We’ll try this, again. Someone – I can’t imagine who – had this yanked off YouTube; so, our last try ended quickly. Hopefully, it will stay up long enough for a few comments.

C’mon, now. All you McCain voters. Y’all sing along!

  1. Lou Minatti says:

    “I can’t remember EVER seeing John C. Dvorak post anything positive about Obama.”

    He doesn’t write anything positive about McCain, either. Perhaps because he is more of a libertarian than the Donk Party hacks who post here.

    So let’s stack it up: Dvorak, who doesn’t really support anyone, and the other posters who are in the tank for Obama.

  2. Personality says:

    Luckily for us, the South is less populated then the East coast and California.


  3. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Hank Senior is rolling over in his grave. Bocephus has f$cked his daddy’s song in the name of right wing politics. Shame on him.

  4. Freddi P says:

    Gee anyone who knows the real lyrics to this song would see that its the same old “Black is White” neocon garbage.

  5. McCullough says:

    #31. Minatti….you really are a tool.

  6. Nth of the 49th says:

    Too painful to watch, I could only go 60 seconds in.

    There’s a tear in my beer at what Jr. did to the song. MNF was bad enough Jr.

  7. #31 – Illuminati

    Illuminati, you really are a tool. 😉

    >>He doesn’t write anything positive about
    >>McCain, either.

    No, but he sho’ ’nuff do post a lot of negative stuff about Obama.

    The lack of anything positive about McBush is fully understandable. What on earth could he post that’s positive? McBush doesn’t have fecal and urinary incontinence? Yet?

  8. Paddy-O says:

    #10 “I can’t remember EVER seeing John C. Dvorak post anything positive about Obama.”

    That’s because JCD isn’t a fiction writer.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    #20 “We need to change the citizenship requirements for this country: starting with I.Q. and education standards. Criteria: critical thinking, logical deduction, etc.”

    That would wipe out the Dem base. Welfare recipients, poor inner city types, etc. The Dems would never win another election. Why do you think the Obama campaign is busing the homeless to the voting booth? He can’t win without that demographic.

    Don’t go there, you’ll kill the party.

  10. Brian says:

    #6 – Did you even read the post? It said it was taken down from YOUTUBE, not HERE you ignorant clown.

    Why is it so difficult to understand? Oh wait, duh, you’re a republican. You elected Bush to office – twice. Intelligence isn’t your strong suit.

    As far as the video goes, just goes to prove that they are about isolationism, about hate, about division. If they truly wanted to be the ‘party of inclusion’, they’d spend less time attacking the other party (who is kicking their asses in every single poll), and talk more about why they should be elected into office.

    That’s the biggest difference these days between the left and the right: the left wants to address issues, the right wants to attack people. Republicans are left wondering ‘why doesn’t anyone want to vote for us?’ It’s because people are sick of the negativity and the hate YOU SPEW.

    People wonder why their supporters show up to rallies with a ‘Curious George’ monkey wrapped in an Obama bumper sticker? When all you talk is hate, all you get is hate.

  11. J says:

    # 39 Paddy-O

    “Welfare recipients, poor inner city types, etc. ”

    Shows what you know. There are several members of Mensa and Intertel that are “poor inner city types”


  12. #41 – J

    >>Shows what you know. There are several members
    >>of Mensa and Intertel that are “poor inner
    >>city types” Dumbass!!

    Paddy O’Pinocchio gets confused when dealing with intelligent people. He doesn’t know any in real life, so he doesn’t know how to react.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    #41 “Shows what you know. There are several members of Mensa and Intertel that are “poor inner city types””

    Yes, I’m sure that a survey of poor inner city residents will show a preponderance of highly educated, high IQ types. ROFL!

  14. #43 – O’Furniture

    You better watch what you say about dummies. If they start imposing a minimum IQ limit on voters, you’ll be one of the first to be disenfranchised.


    O, O’Pinocchio. You crack me up!

  15. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    This place is full of McCaine ads!!!


  16. James Hill says:

    Liberals fail at life. This isn’t news, but I feel like stating it again. It is my house, after all.

  17. Amasa says:

    Great one, thanks.

    I’ve found so many great ones I collected them here at http://www.palin-parody.blogspot.com.


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