And, I bet, here in the US, too. Actually, this is good news. More young’uns to pay for my Social Security! And for those of you conservative commenters who oppose government things like SS, I assume you will not be hypocrites and will refuse to take SS payments, Medicare, etc when you are eligible. Right?
BRITAIN is heading for a baby boom as couples nip to the bedroom to beat the credit crunch blues.
Sales of maternity clothes and baby gear have shot up with lovers getting busy between the sheets.
And experts say it is all because of the global financial meltdown. Brits have taken to spicing things up at home in a bid to save money.
Instead of heading to the pub or out for a meal, many of us are having steamy nights in – causing a surge in pregnancies.
No matter what you do you are f*cked.
In regard to the quote below:
“And for those of you conservative commenters who oppose government things like SS, I assume you will not be hypocrites and will refuse to take SS payments, Medicare, etc when you are eligible. Right?”
If they would quit taking my money then I wouldn’t expect it back later. The ability to opt out of SS would be like early Christmas.
Quoting from the Daily Star these days? Jeez…
How is having babies saving money? You’re better off going to the bar instead of knocking someone up. Having a kid costs way more money than going out all the time. This story makes absolutely no sense at all.
#2, Ditto. Liberals seem to want me to pay for their bad planning, but get mad when I actually want the money back that I put into the crappy system.
Let me stop paying SS taxes, and I will gladly never make a SS claim when I get older. But if I am going to be forced at gunpoint to pay it, then I sure as hell am going to claim it later.
#6, no kidding.
I’d have less of a problem with SS if I was paying for my own retirement. Paying for someone else’s, and having someone pay for mine, is downright immoral.
How many ways is there to say the same thing? Each paragraph in this story is a near 100% repeat of the previous just with different words. What is up with that?
#6 and Clones:
Although I may not have the choice if I take it or not. I don’t think it will be available by the time I retire.
Tut, Uncle Dave, getting info for the blog from the Daily Star of all places?
You’ll be quoting the Sunday Sport next.
Typical unintelligent commentary from Uncle Dave. No wonder the liberals around here lose so bad.
As for the story, I don’t buy it. Birth rates go up after good events, not bad.
Rule of the Idiot(insurance policy are based on)
That for EVERY 100 people, that only 5 will survive to retire.
Unless we protect them from themselves..And the way things are going, there is to much PROTECTION.
Let the idiots be IDIOTS..
The problem comes with injuries..
1. we dont FIX THEM, so they can work.
2. Medical community dont CARE for you, if you are poor or cant afford the treatment. They would rather fix 1 little thing at a time, and let a 3rd rate Doc keep fixing you for ALONG TIME, while the gov pays.
That’s a BS explanation. More plausible is people’s retirement portfolios ost value, so they are having kids to take care of them when they get older.
Lose what? Is there a game on or something? I guess that’s how Repuglicans view it, which makes sense. Black / white. Right / wrong. Stupid / idiotic…
If birth rates go UP when times are good, why are the poor so burdened with children? Simple… when you don’t have money, the only thing you can do for entertainment is screw your wife. And, similarly, when you’re poor, screwing your wife results in children since you can’t afford birth control. I know, as a republican, you’ve never hear of birth control other than God promises and Asprin between the knees, but it does exit.
To further prove my point, the US is one of the most prosperous nation. What’s the birth rate of the white, anglo-republican base that’s NOT inbred? Probably pretty low. That’s why you guys LOVE Mexicans. Guaranteed SS benefit payments!
This blip won’t change Britain’s population decline and absorption by Islam.
Uncle Dave I thought you’d be a population control fanatic who’d be advocating mandatory abortions. Who knew that you find it more important to tax future citizens to support your lack of savings during your working years?
“The ability to opt out of SS would be like early Christmas.”
Until you are broke in your old age and want the gov to bail you out anyway.