(Click photo to enlarge.)

The little known country of Ricechekeslovakia fields its first Olympic swim team.

  1. arkay says:

    With these new McDonald’s uniforms, NOBODY WANTS TO WORK AT THE DEEP FRYER!!!

  2. Thomas says:

    Dvorak is GAY?

  3. brixi says:

    Urla Ratko: “Sunce vam prebijem kalajsano!”

  4. bubbaray says:

    $5 foot long

  5. Balbas says:

    Grab ’em by the tail with both hands — that’s how I used to fish for tuna when just a lad.

  6. envirotex says:

    “Defend more like a bear”

  7. uther3867 says:

    the guys who looks like mario: now boys those pizza’s have to be at the other end of the pool in one minute or your all fired.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    “One weekend in Wasilla and look what you guys do in the pool!!!”


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