We’ll try this, again. Someone – I can’t imagine who – had this yanked off YouTube; so, our last try ended quickly. Hopefully, it will stay up long enough for a few comments.
C’mon, now. All you McCain voters. Y’all sing along!
We’ll try this, again. Someone – I can’t imagine who – had this yanked off YouTube; so, our last try ended quickly. Hopefully, it will stay up long enough for a few comments.
C’mon, now. All you McCain voters. Y’all sing along!
Bad Behavior has blocked 5695 access attempts in the last 7 days.
I’m SSOOO proud to be Canadian.
I want to be Canadian.
yee haw!
prolly the RIAA had it taken down…….
Oh, dear god! I don’t know whether to laugh or feel sorry for the old drunk.
That was just embarrassing. I can’t believe these people believe the shit they spew.
Go ahead, delete it. This is an Obama blog and I expect you to.
How much does the Obama campaign pay you?
I guess in this case, the apple fell pretty far from the tree. Hank Williams Junior shore ain’t no Hank Williams Senior.
My God….and you let these people vote??
Only in America.
# 6 Lou Minatti
You are such a douchenozzel!
#6 – Illuminati
>>Go ahead, delete it. This is an Obama blog
>>and I expect you to.
Do you even READ the posts on this blog? I can’t remember EVER seeing John C. Dvorak post anything positive about Obama.
And I see whoever posted the Howard Stern video indicated that “Adding comments has been disabled for this video.“. There’s some nice free speech for ya.
Anyway, everyone know that them thar bluegums is an inferior race, right?
Notice there’s no video in the “video”. They probably pulled some crack heads out of the gutter and asked them the questions.
This actually made me feel bad for Palin. She looks like she’d rather be somewhere else.
From the YouTube comments:
“Make Your Daddy Proud, Hank !!!
Vote McCain
Not Hussein
The differnece between ObAMA & OsAMA is just a little B.S.
he for got to add “HIC….BUUUUUUUUUURP”. And then a little fartie for good measure.
ya’ll will have to excuse ol’ Jr. he has been to busy hunt’n, drink’n, getting high and think back on all those fond memories of beating his son to really keep up with what has been going on.
#13 – comhcinc
>>all those fond memories of beating his son
Don’t forget about the waitress-beating. He beat a waitress in Memphis and got hisself arrested and thowed in the clink.
He’s an equal-opportunity thug.
I’m glad I don’t wear cowboy boots anymore.
Unf***ing believable !!
They should issue “I’m With Stupid —>” tee shirts to everyone that attends these things.
I want to move to Darfur.
Ladies and gentlemen, these are what we call “values voters” and “dittoheads.” They may look harmless enough, but please keep your hands inside the vehicle at all times to avoid provoking them as we drive past. Some of them have been known to bite or scratch when disturbed. Thank you.
What a fitting song for the Campaign of Grandpa.
Maybe he get get a reunion of Hee Haw to endorse him next.
We need to change the citizenship requirements for this country: starting with I.Q. and education standards. Criteria: critical thinking, logical deduction, etc. The infrastructure alone for such a radical and fundamental would likely make America a truly better place… and likely force me to continue my higher education for another four year. Oh well, I might just do that anyway…
Wait, I was supposed to comment on this: while sad, this is just another example of the American condition; we as a society have failed ourselves and this is the tragic result.
1: Actually, aren’t the conservatives up in Canada due to have their asses handed to them tomorrow, too?
The DU poll is damned interesting. I’ve had a suspicion that there are going to be a lot of republicans sitting out this election.
Skip the presidential election if you must, but don’t forgo the rest of the election just because McCain blows.
As Homer said “U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, U.S.A, ”
Ever wonder why the USA is all screwed up ?
wow, thats just disgusting. what the fuck is the matter with republicans? they are some of the most ignorant creatures on the planet.
Is it really possible to rhyme friction and tradition?
Condition and tradition, yes. But not friction. Dumb rednecks. And you just KNOW they’ve actually tried to put lipstick on their pigs and pit bulls.
Is this a sign of the end of days?
It would be great to have some one bring and end to this suffering and evil. I need an imaginary friend like Palin’s god
I heard a bad euphemism from of all people, a teen in a McCain Palin t-shirt. She referred to teenage pregnancy as being Bristoled.
At least on November 5th we will not have to listen to any more campaign crap.
Does voting just encourage them?
An again another prime example of why voting for real change will NEVER work.
It must be physically done by the citizens of The Republic.
Disgusting? Why is that?
I thought it was a little bland but that’s really it.
If these nuts ever find a Hitler type leader, I can see them becoming very dangerous. Thank god I live in Ireland.
He shore gut a perrty mouth.