsoft takes them over is worth a look. Intel at $15? Sheesh.

    Me thinks God will keep the market flat lined until the elections so that the McBush/Betcha ticket takes a further beating.

  3. moss says:

    Could be. I don’t panic over the day-to-day. And I’ve completed the bottom-feeding I was looking for.

    I’m up 5-11% in the Asian markets overnight.

  4. Marc Perkel says:

    I’ve never tried Asian Trading – where do I learn that and what should I be interested in?

  5. Karanua says:

    Up in smoke maybe.

    Seriously I think I favour Adam Curry’s 6000 mark as rock bottom even though the 8000 baseline ties in with Dvorak’s cyclic crash theory.

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    The stock market will recover. Not all that was lost, given that much of the market was in a bubble to begin with.

    But it will recover. Much of the value of the stock market is in perceived value as opposed to real value. When the perceived value of the market is low (due in this case to bad mortgages killing banks and credit), then the low stock prices ensue.

    But now that the breath and width of the bad mortgages is fairly well understood, and who is affected and who is not, investors are more comfortable testing the waters and buying the stocks which are a steal right now.

    Therefore, the worst is over.

  7. QB says:

    Personally, I’m hoping for a drop in volatility.

    I don’t day trade (unlike some others, I’m glad people do day trade) but tend to invest for the longer term and diversify across a broad range. I keep a small group of stocks for fun but that’s money I could lose and not care.

    I make my money if my clients are healthy and their business is growing. I enjoy seeing people and companies succeed. I’d rather not hunker down and ride it out – life is too short for that.

  8. Max Bell says:

    Yay! The stock market is fixed! I sure am glad I saved that credit card they sent me in the mail.

    I’m gonna go buy a house. And an Escalade. Anybody else need one?

    *Laughs* Have fun, guys, and be safe out there. 😉

  9. Colorado says:

    I bought today too. And that’s almost a sure sign the market is going lower. Amatures always buy at the wrong time so I only put a bit of my savings back in. Background stories still say the market is really messed up. Not just a normal recession/correction, but something more serious and long lasting.

  10. James Hill says:

    This is an easy call, since the futures were up.

    The question is the +/- for the week, and if it cancels out the previous week. My guess is no.

  11. hhopper says:

    Looks like a lot of people think it might have hit a bottom. They’re all buying now. It’s up almost 600 points at 1:20 PM EDT.

    Apple’s up $8.50.

  12. meetsy says:

    oh yeah, market is just going to go up and up and up and up and up…invest ALL YOUR MONEY….hock the house and the jewelry and the kids, and sell the car, and put it all into stocks and more stocks. You’ll be a millionaire by the end of the month…..a zillionaire by the end of the year… buy buy buy, it’s going to just keep going UP…..
    Do dead cats bounce?

  13. MikeN says:

    Hey I thought going green was going to help create a new economy? Why is Iceland going bankrupt?

  14. ECA says:

    this is an adjustment to the value of the dollar…
    The FARTHER IT FALLS, the cheaper the goods, the MORE goods our money will be able to BUY..

    I also said BEFORE that gas prices are COMMODITY based and they were INFLATED…Prices are going DOWN, and OPEC didnt DROP the price of oil…

    THROW the baby OUT with the bath water…MAKE these folks WORK for this FREE MONEY…MAKE THEM USE IT CORRECTLY.. MAKE them SAVE their CORPS and companies, with THEIR OWN MONEY. The CORP/companies SHOULDNT BE Dependant on STOCK HOLDERS..

  15. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    Don’t worry, I take care of people who’s in stock market, They all seem to be 5million dollar 2nd homes up here. I can live with their bank account for at least 5 year without working.


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