=======  10-10-2008 =======

2008 Electoral Map (predicted) 10.10.08

======= 09-09-2008 =======

2008 Electoral Map (predicted) 10.8.08

  1. MikeN says:

    #39, yes he was. They’ve covered it up now, going as far as scrubbing the websites of the ‘New Party’, but the internet archives had the old versions.

  2. QB says:

    #39 You mean like the wayback machine?

  3. #40 – Lyin’ Mike

    >>They’ve covered it up now, going as far as
    >>scrubbing the websites

    They “scrubbed” ’em, did they? I see by your parroting of the ultra-right wingnut websites’ vocabulary, that you’re keeping up with that tail of the distribution. Excellent.

  4. #40 – Lyin’ MikeN,

    (First time I’ve felt the need to call you that, as many others have many times)

    #39, yes he was. They’ve covered it up now, going as far as scrubbing the websites of the ‘New Party’, but the internet archives had the old versions.

    Um … You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!! Are you a conspiracy theorist now too? C’mon. If this were real, the repukes would be plastering it all over the place. If this were real, there would be no way to get rid of all real references.

    I can’t believe you knew that there was no reference to it and posted the lie anyway.

    I knew we were on different extremes of the political spectrum, but thought you were more reputable than that! I’m truly disappointed that a potentially worthy adversary has dropped all pretense of being reputable, well-read, and respectable.

    It will be long before I give you any benefit of the doubt again.

  5. FreeThinker says:

    Remember this seemed far fetched at the time.


  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Scottie’s link to the story about the Make-Believe Maverick (McBush)

    I read this last night, and while it was long, it was worth it. McCain is a pussy. He’s a spoiled brat who never achieved a damn thing on his own.

    This next link is just another blog, but it fits neatly with the RS article. Much shorter, too. http://tinyurl.com/45egm8

    #25, you’ve been drinking too much of the kool-aid. Some basic leadership from the White House would have done wonders to. Apparently W was too busy accomplishing nothing to pay attention to market fundamentals, eh? Another Brownie appointed to the financial side of his cabinet, maybe? Yes, Bush takes a great deal of blame for this. Not all of it, but most of it.

  7. JimB says:

    Obama has a commanding lead. It will be interesting see how McCain, Rove and the Roites steal the election this time. They’ll probably use their perfected tactics to deny the vote to Obama supporters in key districts. It worked last time in Ohio

  8. #48 Mister Mustard,

    Obama may not have a chance of losing unless he eats a baby on live TV

    Remember, it’s not about how many people vote for either particular candidate, but about how many votes Diebold records for any particular candidate.

    Volusia error

  9. KwadGuy says:

    It isn’t that the Republicans stand for much: At this point they don’t. It’s not as if McCain is a great candidate: He isn’t.

    BUT, McCain still represents a different party than that which will control Congress and the Senate after the election. As such, he is the only chance we have at preventing wholesale passage of additional crap bills. In other words, he represents are greatest shot at a little gridlock, and that’s the best shot we have right now.

  10. #55 – MikeN,

    Yes. I still think you’re making stuff up. I think that the Chicago New Party, now something different from the New Party that actually has a website, may or may not even exist. The only reference to it is on that page. And, yes, they claim that Obama was courting their vote. This is not the same as membership. Hasn’t nearly every white candidate in recent times courted the vote of the United Negro College Fund, even if, like Dan Quayle, they were not members of the organization and couldn’t even get the motto right?

    I think you’re throwing a red herring into the works to avoid the obvious conclusion that by voting for McCain, you will be voting for a scum sucker who left others die to put out a fire he made worse, who crashed 5 airplanes through recklessness and incompetence, who bargained with military secrets for a trip to the hospital after one incident of incompetence and recklessness crashed him behind enemy lines, who deregulated the savings and loans to their destruction and then did the same with the rest of the banking industry, and who wants to bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran. The last, even if it becomes necessary, will not be looked at well by the rest of the world when they go back and play his idiotic remarks on youtube.

    So yeah. Keep your head in the sand or up your ass as you vote for four more years of Bush, or quite possibly worse than Bush.

    Did you know that McCain has voted 95% in lock step with Bush? Yes. You probably knew that. Did you know that where they have differed McCain has been even more extremist and even worse than Bush?

    So, Lyin’ Mike, keep making shit up if you need to in order to convince yourself that you’re a decent human being at heart (you’re not), but perhaps you should consider getting some good reliable references before you post your crap on the blogs.

  11. #56 – KwadGuy,


    Hard to tell. Just keep in mind though that the repugnicans were in power in the house, the senate, the oval office, and the supreme court for the first 6 years of the Bush presidency. Most of the damage was already done long before the democraps gained the upper hand (and then admittedly failed to do a damn thing with it).

    Both parties suck. But, let’s be real here. After the last 8 years, is there any doubt which party sucks worse?

  12. Sea Lawyer says:

    #23, the capitalist system has almost collapsed? When we actually have a capitalist system, I’ll let you know when it is about to collapse. Large scale government manipulation of markets, protectionist trade policies, and industry subsidy programs have nothing to do with a capitalist system.

  13. Bonehead says:

    #28, Michael,

    Remember Kerry v Bush? Kerry was way ahead in the polls yet guess who won.

    Yes, we remember how on Election Day everyone outside the Ohio polls were calling for Kerry to win. Then came the accusations of fraud and the claim that the election was fixed. Yup, enough of us remember that if the result is again wrong, there will be trouble in the streets.

    #38, Scott,

    You make excellent points and I can only agree. Although, while you are correct, that will always leave the door open for a judicial interpretation. While many consider that a good thing, I find the constant arguing tiresome and the possibility of a reversal scary.

    #42, Mustard,

    I see by your parroting of the ultra-right wingnut websites’ vocabulary, that you’re keeping up with that tail of the distribution.

    Oooo, that is a classic. And a very small tail too.


    Lyin’ Mike,

    You’re in a hole. Quit digging.

  14. KwadGuy says:

    [QUOTE]Both parties suck. But, let’s be real here. After the last 8 years, is there any doubt which party sucks worse?[/QUOTE]

    I have to say that I think they both suck immensely. I actually ascribe more closely to the ideals that the Republicans espouse, but there is a severe disconnect these days between those ideals and reality.

    So…I hate both parties. I would trust NEITHER party to govern absolutely. And if the Republicans held either the House or Senate, I’d say…go ahead…put a Democrat in the White House, we have our checks and balances such as they are (and if the Republicans held both the House and Senate, I’d say we WANT a Democrate at the helm). But because the Dems control both the House and Congress, I grudgingly have to support McCain for the White House, ONLY to provide as much as of a stopper as is running on the wholesale passage of legislation (little of which will be advantageous from my perspective).

  15. #38 – Scottie

    >>Consider yourself a respected and dying breed.

    Fortunately for the future of humanity, I had the average number of children (~2.0) before I underwent surgical sterilization, and they’re just like me.

    Maybe slightly less vigorous than me when it comes to rolling holy and thumping the Bible (to be expected; I was a card-carrying Atheist when they were growing up, but we see eye-to-eye on most issues.

    And they’d rather cut off their voting hands with a rusty hacksaw than vote for a lame-o poseur like McCain.

  16. Greg Allen says:

    >> # 61 KwadGuy said, on October 10th, 2008 at 1:30 pm

    >> So…I hate both parties. I would trust NEITHER party to govern absolutely. And if the Republicans held either the House or Senate

    One big difference — Democrats generally believe in the rule of law and fair play.

    When the Republicans were in power, THEY TOTALLY SHUT OUT THE DEMOCRATS. They would hold votes and never even let the Dems read the bill first, let alone have some sort of input into the process!

    When Democrats are in total power, the Republicans will still play a role in government.

    Of course, the GOPers will endlessly whine and carp but we’ll treat them FAR BETTER than they treated us.

  17. MikeN says:

    You mention courting the vote, but the sites I linked to has them claiming him as a member.

    The politicallydrunk site has links to other sources, including archives.com, and is probably the best summary. When a group puts out a list of its members who were elected, that should count for something more than people making stuff up.

    It’s not much of a surprise that Obama would be part of a radically left-wing party given his links to Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers.

  18. #64 – Lyin’ Mike

    Take Bonehead’s advice. You’re in a hole – quit digging.

  19. #64 – MikeN,

    Call me when you get a reputable source. I’m still not even the least bit convinced. Politically drunk? Yeah. That sounds real. Come on. I claim McCain is a member of the Satan Worshipers Association of American Idiocracy (SWAMI). It’s on my new site, politically stoopid. What? You don’t believe that? Yeah. Neither do I. Wake me when Obama publicizes his membership and the organization gets a web site with an about page detailing their positions. Until then, I’m going back to my martinis. They’re much better than Almond Flavor Aid. Good night.

  20. MikeN says:

    I’ve already posted the link.

  21. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    Reduce Coporate tax so that CEO can afford to have their 8th vacation home in Bahamas.

    Nothing is going to the Employees of it!


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