Here’s the cover.

This is hilarious! You just can’t make this crap up.

  1. eaze says:


  2. qsabe says:

    It’s FOX… Need anymore be said?

  3. LtSiver says:

    Mainstream media at work. They don’t care about issues, they care about looks and sensationalism. It’s easy to talk about that stuff because you never offend your corporate overlords.

  4. Daniel says:

    “To insult the folks of America…” she has not been retouched. I’ve never heard a story as hilarious as this one. That “girl” on the right… she’s so into it.

    Noam Chomsky recently gave an interview in “Der Spiegel” saying: “This Sarah Palin phenomenon is truly remarkable. If somebody from Mars is watching us, he could be thinking that our country is insane”.

    He has a good way of criticizing, claiming that it really does not matter if the Democrats or the Republicans win: both are equally part of the only existing party: the “business party”

  5. mthrnite says:

    If she’s real. If she’s just the same as you or me. Why should she not be presented as such. Seems logical. Joe Sixpack wouldn’t want to be touched up with Photoshop, right?

  6. david perry says:

    FOX isn’t mainstream media–it’s undisguised polemic. Republicans are slipping to the point where even their planned massive voter supression and fraud might not be enough.

    Fear of a black president.

  7. Lou says:

    Allot to do about nothing over at FOX.

  8. JimB says:

    Yeah right, that is the problem with Palin – she has a few hairs on her upper lip.

    BTW, I wish someone would give her a “clear slap in the face”

  9. Todd Peterson says:

    OMG – this has to be a new low point in the campaign. I am sooo glad we have the critical journalism of FOX to cover and comment on this!

  10. Named says:

    Can someone please wake me up? Bizarro world has been going on for too long and I’m losing perspective.

    Or, has The Onion taken over the matrix?

  11. It’s all about the issues. Hen house issues.

    I’d much rather talk about Biden’s huge foot that always ends up in his mouth over & over again…

  12. Hoo boy. And Faux Spews fans wonder why the rest of the world is laughing at them.

  13. Angus says:

    It’s stupid that the Republicans are complaining about this. But, it’s even stupider that the Democrats reading this article cannot see the hypocracy of it all.

  14. Aaorn says:

    Slow “news” day Faux?

  15. Paddy-O says:

    I saw the cover yesterday while in a waiting room. While it was an extreme close up and that type of shot is always retouched for a cover, it was no big deal. Her skin was pretty close to flawless. A pic like that of most people would have been horrible.

    I guess they failed in their attempt. Newsweak ad pages as of June were down about 30% from last year. Another failing rag trying to boost circ… No wonder the CEO “put on his track shoes”.

  16. the answer says:

    i think i had a nightmare that looked like that.

  17. AC_in_mich says:

    I just couldn’t waste 5 minutes watching that video

  18. devilboy says:

    Uhm… how is this news?

    [Uhm… it’s not news, it’s entertainment. – ed.]

  19. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    “She’s One of the Folks (And that’s the Problem)”

    That statement is absolutely true.

  20. Uncle Dave says:

    #18: Exactly!

  21. JMcM says:

    My beef with the media is that they keep shooting me from my bad side, showing that giant melanoma pouch that is perfectly fine from a health standpoint and will never lead to future problems, or Governor Sarah becoming president.

    We’ve offered to retouch shots for the media for free, so portrayal of our campaign can be fair and balanced.

    What the ∫µ¢% are they waiting for? Gotta go. Kids on the lawn.


  22. zorklre says:

    If Newsweek were trying to make this a “communication neutral” cover, they would have backed off and produced a much more typically sized facial photo. To disagree with the premis that this cover demonstrates obvious liberal bias in making Palin out to be an “in your face” smiling Nurse Rached (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest) type who wants to happily make your life miserable, is to be blind to photographic communication. Next time you’re in public, walk up to someone and get 6 inches from their face and grin real big. They will assume you are either an idiot or you’re evil. That is exactly the idea Newsweek wanted to get across with this “so close it’s shocking” 2/3 of a face shot. That’s basic photography 101 stuff.

  23. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I think the idiot doing the complaining is just jealous that Palin looks great.

  24. Terry Love says:

    For goodness sake, she may have been a beauty queen, so what? She’s running as VP of the USA, what counts (or should) is what she says and stands for on issues of the day, not whether she has a spot on her chin. What the hell should politicians be air-brushed? because they are just plain vain… Get on with the debate and the worry about what they have to say, not what they look like (or might look like after someone has tarted up their image).

  25. contempt says:

    Magazine sales are down so Newsweek goes for the controversial instead of substance. They will get a bump, but their basic lack of journalistic ethics remain.

    What they do prove is that news is only propaganda when journalists lose their objectivity.

  26. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #25 contemptuous – You wouldn’t know objectivity if it bit you on the ass.

  27. Paddy-O says:

    #26 “You wouldn’t know objectivity if it bit you on the ass.”

    And, neither would Newsweak. The piece turned out to be an editorial not a news article.

    Yep, the rag continues to sink despite all attempts to turn it around…

  28. contempt says:

    #26 Monster’s Lawyer

    Ouch! Nice claws, but what else can we expect from the love child of Seigfried and Roy.

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #15, Cow-Paddy,

    I saw the cover yesterday while in a waiting room. While it was an extreme close up and that type of shot is always retouched for a cover,

    Are they? So much of it depends upon the person, the magazine, the times, and the story. There is no “one size fits all” blanket policy. On the other hand, many people decry retouching.

    I guess everyone forgets the aggravation Faith Hill got for her retouched photo on Redbook.

    .Newsweak ad pages as of June were down about 30% from last year.

    As are every print media’s. Even electronic media is down over last year. Another reason Bush has to go.

  30. Paddy-O says:

    #29 “Are they?”

    Yes, they are. I wouldn’t expect you to know much about journalism and related topics though.

    If you need to know more just ask.


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