Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain is slated to make an appearance on David Letterman’s show Thursday, three weeks after he raised the ire of the generally mild-mannered host by canceling his scheduled appearance at the last minute, citing his decision to suspend his presidential campaign because of the financial crisis.
“This doesn’t smell right,” Letterman said then, during a routine that only half appeared to be a joke. “This is not the way a tested hero behaves. Somebody’s putting something in his Metamucil.”
Letterman didn’t appear to buy the Arizona senator’s explanation for the cancellation, showing the audience a live feed of McCain preparing for an interview with CBS anchor Katie Couric.
What Letterman said at the time was – “Here’s what you do if you are running a campaign in the middle of an economic crisis and it’s about to crater.”
Thing is, it’s probably just as true – now – about going hat in hand back to the Letterman Show.
McCain is trying to win over some more votes since he has been sagging since the first debate. This is not the way to do it. Letterman will destroy him with one liners to his face.
Letterman “generally mild-mannered”??? What planet are you from??
I agree McCain should go on TV and embrace that fancy magic box that shows talk’n people and stuff. The opportunity to reinvigorate his dying campaign is there just by having Letterman tell jokes and get people to giggle.
I’m all for it but hope Obama comes on next to show the contrast between the two candidates.
BTW, like I predicted when this first happened…he will get more viewers now than he would have the first time he was slated to appear.
Letterman ought to cancel McCain hours before the show and invite Katie Couric instead.
[Har! – ed.]
I get to do the top ten list!
I get to do the top ten list!
I get to do the top ten list!
I get to do the top ten list!
I get to do the top ten list!
I get to do the top ten list!
I get to do the top ten list!
I get to do the top ten list!
I get to do the top ten list!
I get to do the top ten list!
10: No lady, he’s not an arab.
9: Sorry buddy, you don’t have to fear him.
8: No, sir. As far as I know, he’s only 50% black.
7: Yes, my friend, he does have a heterosexual relationship with his wife.
6. Of course he eats arugula. Doesn’t everybody?
5. I disagree strongly with his height.
4. He voted against the war, that’s true, but so did I. Kidding.
3. The only reason he went to Iraq was because I told him to.
2. He gutter balled.
1. This is not about him, it’s about Sarah!
Er… what was the question?
#6 Very good. I like number 6 and 8. !!
Much ado about nothing. America’s fascination with vapid entertainment.
8: No, sir. As far as I know, he’s only 50% WHITE.
JMcM, I acknowledge the Buddha within
Since when has Letterman held strong on anything like this? He’s going to make McCain look good… which McCain strongly needs.
His first question:
“So, what’s the deal with that crazy Alaskan chick?”
Who the heck does Letterman think he is anyway?
Screw this, I wanna see Palin on The View!!!
McCain flip-flops.
Dave sure to give John a “WEASLE AWARD” !!!
I’m reprising my top 10 for the occasion. What’s yours?
Top 10 reasons McCain couldn’t make the David Letterman show:
10. Pudding day at the old-folks home.
9. Couldn’t decide which car to take.
8. On his way to the show he remembered he left the iron on but forgot which house.
7. Thought Dave was a Gook but later realized it was just a POW flashback.
6. He realized at the last moment he made a date with both Katie and Dave for the same night.
5. Actually went to see Dave’s mom. He new where Dave would be.
4. Just practicing lying skills for the presidency.
3. Katie’s prettier.
2. Doesn’t like all that rock music Paul makes.
1. Got stuck standing in line at the bank.
#13 – If you’ve watched Letterman, he was getting pretty masturbatory over Oprah a few years ago. That’s just the way he is.
Is Letterman even relevant anymore?
Guy hasn’t done anything new since 1-800-Meatbags and Big Ass Ham!
The road to the doghouse runs right through here.
#18 “Masturbatory”? Love it. It’s coarse language, yet so so suave.
Since it’s not really a word (outside the Bush family) it may even pass the censors!
#21, it is a word. I guess this means you’re an idiot.
I’m going to love the tension that is sure to be present.
I just hope it doesn’t resemble anything close to O’Reilly’s appearance on the Late Show.
@22 – Masturbatory Mike
You’d be the one to know!
Not to worry, though. There’s help available for your syndrome.
Is Letterman still on?
#25 – LinusVP – Is Letterman still on?
No, but McCain insist on coming anyway.
#26, Jag,
McCain insist on coming
Did they tell him he was appearing in the Sarah Palin porn flick?