As corruption goes, this is relatively minor considering what past Presidents and Vice Presidents have done. But how it was handled is an indication of ability, intelligence and so on. The sort of thing needed when planning military actions, political maneuvers and other complex tasks.
Based on this, sounds like if Palin ever became Prez, her administration would be on par with The Mouse That Roared. Speaking of which, perhaps we should follow the film’s lead: to get out of financial crisis start a war we can’t win and… Oh, yeah. We tried that already.
What the Troopergate Report Really Says – TIME
Friday’s report from special investigator Stephen Branchflower to Alaska’s Legislative Council answered some basic questions about the political and personal bog known as Troopergate.
Was the refusal to fire Mike Wooten the reason Palin fired Commissioner of Public Safety Walt Monegan? Not exclusively, and it was within her rights as the states’ chief executive to fire him for just about any reason, even without cause.
But the Branchflower report still makes for good reading, if only because it convincingly answers a question nobody had even thought to ask: Is the Palin administration shockingly amateurish? Yes, it is. Disturbingly so.
A harsh verdict? Consider the report’s findings. Not only did people at almost every level of the Palin administration engage in repeated inappropriate contact with Walt Monegan and other high-ranking officials at the Department of Public Safety, but Monegan and his peers constantly warned these Palin disciples that the contact was inappropriate and probably unlawful. Still, the emails and calls continued — in at least one instance on recorded state trooper phone lines.
BTW, just like with McCain, Palin isn’t finding the love out there anymore among ‘supporters.’
McCain/Palin voters don’t care about Palingate. This is all swept under the rug. As we saw on thursday, the TRUE mindset of that voter base has seeped out into the open all reinforced by the smear politics of the GOP.
The PROBLEM is the GOP underestimated the stupidity of their base (note the last debate attendees were HAND-PICKED to weed OUT the massively incompetent !!).
The Palin shine wore off in 30 days. Now, her real fishy smell is overwhelming, hence the picture above. She was here in Dallas just recently and the city has a powerful fishy smell still.
The thing to look at here is that it’s not going to court because there is NO CASE. It was a grey area, a decision from a COMMITTEE of people who have issues with her, like a committee of women who get mad one of their bridge club members for ratting on them for cheating.
You think a religious fundie is not a deep complicated thinker?
Bigots!!! You are all BIGOTS!!!!!!
I thought this was a tech blog but you are just a bunch of anti-neocon left wing loonbats. Another helping of WoW please.
Yah…just like Clinton handled Monica Lewinsky and further perjured himself?? Ya’ll are just a hoot, dontcha know…guess you’re showing “an indication of ability, intelligence and so on…”
Can we please get a little bit more sophisticated political commentary on this board…?? I expect better from Dvorak & Co.
Take it easy bobbo, we are less than 30 days from an election, the stock market is in the tank, the VC are saying that you should lay-off the staff because you aren’t going to get another round of funding anytime soon.
We are in for two or three years of hard times in tech. In six months you will look back fondly this time, tech new is going to be very grim for a long time.
I have to agree with U Dave – it is minor, just like all the other hit pieces that never panned out.
So Palin was concerned about:
* A state trooper who uses his taser on his 11 year old child.
* A state trooper that drinks beer in his vehicle while on duty.
* A state trooper that threatens to kill an elderly grandfather.
You can tell that Palin haters in the extreme left have gone over the edge and are certifiable.
#5–phen==there is lots of money, rich guys, sovereignty funds, the government going farther into debt, to fund whatever looks like a good investment.
Green technology can still get funded if it shows a profit within 5 years? Funding to create another internet bubble?==not so much.
As in all times, they are good for some and bad for others. Never all one thing.
#6–jbenson==the issue has nothing to do with the legitimacy of the concern and all about what procedures she used to address those concerns, and then secondarily, how honest and open she has been about those actions.
Any “leader” willing to lie about something small, will certainly lie about something large.
Who wants to support a liar?
Uncle Dave frothed, “But how it was handled is an indication of ability, intelligence and so on. The sort of thing needed when planning military actions,”
Yeah, remember when Patton attacked a subordinate and mishandled it and it blew up all over the press?
It was definitely an indication of his ability, intelligence and so on. He certainly was bad at planning military actions. LOL!
Uncle Dave, how badly did you fry your brains with drugs during the 60’s?
So you think we have done well using “Professional Politicians?”
Jimmy Carter gave us 17% inflation with matching Mortgage rates.
Herbert Hoover gave us the 1929 Depression.
Bill Clinton gave us Monica gate, where it’s ok if he takes your daughter into the Oval room for a blow job, but don’t do this in a public sector company.
Barney Frank gave us “Acorn” and the melt down of trying to help those who are “Down trodden and poor get into a home”
Pelosi is trying to “Save the Planet”
Bush is trying to “Spend the Planet to bankruptcy”
and Obama Supports a Terrorist as well as has ties to ACORN.
What the hell is wrong with letting an Amateur run the place ???????
Well, why not go to the local mental ward of a hospital and get a complete lunatic to run our country?
Carter was an amateur, so was Hoover. Monica has nothing to do with ability and Clinton was a professional politicians == always “triangulating” with no personal values.
Scoreboard looks clear to me.
#11 Bobbo said
‘Well, why not go to the local mental ward of a hospital and get a complete lunatic to run our country?”
Many seem to say (I don’t agree – I don’t like “W” but I don’t think he is that bad) that what we have now is worse.
I’m in favor of a “change” from professional politicians – Palin has her problems and weaknesses, but don’t we all? But that’s just my opinion. The election is just a few weeks away (thank goodness).
#12–Ranger==you say: “I’m in favor of a “change” from professional politicians”. /// What does that mean?
Isn’t Palin a “professional politician” just campaigning as a “soccer mom” to pander for values voters?
What is your alternative to professional politicians? “Real People” I suppose?
Perhaps anyone should be able to run for office (ie==public financing and loosening of the two party grip) and what we really need are “professional VOTERS!!!!” who aren’t so captured by having their vanity stoked.
This line hits the nail on the head:
>>Is the Palin administration shockingly amateurish? Yes, it is. Disturbingly so.
Now we know shy Palin is hammering the bogus “Ayers” bogeyman — to create some noise and stink while this report on her is releases.
I predict the strategy works.
Hickuva Salmon, though.
You think she caught it herself or lifted it from a State Trooper?
The whole thing comes across as silly inbred politics. To my mind, it’s no big deal except that she’s a lightweight and McCain was a moron to choose her.
#10, DocColon
Yes, you are full of shit.
Jimmy Carter gave us 17% inflation with matching Mortgage rates.
Actually no. The inflation was a result of the oil embargo by the Arab led OPEC which was because of Israel attacking her Arab neighbors with support from the Nixon Whitehouse and Sec. Of State Kissinger that was later perpetuated by Ford. The problem was world wide and effected most countries far worse than the US. White House and Treasury action blunted the worst from our shores.
Herbert Hoover gave us the 1929 Depression.
Aaaahh, no he didn’t. He only perpetuated the depression by inaction. But he didn’t cause it. Nor did his predecessor, Coolidge. Unlike today’s recession where the Presidential appointed regulators allowed this to happen.
Bill Clinton gave us Monica gate, where it’s ok if he takes your daughter into the Oval room for a blow job, …
This doesn’t even deserve a reply. I have to ask though, does your daughter still give great blowjobs?
Barney Frank gave us “Acorn” and the melt down …
Keep repeating that. It still won’t be true, but you obviously will feel better.
Pelosi is trying to “Save the Planet”
Which is a far sight better than trying to destroy it. Annihilation anyone?
Bush is trying to “Spend the Planet to bankruptcy”
Now you are a wacko. He might be spending the USA to bankruptcy, but the planet? And he’s using your kid’s money.
and Obama Supports a Terrorist as well as has ties to ACORN.
Yes, Obama does support the goals of ACORN. So what? You disagree with registering voters? A surgeon I know had a patient die on the table last week. I guess we can forget all the good surgeries he performed and just yank his license now that he is a murderer.
As for the terrorist? Maybe you can tell us which “terrorist” he supports. BTW, I understand Osama bin Laden also likes apple pie. So is everyone that enjoys apple pie the same as bin Laden?
What the hell is wrong with letting an Amateur run the place
The last experiment, which still has over three months left, didn’t work out so well.
Why do the libertarian right wing nuts like to make up their own history?
Oh man, I tell ya’, she has gots some “man hands” doesn’t she?
#11 booboo said, “Carter was an amateur, so was Hoover.”
Amateur’s? Really?
Umm, once you finish 6th grade US History give us a call.
The best one so far by Obama showing COMPLETE lack of judgement:
Re: Ayers; “Ultimately, I ended up learning about the fact that he had engaged in this reprehensible act 40 years ago, but I was eight years old at the time and I assumed that he had been rehabilitated,” Obama said.”
So, a Harvard law grad never studied the criminal cases against this guy’s group, AND he assumed that a terrorist was rehabilitated even though he’s NEVER recanted his actions and even continued to say that he was sorry he didn’t kill more.
Hey, Uncle Dave, were does that sit on your “Judgement O’meter”?
Oh. Paddy-O. You’re showing your desperation.
There is NOTHING to this Ayers nonsense.
But I think you know that.
>> QB said, on October 12th, 2008 at 7:41 am
>> The whole thing comes across as silly inbred politics. To my mind, it’s no big deal except that she’s a lightweight and McCain was a moron to choose her.
If McCain wasn’t loosing so badly, I’d say this was a big deal.
There is a high probability that McCain will die in his first term, putting Palin in the big chair.
You want an amateurish, vindictive, poorly educated person leading our country?
#22 “There is NOTHING to this Ayers nonsense.”
Then answer the question…
Thought so.
GregAllen, as I said it’s stupid and inbred. Judge for yourself if that means you want to elect McCain and Palin based on that.
To me it’s as “important” as Ayers or Wright. It isn’t an issue. Policies and leadership are issues – and that’s what you should vote on. If you do, then it’s a no brainer isn’t it.
Or maybe I should say, it is a “brainer”. 😉
The phrase “empty suit” refers to an executive positioned dude who looks the part but doesn’t deliver.
Sadly, Palin may solidify a similar phrase for female executives; the gender specific “empty skirt.”
This phrase has already been applied to Nancy Pelosi but for only three articles found by Google that did NOT mention a parallel to Sarah Palin. (Not counting forum snibbits like this.)
Googling “empty skirt” and Palin produced far more closely associated results.
Still, the more gender-free “empty suit” is ahead in the polls when speaking about female executives.
To be the cause for the creation or solidification of a new dictionary term in any language is an honor and a privilege.
I present, for your consideration the honorable Sarah Palin, E.S., the new Ms Dictionary.
#8 Bobbo said: “Who wants to support a liar?”
Flawless logic; as long as you don’t require Obama to meet such a requirement.
We can’t talk about Obama’s comments or lack of comments:
about his father.
about his preacher
about his terrorist friends
about the bombers and mobsters who are his neighbors.
about his lack of experience.
about the pro-Obama bias in the media.
about why his wife had never been proud of America before until he ran for president.
about the New Black Panther Party endorsement that was posted on Obama’s official site…and then mysteriously disappeared.
about Louis Farrakhan.
about how unable to speak in a coherent manner when he is without a TelePrompTer to feed him one of his “articulate, eloquent” speeches.
#17, Actually, the inflation was not caused by the oil embargo, it was caused by price-fixing by the government as a result of the oil embargo. If they had not done that, the market would have “seen” the lack of oil and responded accordingly. By setting a price, the market thought there was more oil than there actually was. This had a ripple effect that ended up affecting every sector of the market. Note we haven’t tried THAT again since.
Hoover did exactly the right thing. Unfortunately, the it was Fed that caused the depression by trying various bailout schemes (sound familiar?) with the Bank of United States (which was a private bank with a names a lot people were jealous of). If the Fed hadn’t been involved, the situation wouldn’t have been any worse than the Panic of 1903 — which only lasted 1 year instead of the 10+ of the GD.
I agree, Frank did not bring us ACORN. However, like all social programs, it started with a good heart but eventually it’s unintended consequences grew. It is not responsible for today’s problems but it is not innocent either.
Why do left wing nuts choose to only read the passages of history that support their view of it?
LibertyLover said “Why do left wing nuts choose to only read the passages of history that support their view of it?”
I think you should change that to “Why do wing nuts choose to only read the passages of history that support their view of it?”
Regardless of your political point of view, it’s important to remain a skeptic. By skeptic, I mean someone who is open to new ideas but has the posture of “please convince me”.
#29, Agreed. All sides tend to gloss of that which they don’t understand or that which doesn’t fit their world view.
I stand corrected.
#27–Jbenson==you are gargling with koolaide, kinda hard to understand you.
Obama wrote a book about his father, what more exactly do you want to know in order to judge his qualifications for President? With any kind of answer at all to that, we can go on to the rest of your “list.”