From time to time, companies must confront unwanted advertising. Take the Italian eatery Olive Garden. As reported in this WSJ front-pager, the restaurant has been none too pleased with the “deep love” that Kendra Wilkinson — “a Playboy cover model, television star and one of Hugh Hefner’s three live-in girlfriends” — professes for the family-friendly chain.
Pfizer is dealing with a similar situation involving its Viagra drug. Today, Pfizer’s outside trademark attorneys appeared before the SDNY’s Judge William Pauley to argue a preliminary injunction in the company’s battle against a man named Arye Sachs and his company, JetAngel.com. Frankly, it’s not totally clear to us what Sachs’s business plan entails, though his Web site says the company specializes in out-of-door advertising on military equipment. “Our goal is to re-commission these aircraft in order to share the excitement of jet flight. . . In doing so, we can also provide a new venue for national advertisers and sponsors that has no equal in reaching consumer attention.”
That’s where Viagra comes in. According to Pfizer’s complaint, on September 8 Sachs’s Jet Angel company “transported through Manhattan, and even brought to Pfizer’s world headquarters on 42nd Street, a replica missile prominently bearing Pfizer’s VIVA VIAGRA mark and logo on its side in the same color and distinctive lettering style used in Pfizer’s own VIVA VIAGRA advertisements.” (We pulled the above picture from Jet Angel’s Web site. Apparently, the court has since ordered Sachs to remove the Viagra logo. Hence, the Viva Viagra has since been replaced with “Censored by a Federal Court”.)
I’m surprised he could get away with carting a missile around New York. I guess ‘hide in plain sight’ would be a good plan for…dare I say it?
uhm isnt this a repeat from the other day?
[uhm… no. – ed.]
Well, the Dept of Homeland In-Security is too busy SQUEEZING TITTIES AT THE AIRPORTS to notice THE ROCKETS BEING TOWED AROUND MANHATTAN !!! Don’t we all feel safer now ???
If you can’t get it up maybe you should leave it down.
It’s called physical advertising.
Hey, that’s Julia Roberts’ dildo…
They’d probably have no trouble getting it onto a plane.
Is that a missile in your arsenal , or are you just glad to see me?
I agree JimD we have gone one better here in Australia we now have a scanner at the international airport in Melbourne that can see through your clothes no need to squeeze em now just drool LOL