As corruption goes, this is relatively minor considering what past Presidents and Vice Presidents have done. But how it was handled is an indication of ability, intelligence and so on. The sort of thing needed when planning military actions, political maneuvers and other complex tasks.
Based on this, sounds like if Palin ever became Prez, her administration would be on par with The Mouse That Roared. Speaking of which, perhaps we should follow the film’s lead: to get out of financial crisis start a war we can’t win and… Oh, yeah. We tried that already.
What the Troopergate Report Really Says – TIME
Friday’s report from special investigator Stephen Branchflower to Alaska’s Legislative Council answered some basic questions about the political and personal bog known as Troopergate.
Was the refusal to fire Mike Wooten the reason Palin fired Commissioner of Public Safety Walt Monegan? Not exclusively, and it was within her rights as the states’ chief executive to fire him for just about any reason, even without cause.
But the Branchflower report still makes for good reading, if only because it convincingly answers a question nobody had even thought to ask: Is the Palin administration shockingly amateurish? Yes, it is. Disturbingly so.
A harsh verdict? Consider the report’s findings. Not only did people at almost every level of the Palin administration engage in repeated inappropriate contact with Walt Monegan and other high-ranking officials at the Department of Public Safety, but Monegan and his peers constantly warned these Palin disciples that the contact was inappropriate and probably unlawful. Still, the emails and calls continued — in at least one instance on recorded state trooper phone lines.
BTW, just like with McCain, Palin isn’t finding the love out there anymore among ‘supporters.’
#27 – J. Benson II
>>We can’t talk about Obama’s…..
Sure we can, and we’ve talked all those points to death. None of them hold any water.
And Obama is still kicking McCain’s ass:
…the gap is getting wider by the day. Watch for McCain to get a jolly good rogering on November 4th.
Get a napkin neo-cons … your getting your froth and spittle all over everything.
#30 LibertyLover, I already viewed you as a skeptic. Yes, that’s a compliment. 😉
Clearly, God wants Obama to win as he made all this happen in the last 2 months to raise awareness to voters that Obama is the chosen one.
*Did it rain at the Dem convention? No
*Did hurricane disrupt the GOP convention? YES
*Financial balloon burst just in time? YES
*Did Palin’s stupidity trump her lipstick? YES
*Did McCain proponents boo him in public? YES
*McCain financial adviser say economy fine? YES
*Did national debt sign run out of digits? YES
Why are the Republicans against God’s wishes? It just does not get any more clear than this. Keep checking your toast and you will see Obama on it. Hurry before it is too late.
We’ve had a naive idiot simpleton for 8 years, we don’t need another one.
>> Paddy-O said, on October 12th, 2008 at 9:22 am
>> #22 “There is NOTHING to this Ayers nonsense.”
>> Then answer the question…
>> Thought so.
Obama had no meaningful relationship with Ayers so why would he even bother to vet the guy?
Have you ever served on a board?
I’ve served on several and I have NEVER thought to vet the other members on the board. NOBODY DOES THAT.
That’s why your question is bogus.
The question is simple. That you can’t stand to answer it is predictable.
#39 “It’s like me asking,
“Why didn’t George Bush know that Dick Cheney sold his soul to the Devil in 1982? ”
Umm, more like asking why didn’t GB know that Manson was involved with the Tate murder. And when he found out, thought Manson had been rehabilitated.
So, answer the questions…
Somewhere around Nov 6 or 7 the right wingnut press will turn on Palin…hoo boy, that’s going to be a treat.
#28, Liberty Loser,
Actually, the inflation was not caused by the oil embargo, it was caused by price-fixing by the government as a result of the oil embargo.
So as a result of the oil embargo and Ford’s reaction, the wheels of inflation commenced. Ok, wanna buy a bridge?
Hoover did exactly the right thing. Unfortunately, the it was Fed that caused the depression by trying various bailout schemes (sound familiar?) with the Bank of United States (which was a private bank with a names a lot people were jealous of). If the Fed hadn’t been involved, the situation wouldn’t have been any worse than the Panic of 1903
It was almost the exact same scenario we have today that caused the 1928 crash. Banks lent money to people to buy stock on margin. When the stock market took a dive the loans, backed by now devalued stock, couldn’t be repaid. As more banks called in their stock loans, the more people tried to dump their stock. Only there were no buyers, only sellers. The banks lost money and many closed.
Today we have banks holding mortgages worth less than the value of the homes. People aren’t buying homes right now. Because so many people (over 600,000 so far in 2008) have lost their jobs, many mortgages are now in default. The banks have again lost money and only the FDIC has kept them open.
In both cases the banks hold (held) devalued paper. Since they can’t meet their obligations, the recipients suffered and often closed. On Friday a local company that makes copper connectors closed its doors. They weren’t in debt. Well, they weren’t in debt until the metals commodities value crashed last week meaning the company owed more on its copper inventory than what it was worth. The bank wouldn’t meet their payroll until they made up the difference.
The 1903 recession was caused by Roosevelt’s Trust busting, the increase in labor unions and the 1903 coal strike. By spring of 1904 everything was rosy, the recession lasted less that 8 months.
BTW, the President only nominates the Chairman of the FED. The private banks elect the regional Presidents and compose the Board.
If you guys want to rewrite history why don’t you name it something like Liberistory or bullshit stories, or something equally as stupid.
If this election wasn’t so important all of this crazy sh*t would be entertaining. I picked a great time to run out of weed. 🙁
I will say it again. Obama\Biden will win by a landslide or large margin. LOL
You Republican hate mongers and apologists can talk all the shit you want because you are going to lose big time and I know it is just eating you alive inside. All I can say is you reap what you sew! You talked a lot of shit about how your Republican values and how they are good for America. If this is your idea of good then you are as stupid as we think you are.
BTW Don’t continue to blame the housing market either. The financial problem is much deeper than that and you fucking know it! Trying to lay the blame at the feet of Fannie mae and Freddie mac is a LAME fucking attempt to ignore the facts.
I hope you enjoy watch a REAL president run the country for the next 8 years and then his partner for the following 8. Hell I will be surprised if a Republican holds the White House in the next 20 years. You will be surprised because you thought GW Shrub was going to show us liberals how a country should be governed. I guess that didn’t work out to well for you did it? Now we will show you how it is done. DIPSHITS!!!!
#41, Liberty Loser . . . and losing more each day.
I am not sure what you are saying here. If you are implying that the ultimate cause of the inflation was the oil embargo, I have to disagree. Inflation is not cause by lack of product (though that will inflate the price unless things settle back down). It is caused by the printing of too much money (the term “inflation” in a financial sense originates from the phrase “inflation of the money supply.”). This, combined with the legislature in 1974 and 1979 that fixed the price of oil below what the market demanded cause the ripple, which turned into a wave — because oil is used in WAY more things than just your gas tank.
If inflation were as simple as just a shortage of product, the prices would eventually drop back down as more product is produced. The fact they stay high is because the dollar is worth less because there are too many of them in “circulation.”
By restricting the price of oil, the market thought there was more of it than really existed. This was transmitted to things like, forex, plastic bag manufacturers. However, as they tried the buy the oil to make the plastic, they couldn’t. They had all these people on the payroll, standing around waiting on the oil. The company had to recoup that somehow — and they did by raising the price of the plastic bags.
The drawback is the price ended up being higher than if they had just paid the market price for the oil.
GD I agree what started the events leading the GD. However, the reason it lasted as long as it did is because of the Fed “contracting” the money supply. This time, however, they are gambling an inflation of it will work.
In 1903, when a run began on the Knickerbocker Trust, there were no controls to prevent it from happening. All the banks got together and restricted the amount anyone could withdraw any given time. This is what saved the industry at that time — not government or Fed intercession. That run had the potential to be as bad as the GD.
BTW, the President only nominates the Chairman of the FED. The private banks elect the regional Presidents and compose the Board.
And that is problem. The government should be handling the money supply (as dictated in the Constitution), not a private company. As someone who has repeatedly stated that those billionaires are screwing things up, perhaps you should consider just why they have that kind of power.
#44 Correct. Anyone who wants to see this should get a hold an inflation graph for the last 200 years. Note the graph from early this century compared to that before.
Also, the introduction of the “income tax bracket” system was a huge incentive to constantly jack up inflation. As inflation pushes up wages people are pushed into higher and higher brackets. Thus increasing the % of total adjusted $ into the gov’t coffers.
Given the option most people would vote to send everybody in Congress home for keeps.
Given the option most people would vote to make everybody running for president leave the country.
The evidence suggests most of our elected reprsentives are incompetent at best and so are the people running for President.
Do you begin to get a clue about feeling the love? You want one of these people to hold office? Please feel free to join them in leaving our nation.
Have a great day and may God bless and keep you hopefully anywhere but here.
#44, Loser,
Inflation is not cause by lack of product (though that will inflate the price unless things settle back down). It is caused by the printing of too much money (the term “inflation” in a financial sense originates from the phrase “inflation of the money supply.”).
Wrong. Plain and simple. You are wrong. Inflation is the increase in price, deflation is a decrease in price. The cause of the inflation (or deflation) may be varied.
In economics, inflation or price inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services over a period of time.[1] The term “inflation” originally referred to increases in the money supply (monetary inflation); however, debates regarding cause and effect have led to its primary use today in describing price inflation.
The rest of your post is equally bull-shit. Typical Libertarianism arguments. Do you also believe the Federal Government may not constitutionally impose an income tax?
#44, Loser I asked my son when they stopped calling each other names — he said grade school. And to think all this time I was talking with an adult.
In economics, inflation or price inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services over a period of time.[1] The term “inflation” originally referred to increases in the money supply (monetary inflation); however, debates regarding cause and effect have led to its primary use today in describing price inflation.
You are so gullible. OF COURSE they would change the definition. It’s easier to blame price increases on OUTSIDE influences than your own policy.
However, seeing I am dealing with a grade-schooler, I wouldn’t expect anything less.
Income Tax But, of course. It’s theft.
#48, Loser,
Just keep drinking the Kool-Aid. Please, drink more, I find you so tiring.
#49, You asked for my opinion. You state facts biased by your moral code instead of on sound historical facts. Of course I am boring. The truth usually is.
I just have one more question for you (well, a series of questions). You may treat it as rhetorical if you don’t feel like answering.
If products are just as scarce as they were before, why would prices increase in a short period of time? We can’t blame an increase in demand because the same number of people requested it.
A 17% inflation rate over everything? How is that possible unless the dollar was worth less?
And why would the dollar be worth less if the quantity of them didn’t change?
You mean that a loaf of bread mysteriously increased in value by 17%? Why?