The Independent – October 12, 2008:

John McCain’s beleaguered presidential campaign was yesterday struggling to weather yet another blow, after his running mate, Sarah Palin, was judged to have abused her power as Governor of Alaska when she and her husband sought to kick her former brother-in-law out of the state’s police force.

A report, issued on Friday by an investigator for the Alaska legislature, does not urge censure or any other punishment for Mrs Palin after she sacked the state’s top law enforcement officer. That was entirely within her rights as Governor, but, the report says, the action was partly motivated by the official’s refusal to bow to pressure to dismiss Trooper Michael Wooten, whose marriage to Mrs Palin’s sister ended in acrimonious divorce.

Online Journal – October 9, 2008:

Sarah Palin is dangerous. She is a loose cannon. She is more of a psychopath than Bush and Cheney combined and she needs to be muzzled and caged before she gets Barack Obama killed.

Never before in the history of US presidential campaigns has a candidate incited violence against an opponent until Sarah Palin came along, passionately telling rallies, in that screechy voice of hers, that Barack Obama pals “around with terrorists” and “I am just so fearful that this is not a man who sees America the way you and I see America,” causing someone in the Clearwater, Florida, crowd to yell out, “Kill him!”

Palin poured on more fuel Tuesday in Jacksonville, telling lies to a pumped up crowd bearing “No communists!” and “Palin’s Pitbulls” signs, “Our opponent voted to cut off funding for our troops. He did this even after saying that he wouldn’t do such a thing. And he said, too, that our troops in Afghanistan are just, quote, ‘air-raiding villages and killing civilians.’ I hope Americans know that is not what our brave men and women are doing in Afghanistan.”

Huffington Post – October 12, 2008:

Who is Todd Palin?

For seven years, from 1995 until 2002, he was a member of the controversial extreme right-wing Alaska Independence Party. This is a party whose principal goal is a statewide vote on whether Alaska should secede from the United States, and whose founder’s nuggets of wisdom, featured prominently on the AIP’s website, include “I’m an Alaskan, not an American. I’ve got no use for America or her damned institutions,” and “The problem with you John Birchers is that you are too damn liberal!”

  1. ramuno says:

    Lou, those guys are not “leftist Democrats.” They would not use such a term.

  2. Sarah P says:

    Wrong. I am known in Wasila for uniting people.

    For instance, I once saw an Eskimo and said “hey there chubby, come join me for a bald eagle egg scramble”. I set chubby up with a lesbian (assume it was) and now we are fish’n buddies.
    You can betcha the old man and I will do things right from the big chair and stuff.

    We need to be kill’n homos, not babies. Need to carry a big gun and a big stick. Heal with prayer not science. Get that oil right here under my feet – and your feet, too!

    My friends, rise up and go after those left wing, wacko, homo, commie, baby-killing, Arab, Muslim, terroists and ‘you know who else’ types taking over our country.

  3. Flip Wilson says:

    The word in the header “still” implies that Palin was at one time the “right” choice.

    The fallacy is she was a unbelievably misguided choice from the start.

    If nothing else is learned from this the lesson must be that McCain isn’t a very bright guy and likes to surround himself if people of are even less bright.

    Leadership is making choices that show intelligence.

  4. Ivor Biggun says:

    My God, this woman needs to be taken out and shot!

    What a bunch of mental pygmies who write this crap….

  5. Ivor Biggun says:

    My God, this woman needs to be taken out and shot!

    Clinton and Obama make Palin look like she’s in the rookie league of corruption.

    What a bunch of mental pygmies who write this crap….and even more morons who believe it.

  6. Saint Deomcraoticioarlo says:

    If she had been the democratic pick for vice she would be declared a Saint.

  7. Dallas says:

    If Obama were white, it would be a no contest election.

  8. Bob says:

    #8, so you are back on the Race card huh? If Obama wins are we going to have to put up with this Racism crap every time someone goes against the chosen ones policy?

    Newsflash for #8, most of the people who oppose Obama are doing because he is a Hyper-Leftist, Tax and Spend liberal, with ties to Terrorist, who thinks that if he talks to someone they will suddenly understand our point of view, and live in harmony singing “we are the world”.

    In fact Race has helped Obama much more than it has hurt him. If it weren’t for his race, he would not have beat Hillary in the Primaries. And do you honestly think that a huge amount of amount of Black people in this country are not voting for Obama just because he has the same skin color as they do? In fact I would bet that the amount of people that are voting for Obama because he is black is much more than those that are voting against him for the same reason.

    Their will always be individuals who are racist (I would be willing to bet most of them are black) and ignorant, but we as a society as a whole have moved past that.

    Ironically, I have found that the people who scream racism the loudest every time they have a problem, are usually the racists themselves.

  9. Stephanie says:

    I am not a Hillary fan but if we did a woman candidate side by side comparison, I would take Hillary in a heartbeat.

    Palin is crazy and her supporters are even crazier.

    I am beginning to think her balls are bigger than McCains.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    #1 – Illuminati

    >>More love from the tolerant leftist

    “tolerant Democrats”?? “Wake Up America” is about as right-wing a publication as you can find.

    If you’re referring to the protesters calling Sarah Palin a c**t, what the hey? McCain calls his own WIFE that, so it must be a term of endearment among republicans.

    In any case, as we learn more about Palin and those with whom she “pals around”, the more obvious it becomes that she’s not fit to be the Wasilla dog catcher, much less one heartbeat away from the presidency.

  11. Flatline says:

    #9 – “he is a Hyper-Leftist, Tax and Spend liberal”

    I’ll take tax and spend over the neocon model (spend and spend) any day.

  12. Flip Wilson says:

    Bob — please let go of your Obama Monkey doll, you’re gripping it so tight you’re about to rip it’s poor little head off.

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #9 Bob: Check out this video made during a recent GOP rally:

    After you’ve seen it, get back to us on that race card thingy. And answer this: why didn’t anyone around this guy say or do anything? Why didn’t the guards at the door (everybody gets searched) say something or stop him?

  14. Stinker says:

    Oh my goodness! You’re so right! I’m sure any day we’ll see YouTube video of Palin sacrificing babies that would have been aborted anyway, and Obama elevated to Sainthood.

    He is after all our only choice to avoid the apocolypse.

  15. MikeN says:

    Obama was a member of the out-there lefty New Party, and chummy with radicals like William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, and you’re complaining about Palin’s Husband?

  16. JSMcM says:

    I personally defused this issue when I told those two folks that Obama’s cool. No arab he.

    So now that the playing field is once again perfectly level, I just have to point out that my running mate has the best smile in all of politics.

    I’m JSMcM and I approved this message.

    P.S: That S does NOT stand for Snidely. It’s Sidney, as in Austria.

  17. QB says:

    #16 MikeN, you’re so predictable. 😉

  18. Jägermeister says:

    #9 – Bob – so you are back on the Race card huh? If Obama wins are we going to have to put up with this Racism crap every time someone goes against the chosen ones policy?

    And being a woman haven’t helped Palin? Seriously… Have Obama played the race card during his campaign?

    …with ties to Terrorist…

    Prove that Obama is a terrorist or has sympathies for terrorists, or shut up. And if you just could stop masturbating and see Sarah Palin for what she is, you might gain an IQ point or two.

    In fact I would bet that the amount of people that are voting for Obama because he is black is much more than those that are voting against him for the same reason.

    How many white people would be this openly racist? This said, you can’t prove your statement.

    Their will always be individuals who are racist (I would be willing to bet most of them are black) and ignorant, but we as a society as a whole have moved past that.

    There’s no reason to what you wrote. How the fuck could a relatively small minority have more racists than the white majority (unless there are no or very few white racists, which we both know isn’t true)? I believe this is your wishful thinking… just to justify your own racist opinions.

    Ironically, I have found that the people who scream racism the loudest every time they have a problem, are usually the racists themselves.

    You just have to look in the mirror.

  19. QB says:

    #20 Jägermeister, nice post. Bob was displaying an extraordinary amount of genetic drift.

    One thing has really disturbed me lately from some of my (seemingly) normal American friends. They tend to blame the meltdown in US financial industry on the “poor and blacks” who couldn’t afford their mortgages. I see some of that in Bob’s comments.

  20. Angus says:

    Let’s beat a dead horse over and over again. These stories were out the Friday she was selected. Reprinting it over and over again isn’t going to change a single vote that it hasn’t already changed.

  21. Jägermeister says:

    #21 – QB

    It’s unfortunate, but history is full of examples where the majority blame the minority for the ills in society.

    The Irish Examiner has a good article on Republican bigots (nothing really new, but still worth the read).

  22. Greg Allen says:

    Racist. Abuses power. Anti-American. Unqualified to lead. Secretive. Loves pork.

    Sounds like a perfect-fit for the GOP.

  23. Dallas says:

    #23 Pretty good article.It well highlights the tightrope McCain has to walk.

    He needs to keep the GOP racist, bigoted base enthusiastic yet not spew (at least not in public). This is an interesting dilemma and likely will be in business school teachings in the future.

  24. Montanaguy says:

    Bigoted? Hmm…sounds like the 97% of blacks who are not voting for the white candidate. Funny how the pen of liberalism only writes to the left.

  25. Dallas says:

    #26 I agree. Blacks are as much or more racists than whites. Is that what you wanted to hear? It is obvious.
    However, that is not the topic of the article I was responding to. Are you one of those tit for tat dudes?

  26. James Hill says:

    Angry liberals continue to fail at making any hay out of this, while still keeping her in the press.

    Think where the polls would be if you guys were smart enough to just shut up about her and let her fade away.

  27. Dallas says:

    #28 I certainly don;t want her to fade away. Her mouth is her weak spot.

    It is the McCain camp that is trying desperately to find a role for her big mouth. If she tries to say anything intelligent, it backfires.

    Now, spewing that Obama is an Arab, Muslim, terrorist, baby killing, radical is not playing too well. This is another tight rope McCain is walking. What do you do with “the Palin issue” ?

  28. Butthead says:

    #27 Dallas – “hu-hu-uh he said ‘tit’. hu-hu-uh”

  29. QB says:

    This is pathetic.

    Of course black vote will be overwhelmingly for Obama. He’s breakthrough candidate and that’s what happens.

    How do you think the Catholic vote was for Kennedy? How was the Mormon vote for Romney? If (probably when) Bobby Jindal runs for President what do you think the Indian American vote will be? How do you think evangelic white mothers will vote? Sarah Palin obviously.

    When there is a break out candidate they get a huge vote from their demographic. It’s not hate, it’s not bigotry, it’s pride.

    To view that as racism is truly self centered and shallow. Grow up and get a life.


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