Are we headed toward a World Central Banking System…this Weekend?
By McCullough Saturday October 11, 2008
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What we truly need is a financial instrument based on Panic Derivatives.
” Are we headed toward a World Central Banking System? ”
I was also playing with that thought. Could be a next step after the creation of the DHS… Provided that 911 was planned by the govt.
With a world central banking system, we’d better step up our efforts in the area of space travel. It won’t be long before we need another planet to bail us out.
Hopefully, it will be from a solar system where they don’t know how bad our spending and credit habits really are, and we can always lie on our loan application.
Gee, a cascading series of “unfortunate” cataclysmic events designed to bring The New World Order fully on-line. Welcome to the Brave New Barackian Future kids…you wanted it, here t’is. Enjoy your paycheck choking on it.
I think the US will have more policy pushed on it since they owe so much money. For years I’ve been hearing the argument from Americans that since they owe so much money they have control over the lenders. I think we’re discovering that is not true.
When the Soviet Union fell the US was left as the only superpower. The US military power has gone a black hole in the middle east. The US economic power is now diminished and the EU and China will emerge on an equal or better footing from the current mess. Interesting times ahead.
A world central bank would be disastrous in the long run.
We have been living in a “Money as Debt” banking system since 1913. The driving force that keeps the system going is GROWTH. But the days of growth are numbered. We are running into a brick wall known as resource depletion. When resources decline, the economy declines.
What is needed is a whole new system based on a steady state economy, but it is a system so foreign in concept especially to the people in charge, they will never let it happen until they thoroughly destroy this economy first.
Government run banking? No interest loans? A maximum wage? A perennially balanced budget?
Yeah, whatever…
Ron paul used a naughty word in that video. he said “hell”….damn he must be pissed off right now and rightfully so.
we already have a WORLD bank…
and ALL its data stores were HIT…
Do you really want to know what HIT HARD in the USA..
Look up metal prices..NOT gold and silver.
Do you know where ALL the metals to CHINA were going?? the MAJOR recycling and metal plant in China IS Beijing. Can you say OLYMPICS.. Beijing was closed down. OUR USA corps were betting on METALS to BACK any loss..
“We are very happy that America’s economy is in jeopardy and they are paying the price for their misdeeds. God is punishing them.”
That is the verdict from Ayatollah Jannati, one of the most senior clerics in Iran.
World Bank? Who controls/manages the ‘World Bank’? The Middle East?
Is it like the World Court?
I’m confused.
“Are we headed toward a World Central Banking System…this Weekend?”
Bush only has a few months to complete Daddy’s “New World Order”…
#1–Buzz==well done. Well when this all started rolling a month or so ago, it was said the problem was isolated to 15-20% of mortgages that were subprime. A problem to be sure but isolated and balanced by all the other good mortgages that people were making payments on.
Then the functions of derivatives became known. Then came leveraged derivates. At first the leverage problem was 40 dollars borrowed for every 1 dollar at risk but just yesterday I heard the big boys were playing the game with ratios of 250 to 1. Imagine that.
Yes, in the main, a ponzi scheme was built in real estate where Wallstreet took the housing equity growth as bonuses and when the actual payouts became due, this theft was characterized as a credit freeze. I still hear people saying that if people just had more confidence in the housing market that things could have continued without a problem.
No one will go to jail beyond 2-3. I got off my point===how did this become a world wide crash? and I guess it is the leveraging issue and the notion that many thought they could get in and out of the market with millions before it crashed.
And many did. And thats why all human activities must be regulated. And thats why people who call for less regulation rather than proper regulation are self identifed as thieves and crooks aka Congress.
Vote all incumbents out of office for the next 6 years.
Interestingly enough… I agree with most of the posts here. A World Central Banking System sounds an awful lot like a foundation for a World Government – A World Government run by greedy elitist bastards. No thanks.
It is almost as if the top bankers are sabotaging the whole system with derivatives leveraged out to infinity and other destructive options in the market so that it can all be consolidated into a ‘world banking system’. It all looks conveniently engineered to me. Why can’t somebody stop these criminals? Notice how Bush, Obama, and McCain were all 100% for the bailout? That’s because they are all on the same team folks.
Roughly 90% of the public that were polled two weeks ago were against the ‘bailout’. Threats of Martial Law in America were circulated in the House of Reps – and they eventually folded like paper and voted for the horrible bailout bill. They just handed over close to a trillion dollars with no oversight. Nice. 171 House Reps voted against it though – so they have my respect at least. Congress is becoming more powerless by the day, and they will soon be totally inert as we will be ruled by the executive only soon.
If the NWO a-holes succeed, then things will start looking like the 3rd Reich meets Brave New World. It will be worldwide and there will be no where to escape. I’m sure all the billionaires in Costa Rica that have already fled the U.S. will be dissapointed to learn this.
I hope the masses wake up in time becuase I really don’t want to be a part of this nightmare.
OK, if we’re getting a world bank then are we having a World President? How are we to police the world if we can’t print our own money to do it? Will we ask permission?
Talk about ironic — if the conservatives LAME-BRAINED blind dedicated to unregulated “free markets” led us to nationalized banks.
There is already a world central bank. It is called the Bank for International Settlements. It is owned by 27 of the largest countries and provides Central Bank services to the worlds central banks (among other things).
Also the EU has a the Eroupean Central Bank which is only about 10 years old.