(Click photo to enlarge.)

The little known country of Ricechekeslovakia fields its first Olympic swim team.

  1. Brett says:

    Croatian Trainer: “Nooo you Freddy Mercury clones, this is how the real Freddy does it! Now watch!”

  2. Floyd says:

    Swimmer, thinking: “And they said these checkered flag logos on our funny hats would help us swim a lot faster…”

  3. artfreek101 says:


  4. Mike says:

    …you put your back side in, and you shake it all about…you do the hokey pokey

  5. jasmoe4 says:

    “And his mustache was this big!”

  6. Techie Guy says:

    Regards comment #2…

    They’re not swimmers… they don’t wear helmets like those… I’m pretty sure this is a water polo team. The ear protection is there on those head coverings. Those polo balls can be thrown quite hard.

  7. “…and when I finally reeled that bastard in, it was THIS freckin’ BIG!”

    “I’m gonna break your neck!”


    “Did you see the SIZE of that floater!”

  8. nolimit662 says:

    And his winky was THIS BIG!!!!

  9. Aaorn says:

    “It’s got Sony guts”

    (SNL-Tom Hanks)

  10. John says:

    There’s a Borat joke here somewhere, I just haven’t decided what it is yet.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    Come on Sarah… one more push…

  12. Oil of Dog says:

    Does that make my ass look fat????????

  13. Stephanie says:

    “Bob’s Big Boy was the inspiration for our uniforms.”

  14. AlanB says:

    Jesus Chr*st man! Put your trunks back on!

  15. badinoff says:

    The little known country of Ricechekeslovakia fields its first Olympic swim team.

    [Har! Very clever! – ed.]

  16. Libertican says:

    How vany timez haz I told you to not peez in zee vaater? No, Adolf, do not liez to mee. Theez zwimzoots temperature eez monitored by the damn chineez. Getz out! Schnell!

  17. latergater says:

    “After Steroid testing was dropped for the women’s Water Polo matches at the 2012 Olympic Games, some teams decided to not wear their bathing suit tops.”

  18. mouring says:

    “How can he swim with it being THAT big!”

  19. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “Again, I am telling you. They are not gay! Those are committee approved bathing suits. I swear! Why won’t you believe me? How many times….”

  20. James Hill says:

    “No! You put the ball in the goal!”

  21. jim h says:

    “When I get my hands on the guy who designed these outfits…”

  22. Looks all pretty serious to me
    Time to go swimming guys

  23. the Answer says:

    What did you boys do to my picnic tablecloth??

  24. ECA says:

    Ok, who DOOD it in the pool?
    not me
    not me
    not me

    not me..
    LOOK at the color of that water!
    Is it supposed to be that color?
    Iv never seen it that color before…
    REF’ REF’ what is in this water?
    Nothing.. its clean.
    CLEAN! but it isnt brown..

  25. Jim says:

    “What game? I’m telling you, those gazongas were THIS BIG!!!!”

  26. DDub says:

    “No-a one-a gonn-a stop-a team-a pizzeria!”

  27. gglockner says:

    Fluffy! FLUFFY?!? Anyone seen fluffy-wuffy wittle snookems?

  28. hhopper says:

    OK guys… let’s go make some burgers!

  29. BrimstoneAshe says:

    Dat’s a one spicy meatball!

  30. clone4crw says:

    “…And then that bastard jumped on my back, and before I could do anything, he…”


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