Is he being honest or just trying to cover his butt?

  1. Jägermeister says:

    Perfect example of FUD. And no (as an answer to #15 the answer), I wouldn’t be surprised if both these people were planted by the McCain’s buddies. Fear sells… ask Bush…

  2. Pagon says:

    -#34 Stephanie, Ask your grandfather if he would vote for a black republican presidential candidate? (like that will ever happen)
    “Even McCain is embarrassed by the ignorance of his own supporters.”
    No he’s not. He counted on it (they all do, to a degree). It took so long for him to be embarrassed, because his tactics are coming back to bite him.

    If his divisive, code worded racism continued to work – and it still may – he wouldn’t be embarrassed at all. Then we’d hear his inaugural address exhorting all Americans to pull together yada yada yada. Sound familiar?

    “Maverick McCain has let his party run over him to run his election.”
    “McCain has lost control of his campaign”
    Can’t control his campaign?

    What? What?

    He’s the candidate – It’s his campaign – He’s responsible for it. End of story.

    I’m really sick of hearing how the people in charge are victimized by their evil subordinates and followers, therefore, we should let them off the hook.

    Poor George – victimized by Rumsfeld and Cheney. Poor John – victimized by his supporters. BALONEY!

    Find the courage to see things as they are. In other words, grow up.

  3. R.O.P. says:

    Sadly these morons live close to my neighborhood. Kind of reminds me of Paddy-O. I am moving out of the country if McCain/Palin win.

  4. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    Obama is not Arab, I hear he’s a n**** thought, lol.

    Those people are so stupid they don’t even know what who they are hating.

  5. FirstTimeCaller says:

    #13 said:
    > Every reasonable Republican voter bailed on
    > the ticket after seeing Palin sit, slack-
    > jawed, glassy-eye, and mute, when Katie
    > Couric asked her what newspapers she reads.

    Not TRUE!! If I recall, Ms. Palin was standing at the time Katie asked the question.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:


    Ms. Palin was standing at the time Katie asked the question.

    Regardless, her panty-liner caught most of the urine.

  7. JSMcM says:

    My middle name will not be divulged until November 5.


    John Snidely McCain. Retired.

  8. alymax says:

    is is not possible to be both an Arab and a decent family man, Mccain?


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