Is he being honest or just trying to cover his butt?
McCain tries to counter the natural result of his own Fear Obama campaign
By Eideard Saturday October 11, 2008
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Actually this is NOT McCain’s fear campaign. This is the fear campaign that the GOP used in the Bush election and of course, borrowed from the Hitler’s 3rd Reich.
It just isn’t working this time around. Maverick McCain has let his party run over him to run his election. Like Bush, he is a pushover.
Even McCain is embarrassed by the ignorance of his own supporters.
Wouldn’t say “cover his butt” in the long term sense, but I think he’s realized (re: your “what a difference a month makes” post), that the ‘fear’ tactic isn’t going to pan out.
IMHO, last debate, McCain came off as “get off my lawn!” A good thing if you’re part of your neighborhood association. Bad thing if you want to come off a “nice guy”.
Didn’t work, so it’s time for the next plan.
Gotta ask though, did that vitriol strike you as real? That first question was leading and suspect, and there was an “au-boot” in there.
Canadians are for Obama!
Isn’t it curious how he did this just before Palin’s ethical standing was torpedoed by Troopergate?
I imagine the GOP as a whole is taking a serious look at the endgame for this election and considering the implications of broader losses to the party. I don’t doubt that this is bringing some pressure to bear against the McCain campaign, who, like the economy, stands to be made a scapegoat for the result.
Sounded like a statesman to me. But again, I wouldn’t call someone who has served 20+ years in the House and Senate, championed important legislation both popular and unpopular, ran for President twice, served in the military for a decade after being released as a POW, a pushover.
I hope that whoever wins, we can get past this Tom Delay/ political posturing. Unfortunately, this bailout vote negotiation has reinforced a Re-Election First, Country Second as the SOP for today’s Congress.
As I said elsewhere here, McCain has lost control of his campaign. Look at this body language there – he knows this is bad.
When he write his next autobiography he will “regret” these rallies.
In politics, when your opponent has a higher moral ground, you align yourself with a lunatic zealot (to attract the brunt of the attacks) and by contrast you yourself presume an air of sensible moderation. This is in order to deflect your opposition and the media away from your own failings as a candidate. Read it somewhere, maybe, The Prince, or Sun Tzu.
Correcting your followers is a good idea, and DRAWS others to you, as it shows you are TELLING THE TRUTH…Even if you loose a few on your side, you gain MORE for the other side.
I’m impressed that McCain is stepping up to correct misstatements like that from his supporters, but unfortunately it comes across as too little too late to me. Once a mob gets started, it’s really hard to stop it, even when you’re the person who started the mob in the first place. “He’s an Arab” . . . good lord, how many times do we have to go through that one?
As mentioned above, McCain saw the numbers over the past month and quickly realized attack ads and sleazy comments weren’t working. I don’t know if stopping his attacks and sleaze will help, but it will most definitely help stop the hurt.
He won’t win, but he can stop from going down in history as being badly beaten.
McCain was clenching his teeth when saying something nice about Obama. Notice he just said “citizen” and not a “US citizen”? Of course he’s a citizen of somewhere but John couldn’t quite go to the extent of giving Obama American citizenship. He’s totally lost any credibility he had and his cosmetic sidekick Failin’ Palin capmaign’s trailin’ so start bailin’.
The question is was that guy planted?
I thought McCain handled that well. And I do not think the majority of McCain supporters are as misinformed about Obama, they just don’t like his politics.
Whats funny is that people like #13 saying, “Inbred toothless mutants” are EVERYWHERE yet nobody mentions it. its apparently ok to say that. Its the typical playbook for the dems.. If i had a dollar for everytime I have heard the words “dumb” and “stupid” come out of an Obama supporter’s mouth I would be able to fund another bailout!
Kudos to McCain for standing up against his own supporters and refusing to allow these fears and untruths of Obama to fester into fact. I’m a McCain supporter, but I recognize the decency and integrity of Mr. Obama. However, like McCain, I just don’t agree with him.
Good for McCain to stand up for common decency and respecting one’s opponent.
#17 – Johnny
>>Whats funny is that people like #13 saying,
>>“Inbred toothless mutants” are EVERYWHERE yet
>>nobody mentions it.
Nobody’s saying they’re EVERYWHERE. Just at McCain rallies. Good gosh, man, look at the TV footage of those dimwits saying “Obama is an Arab” and “Bomb Obama”. You just KNOW their parents were brother and sister.
William F. Buckley Jr.’s body lieas a-moulderin’ in the grave, and most of the intelligent conservatives are a-moulderin’ along with him.
What’s left is the motley crüe you see showing up at McCain rallies with their crossed eyes and their single-digit IQs.
Sorry if the truth hurts, but just open your eyes and look around.
#17 – Johnny
>>Whats funny is that people like #13 saying,
>>“Inbred toothless mutants” are EVERYWHERE yet
>>nobody mentions it.
Nobody’s saying they’re EVERYWHERE. Just at McCain rallies. Good gosh, man, look at the TV footage of those dimwits saying “Obama is an Arab” and “Bomb Obama”. You just KNOW their parents were brother and sister.
William F. Buckley Jr.’s body lies a-moulderin’ in the grave, and most of the intelligent conservatives are a-moulderin’ along with him.
What’s left is the motley crüe you see showing up at McCain rallies with their crossed eyes and their single-digit IQs.
Sorry if the truth hurts, but just open your eyes and look around.
Eric — if you’re going to make acquisitions about something having to do with US Tax Code, perhaps you’ll want to know something about what you’re taking about first.
501(c) is an IRS classification for non-profit tax exempt organizations. This organizations includes arts, science, health, humanities, religious etc. groups are EXPLICITLY PROHIBITED from engaging in ANY political activity WHATSOEVER.
What I suspect you’re thinking about are 527 groups. They are radically different animals than 501(c) organizations.
So, before you start burning down museums, churches, or hospitals take a little consideration of where you’re putting the match.
As to the rest of the post — listen to what’s actually coming out of McCain and Palin’s mouths! For shit sake, they might not be in control [ha ha ha, McCain = Control, that’s precious] of the campaign but they sure as hell are in control of what comes out of their own mouths.
If my mother heard me talk like McCain or Palin I would have a bar of Ivory soap in my mouth faster than I could say another word.
This goes to the point of honesty and goodness, both of which are clearly terms and intellectual challenges that McCain and Palin are not up to.
#17 – Not to be technical, but if you had a dollar for every man, woman, and child alive today you would only have roughly $6.7B. Clearly not enough for a bailout 😛
I believe that certain fringe elements of the Republican Party fall into that rare category of sub human beings that believe what we have been telling them, poor bastards.
You know the kind. You’re at a party in Scranton telling Irish jokes and one of these drunk idiots walks over thinks you’re calling him names, so he punches you out.
People that think we are serious just can’t throw a joke.
No doubt you liberals here will now expect Obama to disavow the crazed antics of the Daily Kos and Democratic Underground set?
Naw… didn’t think so.
Stay classy, hypocrites.
#17, john,
If i had a dollar for everytime I have heard the words “dumb” and “stupid” come out of an Obama supporter’s mouth I would be able to fund another bailout!
That doesn’t speak too well of the Republican Party.
a black sheriff!
He’s [Obama] is an Arab? What the hell is she smoking?
Wow I actually gained a lot of respect for McCain in that clip (assuming he’s being genuine). He seems to be an honest and rational person.
And in that clip I see a glimmer of the McCain I’ve liked for so long. A reasonable man that is for ‘doing what is right for the nation’ instead of ‘doing what is right to get elected.’
Of course if he thinks he can do better for the nation by getting elected he mike get a bit fuzzy headed.
I fear that the campaign is going to divide America significantly and Obama will win, be handed an angry nation looking for scapegoats as the economy slogs along. Obama is inheriting bad times, I guess it could give him the opportunity to impress, or it could damn him to being a one term president.
and the wheels are coming off the straight talk express…
McCain is an American first and a Republican second. My views differ from McCain and have voted democrat all of my life. But I truly believe he is a decent American and this is not a direct wanted artifact of his campaign, though he wants to paint doubt about Obama but that is politics.
Heck I have a brother on the far left who thinks Clinton was a Republican president. Trust me there are flakes and nuts on both sides….(not that my brother is a flake, but sometimes a nut).
#21, acquisition or accusation?
I love my grandfather to pieces even though we totally disagree on this election. He is a staunch republican and would probably vote republican even if the GOP nominated Tom Cruise. Naturally, many of his friends are republicans and they e-mail one another the most nausea inducing anti-Obama crap! My grandfather talks a lot of shit about Obama after never watching one debate, one biography or watching anything for that matter. He is purely informed by the slanted e-mails. Now take him and times that by a couple hundred thousand folks and see what you get.
He thinks Obama was schooled heavily in Islam and that Obama never mentions his grandparents that brought him up. It is just so sad that people can be so ignorant. My grandfather holds a masters degree and has given enormous amounts of service back to his community since his retirement. It baffles me how polarized he becomes because of politics though.
Americans are desperate for a leader with positive ideas to get us out of this economic quagmire the conservatives have led us into.
Meanwhile, McCain has gone 100% negative in his campaign.
This has been the main campaign strategy for the GOP since Nixon.
For a change, it’s biting the GOP candidate in the butt and McCain is trying to get out of it.
Does McCain REALLY respect Obama? I doubt it.