Two men who say they were molested as teens by the Rev. Donald McGuire testified Friday that the now-defrocked priest convinced them that they were “addicted” to masturbation and needed to be “educated” on how to stop it.
The “education” included looking at sexually explicit magazines such as Playboy and Playgirl and watching X-rated films.
The Rev. Donald McGuire, 78, a Chicago-based Jesuit priest for most of his career, is charged with taking children across state lines to abuse them.
One alleged victim, identified in federal court only as Dominick, now 22, said McGuire had him masturbate just short of climax. Now married and living in Rochester, N.Y., said he felt guilty about masturbating twice a week as a 13-year-old.
“It was new to me, and I was scared about it,” said Dominick. McGuire told the teen that “if I didn’t master this, I would go to hell,” said Dominick…
Both alleged victims said McGuire had them give him massages that included rubbing his genitals. Dominick alleged that McGuire put oil on the boy’s penis, examined it with a magnifying glass, and performed oral sex on him.
Nothing quite matches a well-informed, thoughtful religious education.
Teaching kiddies how to masturbates is the least harmful thing a church does.
Just look at the photo at what it has done to those adult men and women!
“Now married and living in Rochester, N.Y., said he felt guilty about masturbating twice a week as a 13-year-old.”
Fucking, I’d feel guilty about masturbating twice a week too at 13 …. I’d reckon twice a day would be much more healthy and normal… but then if some pervert priest was around I suppose that’d kinda stem your sexual appetite a bit…
“Here’s something that Jesus never did. “
They were missing the counterbalance of Dana Carvey as “the Church Lady” to remind them that they’d burn in hell for all eternity if they touched their naughty parts.
Dirty, dirty, little priest.
Jägermeister, between that and the fried puppy-and-kitten sandwiches that Dick Cheney eats for lunch, kittens have had a really rough time lately 😉
A wolf in priests clothing – looks like another good reason to condemn the gay lifestyle.
#7 “A wolf in priests clothing – looks like another good reason to condemn the gay lifestyle.”
They should just allow priests to marry. That’d tend to clear out the homosexuals that are preying on young boys.
#8 Paddy-O
It’s not likely that marriage is the chief concern of gay men and child molesters so I doubt that would be the answer.
I do however believe once caught a long prison sentence would go a long way to cleaning out the infiltrators. At least it would be a good start.
#9 “It’s not likely that marriage is the chief concern of gay men and child molesters so I doubt that would be the answer.”
There has been a growing shortage of Priest’s for years. That has created a situation where the Church has lowered its standards in order keep churches staffed.
“Priest gave children hands-on ’sex lessons’”
Whos hands though??
Same shit in Germany. Today a 71 year old priest admitted abusing children in Bavaria in the back in the seventies.
I remember when this stuff used to be shocking. Just like $3/gal gas, it’s not so bad anymore.
#10 Paddy-O
Ah yes, I see your point.
You make a good argument and it certainly makes more sense than to allow what is happening now.
#13 “You make a good argument and it certainly makes more sense than to allow what is happening now.”
If you look at other major Christian sects that allow marriage in the Priesthood, you don’t have this problem.
#6 – Gary, the dangerous infidel
Oldie goldie.
#10 – Paddy-O – There has been a growing shortage of Priest’s for years. That has created a situation where the Church has lowered its standards in order keep churches staffed.
Pedophile priests isn’t a new phenomena.
#15 – Paddy-O – If you look at other major Christian sects that allow marriage in the Priesthood, you don’t have this problem.
Or, they’re good at keeping it a secret.
#17 “Or, they’re good at keeping it a secret.”
No, no evidence of that. Also, heterosexual men have an almost non-existent rate of predation on young boys… Homosexual men on the other hand…
#18 – O’Furniture
>>Also, heterosexual men have an almost
>>non-existent rate of predation on young boys…
Of course. They’re not interested in boys. That’s why they prey on young girls.
>>Homosexual men on the other hand…
There is no evidence that pedophilia is any more common among gay men (or women) than among heterosexuals.
Nice try at hatemongering, but it won’t work.
Your nose is growing again…
It happens so often now that young boys feel insulted when the priest doesn’t molest them.
Even with religions that allow their pastors to marry, you still see lots of pedophilia and hebephilia. Parents are far too trusting with these authority figures in the church. You wouldn’t leave your kid alone with a stranger, so why would you entrust your child to a stranger with a white collar or a robe?
#19 – Mister Mustard
Fully agree. Thanks.
#16 Jägermeister, nice game. I got more yardage out of that kitty than Tiger Woods in an 18th hole squeaker.
#19 “here is no evidence that pedophilia is any more common among gay men (or women) than among heterosexuals.”
Find a denomination with a rate of documented pedophilia = to that of the Catholic church…
Sorry, but you can pick your box of Rice-a-Roni back stage. 😉
>> Paddy-O said, on October 12th, 2008 at 1:01 pm
>> They should just allow priests to marry. That’d tend to clear out the homosexuals that are preying on young boys.
Also, I’d recommend they stop condemning homosexuality.
As I understand the priest abuse scandal, the abusers used the “underground” secret culture of homosexuality to hide their crimes.
#23 – O’Furniture
>>Find a denomination with a rate of documented
>>pedophilia = to that of the Catholic church…
Read this, and weep.
In any case, you’re replying to a statement I never made.
I said “There is no evidence that pedophilia is any more common among gay men (or women) than among heterosexuals.”
You apparently agree. So why are you trying to drag the homos into this church pedophilia scandal?
Are you THAT insecure in your sexuality, O’Pinocchio? (btw, has anyone ever told you that your nose looks like an erect penis when you lie??)
#20 – Rick Cain
>>Parents are far too trusting with these
>>authority figures in the church.
It’s not limited to the church. I know people who have been molested as kids by scout leaders, camp counselors, little league football coaches, and even the band teacher.
These guys are all pervs (and usually married). It has nothing to do with homosexuality, much as the right wingnuts would like to link the two.
#25 “Read this, and weep.”
Compare the rates per capita.
The box of Rice-a-Roni is in the mail…
Why do mainstream religions manage to take the extreme course, regarding things like sex? It’s either absolutely no sex, or having it going on behind the pews. Can’t they work out a way to make sex as boring and a chore, as everything else they do? Or at least some kind of thought out education program of there own. All they can seem to do is object to it in every form, and hope it will happen anyway, when they’re not looking. Or the population numbers would plummet.
#27 – O’PenileNose
>>Compare the rates per capita.
From what I can tell, there’s not much of a difference.
What are you, an anti-Papist?
I think you’re the one who’s going to be savoring that San Francisco treat.
They should put him on a slow boat to Newfoundland