Here is the picture used in conjunction with a story about a chemical leak as if everything is radioactive.

Officials seek cause of western Pa. chemical leak | WNCT — Contributor Lewis Perdue found this story and found the international radiation symbol used in conjunction with a chemical spill of oleum to be incredibly stupid. I agree.

Investigators are trying to determine what caused corrosive material from an industrial plant to overflow from a tank and form a mile-long cloud over a western Pennsylvania town.

Hundreds of people who were evacuated in the town of Petrolia yesterday have all been allowed to go home. Authorities determined there’s no longer a threat, although they are advising residents to be cautious if they have any vegetables growing outside.

Officials say the leak also caused what’s believed to be a “limited fish kill” in a nearby creek.

The leak involved the chemical oleum, which is similar to sulfuric acid. It evaporated into the air, forming a dense cloud close to the ground.

  1. Chris Mac says:

    You’d think North American’s would be transported in shock resistant containers by now.

  2. Bo Nash says:

    One wonders what people expected moving to a town named PETROLIA.

  3. Bo Nash says:

    One wonders what people expected moving to a town named PETROLIA.

    Excellent point about the illustration point, though. There are time I’m ashamed of my journalism degree because of the stupid things journalists do. This would be one of them.

    Then I think silently to myself, “Wait a minute… how many journalists these days actually have degrees in the field? I’m willing to bet this editor doesn’t.” Then I sleep better.

  4. Zybch says:

    No wonder really. Reporting these days isn’t about anything worthy, just shocking headlines (and images) designed to get eyeballs looking at the stories and the associated advertisments surrounding them.
    Real news died out when the media rolled over for Bush in 2000.

  5. tomdennis says:

    It may or may not be radioactive but this crap is dangerous.
    MSDS is at:

  6. irv says:

    I did an assignment in college for chemistry on nuke plants. They are
    allowed, and do, leak a small amount
    constantly, yes, even in the steam.

    Anyway the fuel is harvested just like
    a fossil fuel and similarly limited.

  7. Winston Tastes Good says:

    Titillating headlines and accompanying graphics to sell a story? No say it isn’t so John! This very blog does the exact same thing, over and over, again and again.

    Pot meet kettle.

  8. moss says:

    Then, there are commenters who see no contradiction between relevance and ignorance.

  9. J says:


    You of all people should know how the photo selection on many news websites occur. It is an automatic process based on keywords or phrases. Not all but many news sites run this way.

  10. JimD says:

    Well, what is the General Symbol for Chemical Hazard ??? And would anyone recognize it, other than trained HazMat Operatives ??? They have several symbols for different chemicals, but who amongst the general public whould know ??? But nearly EVERYBODY is familiar with the RADIATION DANGER SIGN, so it is becoming GENERIC !!! And the Cooling Towers are symbolic of Three Mile Island, and are probably part of some Stock Photo used by the press … They might have investigated the symbology of the Bophal, India Chemical Disaster and emulated that !!!

  11. MaxPower says:

    John – I wouldn’t mind seeing that “Sloppy and Misleading…” banner posted above some of the other entries in this blog… Namely, the one right above this one…

  12. brendal says:

    Incredible…am so glad I left newspaper reporting when I did…and this is one of the reasons why I did.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    #10 “Well, what is the General Symbol for Chemical Hazard ??? And would anyone recognize it, other than trained HazMat Operatives ??? … EVERYBODY is familiar with the RADIATION DANGER SIGN, so it is becoming GENERIC”

    What the hell do Nuke PP cooling towers have to do with it? Generic? So, when a kid barfs on the floor at school they’ll roll out the cooling tower signs? ROFL!

    Let me guess. Based on your demonstrated ignorance of pretty much everything, you’re a liberal democrat?

  14. Zybch says:

    #7 – But John doesn’t sell this site as anything other than a ‘fun’ bloggy thing. The news agencies and corps sell their sensationalist bullshit as urgent, truthful and important fact all the time.
    There IS a difference.

  15. Rick Cain says:

    The last time a gas cloud wafted over a town was in Bhopal, India. Union Carbide had the unenviable record of killing more indians than John Wayne.
    No wonder people are afraid.


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