Obama’s 95% Illusion – WSJ.com — Definitely an argument worth reading in its entirety to see how you are going to deal with a new order of things.

It’s a clever pitch, because it lets him pose as a middle-class tax cutter while disguising that he’s also proposing one of the largest tax increases ever on the other 5%. But how does he conjure this miracle, especially since more than a third of all Americans already pay no income taxes at all? There are several sleights of hand, but the most creative is to redefine the meaning of “tax cut.”

For the Obama Democrats, a tax cut is no longer letting you keep more of what you earn. In their lexicon, a tax cut includes tens of billions of dollars in government handouts that are disguised by the phrase “tax credit.” Mr. Obama is proposing to create or expand no fewer than seven such credits for individuals:

Found by Matt Duvall.

  1. Paddy-O says:


    SMB covers up to 500 employees. 58,594,000 out of 115,074,000 employed Americans work for that segment.

    Obama said he would raise taxes on ANY income over $250k/year.

    Those businesses fall under that.

    So, how is this going to increase employment in that sector?

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    #37 – O’Furniture

    >>SMB covers up to 500 employees.

    That’s a mighty generous definition of a “small business”. According to Wiki-whatever:

    A small business is a business that is independently owned and operated, with a small number of employees and relatively low volume of sales. The legal definition of “small” often varies by country and industry, but is generally under 100 employees in the United States and under 50 employees in the European Union..”

    I don’t think people are thinking of a 500-person enterprise when McBush and his acolytes whine about how Obama is going to drive Mom and Pop out of business.

    In any case, my original statement holds: Corporate taxes paid by businesses WILL REMAIN THE SAME, and the only people who will see higher taxes are small business owners that make more than $250,000.00/yr AND pay their taxes through personal income tax. I suppose there must be people out there who fall into that category, but I’ve never met or heard of any.

    More bullshit from the Party of Bullshit.


  3. contempt says:


    After cutting through all the opinion this statement gets right to it.

    “None of this is about voter fraud. None of it. Where any fraud has occurred, it’s voter registration fraud and has resulted in exactly zero fraudulent votes.”

    This is blatantly false because in Ohio there have already been those who have fraudulently registered then voted immediately afterward.

    Zero fraudulent votes – I think not.

  4. Jägermeister says:

    #36 – Mister Mustard

    Thanks. I’ll visit his blog from time to time. There was an interesting image on the first page… Now, if there was a fraud, then McCain is guilty by association. Isn’t that how it works nowadays? 😀

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    #39 – Temptie

    >>This is blatantly false because in Ohio
    >>there have already been those who have
    >>fraudulently registered then voted
    >>immediately afterward.

    What you conveniently fail to mention is that the fraud WAS PERPETRATED BY REPUBLICANS!!


    HAW HAW HAW! Got egg on yer face now, doncha? No wonder they call you “contemptible”.

    Now. If you have any links supporting election fraud perpetrated by the Dems (and no, Faux Spews, World Net Daily, and Michelle Malkin’s web site don’t count), post ’em.

    Otherwise, STFU.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    What most of you geniuses fail to recognize is that you have to have citizens to tax…two of my HIGHLY compensated executive friends have already left the U.S.

    Expect a lot more to follow. You have NO IDEA what BAIL OUT will mean…I’m talking about a REAL bail out…of wealthy citizens leaving the country.

    Who will Obama tax then? Oh, riiiight…all his community organizer friends who work for ACORN and their multi-registered homeless voters.


  7. James Hill says:

    This thread was won with the first post, which was so perfect it could not be replied to, and the liberals here continue to expose themselves as unintelligent and uneducated.

    Let’s move on to the next topic: Do we all agree that Mustard loves getting his ass kicked? That’s why he keeps coming back for more, right?

  8. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    How are these big corporate mofo gonna buy their 5th home in Bahamas, 3rd home in Hawaii and 7th home in Martha Vineyard with all this change!

  9. contempt says:

    #41 Mister Mustard

    I never mentioned who committed the fraud because I know both parties are more than capable and are probably guilty.

    The real crime is a process that allows same day register then vote. A system that opens the door to corruption and openly invites voting fraud. But then again we are talking about politicians looking for any advantage, legal or not.

    So I stand by my first statement – Zero fraudulent votes – I think not.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    #45 – Temptie

    >>I never mentioned who committed the fraud
    >>because I know both parties are more than
    >>capable and are probably guilty.

    Yeah, too bad only the REPUBLICANS got caught, huh? And not only did they get caught, they had the ball to try and turn around and blame it on the Dems.

    I knew they had no shame (or honor, or ethics), but this is a new low even for them. At least illegally scrubbing names from the voter lists and preventing registered (Democratic) voters from entering the polling booths doesn’t smack of the same fetid, stinking hypocrisy.

  11. Thomas says:

    > The only people who would seen
    > an increase are the microscopic
    > fraction of small business owners
    > who make over $250,000/yr AND
    > pay their taxes through personal
    > income tax.

    Rubbish. Have you checked how many LLCs or S-corps exist in this country? A good chunk of businesses with a single person and the vast majority of business with two or more people will make more than $250K in revenue.

    Apparently, the answer is yes.

    IMO, it is abundantly clear that Obama’s tax plans will cost most of the middle class more money no matter how he phrases it. The Democrats simply cannot help themselves. It is amazing how many clueless liberals would endorse an increase of taxes even if it meant a decrease in tax revenue.

    Yes, the Republicans are a mess but the Democrats are worse. Seriously, the Democrats should be running away with this election by 20 points or more and yet it is still close. If they can’t win this year, they are a worse grease fire than anyone imagined.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    #43 – Jimmy

    >>This thread was won with the first post,
    >>which was so perfect it could not be replied

    Heh heh. You’re rapidly becoming the John Sydney McCain III of dvorak dot org slash blog.

    You should quit when you’re only somewhat behind. Salvage any threads of your dignity that you can.

    Put on the velour smoking jacket, fire up a doobie, then go to bed.

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    #48 – Thomas

    >> A good chunk of businesses with a single
    >>person and the vast majority of business
    >>with two or more people will make more than
    >>$250K in revenue.

    Wel, if they pay their corporate taxes THROUGH THEIR PERSONAL INCOME TAX, then I guess they’re going to see it go up. TFB. Most people could live a fine life on $250K/yr, even if the taxes went up a few percentage points.

    I’d like to see some facts and figures from the McBush camp documenting just how many people we’re talking about.

    All the people I know who own “small businesses” pay corporate taxes through the corporation, not on their personal 1040. ESPECIALLY if the business has more than $250K in PROFITS (not revenue).

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Yes, the Republicans are a mess but the
    >>Democrats are worse.

    So you keep saying, but the facts say otherwise.


  15. contempt says:

    #47 Mister Mustard

    Before you get all pleased with yourself maybe you should consider the fact that Democrats also excel in corrupting one of the last voices we have and that is voting.

    You might even consider that Republicans are not your enemy but the politicians that are in the process of stealing all of our freedoms.

    I doubt you will, but it never hurts to suggest it.

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    #52 – contempt

    >>Before you get all pleased with yourself
    >>maybe you should consider the fact that
    >>Democrats also excel in corrupting one of
    >>the last voices we have and that is voting.

    I’m willing to consider it; I’m just waiting for someone to show me some credible proof. Bogus allegations in Ohio by Republicans who are, themselves, the actual perpetrators doesn’t do much to convince me.

    I’m sure that Strom Thurmond and the Dixiecrats were up to some naughty skullduggery back in the 40’s, but let’s see some evidence of the sort of nonsense that Republicans routinely pull that has been perpetrated by the Dems in RECENT history. Harry Truman? Adalai Stevenson? JFK? LBJ? Hubert Humphry? George McGovern? Jimmy Carter? Fritz Mondale? Dukakis? Clinton? Gore? Kerry? Barack HUSSEIN Obama?

    Show me the money, man! I’m waiting to be convinced!

  17. J says:

    For those still perpetrating the small business lie. THOMAS!


  18. LibertyLover says:

    # 35, I hate to tell you this, but I have fewer than a dozen people working for me and the only way I could keep my 1040 number down is to live month to month on credit.

    As I don’t that, I put the rest in the bank as operating capital. As the government sees that as profit (I’m a SubS corp), it looks like I make over 250k a year. I don’t pay myself that at all but the government sees it that way.

    Guess what is going to happen. I’ll either lay someone off or raise my rates. If I raise my rates, you’ll pay more.

    250k isn’t a lot of money. It comes to about the total payroll for a professional company of 12 or higher keeping three months in the bank for operating capital.

    Sure, I could pay corporate taxes, but the numbers are actually higher. Wasn’t the Nazis who said money not earned should be confiscated?

    If he’s elected, he’ll tax me out of business. Which would be an interesting prediction — I’ve always said that if I go out of business, it’ll be the government that runs me that way.

  19. contempt says:

    #53 Mister Mustard

    I’m afraid that convincing you would be an impossible task since only you can do that. But if you can put your politics aside long enough to see events for what they are then that will be a good start.

  20. Rick Cain says:

    I honestly don’t care about the welfare of the rich. They’re not the ones suffering in this economic disaster nor in any of the past ones.

  21. MikeN says:

    #41, that’s your example of voter fraud?
    That Republicans took a ballot and voted in the Democratic Primary? I don’t like it, but they are allowed to do that in Ohio and many other states. Nowhere does your link explain why these people are ‘challenged voters’ as the law they cite calls for.

  22. aartimus aardvark says:

    #55 You need a new accountant.

  23. John Paradox says:

    Put on the velour smoking jacket, fire up a doobie, then go to bed.

    Actually, that sounds like a good idea.



  24. LibertyLover says:

    #59, What would a new accountant do? The capital is either available or it’s not.

    If not, I can’t use it. If it is, it’s profit.

    Are there any accountants in the house that can tell me where I’m wrong here?

  25. bobbo says:

    #61–LL==I can see the box you are in and at first blush, it doesn’t seem “fair.” I’m no accountant but a quick google turned up “Accumulated Adjustments Account” which sounded like you could accumulate money in this tax free until distributed.

    I would think such a retention account should be allowed as a multiple of annual expenses and so forth?

    Anyway, the alternative of paying tax on it and retaining it for a rainy day also seems like a reasonable outcome.

    What are you crying about? Think it is theft to have any of “your” money taken at all by the government? Good Republican.

  26. JMcM says:

    Friends, we don’t need tax increases. All we have to do to raise more money is print it. Didn’t Reagan/Bush/Bush teach you anything?

  27. KevinL says:

    #61 – Sorry, this board is reserved for us members of the Professional Dunning-Kruger Effect Society.

    BTW, I thought a liberal tax cut was defined already as “not raising taxes as much as we planned.”

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    #58 – Lyin’ Mike

    >>What’s your example of voter fraud?

    RTFA, Mike. RTFA

    The law in Ohio, the Ohio Revised Code, is very clear on what Republicans have done. ORC 3513.20 says:

    Before any challenged person shall be allowed to vote at a primary election , the person shall make a statement, under penalty of election falsification, before one of the precinct officials, blanks for which shall be furnished by the board of elections, giving name, age, residence, length of residence in the precinct, county, and state; stating that the person desires to be affiliated with and supports the principles of the political party whose ballot the person desires to vote; and giving all other facts necessary to determine whether the person is entitled to vote in that primary election. The statement shall be returned to the office of the board with the pollbooks and tally sheets . . . .

    3599.36 Election falsification reads:

    No person, either orally or in writing, on oath lawfully administered or in a statement made under penalty of election falsification, shall knowingly state a falsehood as to a material matter relating to an election in a proceeding before a court, tribunal, or election official, or in a matter in relation to which an oath or statement under penalty of election falsification is authorized by law, including a statement required for verifying or filing any declaration of candidacy, declaration of intent to be a write-in candidate, nominating petition, or other petition presented to or filed with the secretary of state, a board of elections, or any other public office for the purpose of becoming a candidate for any elective office, including the office of a political party, for the purpose of submitting a question or issue to the electors at an election, or for the purpose of forming a political party.
    Whoever violates this section is guilty of election falsification, a felony of the fifth degree.

    Fifth degree felony. They may not have gotten caught (kind of hard to prove what the person was or was not “thinking”), but they committed a felony. Many states only allow people registered to a political party to vote in the primary for that party.

    That would really put a crimp in the Repugs’ style.
    A person that commits election falsification can face six to twelve months in prison as well as a $2,500 fine according to Ohio sentencing guidelines.

  29. Calin says:

    I just have trouble believing people buy into this old hat democratic theory. I mean, don’t the Dems control Michigan and California….how are their economies going?

  30. MikeN says:

    Maybe you should read the posts before you comment. So what makes these people ‘challenged person’?


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