• RIM may be acquired according to rumor.
  • AMD says no action against it for anti-trust accusations.
  • Oracle will continue buying spree.
  • Cell phone celebrates its 25th anniversary.
  • CBS throwing in with YouTube.
  • T-Mobile ordering up 1.5 million G1 Android Google phone.
  • Richard Garriott to go into outer space.
  • Open Office 3.0 appears to be a big hit.
  • Congress pushes RIAA Copyright Czar bill, Bush signs it.

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  1. Zybch says:

    So, a new version of Open Office eh? So will one of its new additions be a pre-installed bunch of people who actually use it?

  2. Sinn Fein says:

    Keep choking on it, Billy!

  3. Greg Allen says:

    I first erased MS Office and went to OpenOffice because it was free. (With Mac, Win and Linux computers, upgrades were killing me!)

    Now I actually prefer OpenOffice.

    The bloatware features of MS Office are a nuisance.

    I hope the OpenOffice people aren’t tempted to bloat things.

  4. sargasso says:

    More to me like a Copyright Ayatollah.

  5. James Hill says:

    The hype around the new Mac laptops is louder than all of these topics combined.

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    1) If you’re looking to lose some money betting, why not double down on your wagers that McCain is going to win?

    2) 25th anniversary of the cell phone, huh? Maybe by their 50th anniversary they will be able to produce a phone THAT MAKES AND RECEIVES CALLS RELIABLY, instead of packing it full of a millon stupid functions that nobody uses.

    3) If the Open Office interface makes you uncomfortable, don’t even THINK about using MS Office 2007. Gak. And they wonder why everyone hates them.

  7. Personality says:

    Yes, Monkeys do eat other monkeys. Meat is good for the brain.

  8. Ron Larson says:

    CBS isn’t on Hulu. Unless they joined recently and I didn’t notice.


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