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Dude! Where’s my map?
I seriously can not find one person that might not ‘secretly’ vote for the Democratic party this time out. Many people will not openly declare their support for Obama due to the circle of peers, (racial pressure, pro-life stance of their preachers, etc) but behind that voting booth curtain they might just reject the McCain/Palin ticket. I’m starting to suspect that even Texas may turn blue.
It may sound cliche, but people really do want ‘change’. They do not want the same political party in the driver’s seat that drove the country into a very deep ditch.
You just have to mention that McCain wants to give a 0.7% tax reduction to those making less than $70,000, but wants to give a 4.1% tax reduction (that almost 7x as much) to those CEO’s making over 2.5 million, and they say “Fuck That!” and abandon McCain outright.
you should KEEP this someplace…
In 1 month lets check it with WHAT is REALLy done..
Scottie’s link to the story about the Make-Believe Maverick (McBush)
Should be required reading for anyone who thinks McBush would be anything other than a third-trimester abortion if elected.
I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t rather have Obama winning by just being the better person. Instead, we have
McCain making a mistake with Palin,
being too closely identified with Bush,
screwing around while telling us he was fixing the “Bailout” mess,
pissing off David Letterman,
being caught in obvious lies over the “Bailout”, David Letterman, his actual contribution to the “Bailout”, and repeated explanations about Obama’s platform.
repeatedly proposing more deregulation when the deregulated banks are going under,
taxing health care,
buying all the bad mortgages from the banks so the taxpayer holds worthless paper while the banks make a profit,
the whole economy / Wall Street crap.
Perfect! Just the way John McCain and the republicans want it.
These maps don’t surprise me at all. McCain is done for…especially after the last debate.
I used to be a McCain supporter…I voted for him in the primaries. I have since decided that the Republicans are no longer the party they used to be: insane government spending, bailouts, stomping on the constitution, etc. I’ll be voting my conscience and voting Libertarian. I know Barr won’t win, but at least I’ll sleep well at night knowing whatever happens to this country in the next 4 years (honestly I don’t think anything good will happen) has nothing to do with my vote. I’m not secretly going to vote Obama…I can’t stand his positions either…no way in hell I would vote for him. Don’t be surprised if third party candidates do quite well this time around (note: not saying they’ll contend at all)…especially since the Economy has been circling the drain.
They are expecting 90% turnout here in Arizona. Polls give McCain an 8% lead here, but that is on “likely voters” who voted last time. With a 90% turn out, the polls could be way off.
Even here in Oklahoma McCain’s support seems more subdued than I expected.
I’m a republican myself, but I won’t be voting for McCain and his bimbo. The Libertarian party isn’t on the ballot this year and I don’t believe write-ins are allowed, so Obama it is.
While this map is useful, I like . Their map is interactive and they have access to the various polls as well as an overall look at the Presidential race and all the other Governor, Senate and Congressional races.
#1 yeah i wanna know where the pics are too? Their site seems to have some problems to. uing Opera here, Konqueror works ok and firefox displays this too… first time i’ve ever had such nonesence happen in opera…..
ok i tracked it down to sending referer information hhhmmm
I think you have the dates reversed, the more “Red” map is the older one.
I think you have the dates reversed, the more “Red” map should be the older one.
Most of the people I know seem to think both candidates are incompetent and extremely unlikely to make good choices when it comes to the economy.
After all getting elected isn’t going to magically make them smarter or wiser than they have been and they both have solid records for making bad choices.
Obama seems to be planning on spending his way out of trouble by raising taxes and deficet spending. A great way to start a major depression.
You noted part of the problem with McCain.
Can we afford 4 more years of stupid? We need someone who will lead not someone who will be led around (by lobbyists).
God, I hope so.
I agree with #14 deowll. I’ve looked at the limited information on what McCain’s, Obamas, Palins and Bidens grades in school were.
While Obama seems to have graduated in the top 10 percent in law school, his undergraduate grades won’t be released, estimates with 2.0 to 3.3
McCain seems to have graduated out of the Naval Academy 894 out of 899.
Palin’s SAT scores (if legitimate) show a C average student.
I couldn’t find Biden’s grades.
I think Bush was a C average student in school.
McCain refers to prior times where the country had to climb out of a recession. But he fails to mention how and that has ALWAYS been threw tax increases!
But I doubt neither are going to win… in 101 days martial law will be instated. Long live Emperor Bush!
I’d rather vote ‘No Confidence’ then vote for either of these parties. Hmmm, Constitution Party sounds OK.
I agree with #21.
The capitalist system has almost collapsed, the financial industry has collapsed, and we all hope the monetary and banking system stay afloat so we can buy food with our green paper.
I wish Regan was alive and lucid to see this, as I blame his leadership for this mess. He loved to gloat about the collapse of the Soviet Empire, but now look at our system.
Eventually this will all work out. Once the bad credit is off the bank’s books, and those books are reported in the next quarters’ SEC filings, the Stock Market should ZOOM UP (unless I’m not understanding something).
It all boils down to which party will ensure that your 401K won’t end up as cat food.
Stock market is going down cuz the people with money are caught in the credit bubble. It is not caused by Bush, or 8 years of his policy as Perlewwsi claims. It was also caused by consumer stupidity and their own greed, thinking 70 percent yearly gains on real estate is normal. LOL, what a joke. The market is also going down as the smart money is worried O’Hussein could be president. If he wins, look for HIGH TAXES and big huge massive deficit spending like you have never seen! This whole election phenomena is amazing to watch. It has been a lot of work to figure out what the fundamental problems with people’s perception when it comes to considering who would be their choice.
I have concluded it’s mostly 3 things people misperceive:
1) They compare McCain as being another Bush. He is NOT the last 8 years. It is stupidity in overdrive to lump him in with the bathwater when HE’S the one cleaning up the babies in Washington. The comparison to Bush is purely based on emotion, not clear thinking, yet that’s what people in the O’camp are doing.
2) Barack O’Hussein is a big slim liar. People are only hearing what they want to hear delivered right to their door in 30 minutes. He’s like a used car salesman. For example, he is not being candid about his association with a known “former” terrorist, and the claim that it was when he was 8 years old is true, but not the whole truth, he is friends with the guy, his campaign started in the former terror dude’s living room two years ago. He’s always so crafty in his responses. I have seen this crap all my life and have gotten pretty good at weeding it out, but not everyone sees this stuff so quickly. The point is that he tries to deceive the public about the ties. If he was just honest about it, speaking the facts FROM THE START, the McCain camp wouldn’t have even been brought up. Like a used car salesman he tries to deceive. He does this all the time as he pauses with his “uhhhh’s” constantly, thinking what he should concoct next.
3) The O’babble campaign is totally founded on “Bush is bad because of the war, Cheney, bla bla bla, thus McCain must also be bad, they are all evil”. It’s a campaign house built on pig sloth and toothpicks. Anyone good with word problems in math knows this does not add up to anything.
One of the things I dig for most in a candidate is core honesty. McCain’s got it way beyond anyone running. No one is perfect, but the man truly is more interested in his country, and you and I, than the filthy rich campaign of Obama Hussein. Look closely without those rose colored O’glasses and you could see.
I hope this helps anyone who might be looking to understand politics a little better.
Good luck America!
Polls are useless and not accurate indicators of voters’ intentions. Remember Kerry v Bush? Kerry was way ahead in the polls yet guess who won. Everyone seems to give these early polls way to much weight. Nothing, absolutely nothing, matters but that one poll on Nov 4.
That said, I agree that Obama is more likely to win. Not because of his stance on issues. Not because he wants to socialize America. It’s only because he’s different. Most Americans couldn’t care less about what the candidates want to do if they’re elected. They only care about something different. Sad, really.
If Obama wins, fine with me. He’s got some good ideas, but some real bad ones. McCain isn’t much different really. I just wish our president was determined by politics and issues rather than popularity and who is “coolest.”
Sounds like some of the right wing(nuts) are getting a little forlorn. Even you guys think it is over for McCain.
#25 Why vote, No, McSame is going down the drain because of what HE SAID: – Continut Tax Cuts for the Rich, Deregulation was a GOOD THING (Oh, yeah, it is apparent in the Markets now !!! Let’s have more – NOT !!!), 100 Years of War In the Middle East, “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb; Bomb, Bomb Iran !!! (If it was a jest, it shows he had no diplomacy and is probably TRIGGER-HAPPY !!! And may even indicate that he still wants to get back at somebody, or anybody, for he mis-treatment as a POW, which would certainly cloud his judgement as President)
So there are a BUNCH OF REASONS OF McCain’s own making that make people pause and reject his candidacy …
The stock market decline is identical to McCain.
So I guess that means stocks are falling the more people realize Obama will become president.
I just don’t get it. Americans will blame the poor for EVERYTHING. The poor have no power, no influence, nothing, yet they are the target for the wrath.
Lets be honest here, rich people did this. Rich people inflated the cost of houses, rich people gamed the system, trading mortgages as if it was money, rich people caused the bubble that crashed the stock market.
Now the poor have to suffer because of it. How about putting blame where it belongs. None of you will be rich, I will never be rich. Don’t dream of riches, don’t pretend you are rich, and for gods sakes don’t defend the rich.
Please replace fiscal conservancy with fiscal conservatism in my prior post.
Please also take note that the liberals are now more fiscally conservative than the neocons. At least we recognize that if we spend money it actually has to come from somewhere. The neocon whack jobs we’ve had running the show for a generation, with an eight year interlude of fiscal solvency and resulting good economy and peace, have been running up debt like there’s no tomorrow. And then, they start wars to ensure that there will indeed be no tomorrow.
How is that conservative?
Vote Republican: The Armageddon Party.
#35 – Mr. Fusion,
My answer to the abortion issue is to have a national plebiscite. Let everyone vote according to their conscience one way or another. That is the only way I see it to get the issue off the table.
Sorry. I have to disagree with you on this. Civil rights do not get put to a vote because democracy is not solely about majority rule. It must also be about protection of the rights of the minority.
This is why same sex marriage should be allowed. If left to the majority, the rights of the minority may be (and currently are being) steamrolled over. Similarly, there was a time when the majority of voters in this country believed that slavery was OK and that women should not vote, of course with women not voting yet, it was easy to have such a majority.
In short though, the only reason to oppose abortion is a religious one. Science does not state in any way at what point a life becomes a fully fledged human with rights. Most non-religious morals have stated for several thousand years now that abortion is within the moral guidelines. So, since only religion, and only very modern religion at that since Jesus was not opposed to the abortions that were being performed in his time, states that abortion is wrong, the choice is obvious.
Do not legislate from religion in a country founded on freedom of religion.
The fact that the great majority of folks in this country do indeed believe in the great nobody in the sky does not mean that they get to legislate said belief on those of us
with more rational beliefswho do not.Caveat to Mr. Mustard: Yes. I am aware that there are some who have religion and otherwise have rational beliefs. Unfortunately, that group is shrinking relative to those who have no rational beliefs at all and would indeed legislate their beliefs on others. Consider yourself a respected and dying breed.