1. lmj3325 says:

    Does it have a easily accessible compartment in which to store explosives?

  2. mthrnite says:


    I love these audio Rorschach tests.

  3. bobbo says:

    Those talking dolls have been out for decades. When will the technology make them understandable? Doesn’t make me think we’re going to land on Mars anytime soon.

  4. zorkor says:

    This news is from FOX NEWS people. The number one pro Israeli anti-American news channel ever to grace the land of the fat butts.

    This channels proves every time how much they love giving Israelis and the Jews a blowjob every morning.

  5. bobbo says:

    #4–zorkor==if those dolls are able to give a blow job every morning, I’d let the light of Islam shine on me.

    How about you?

  6. Mark says:

    Islam is the Light = Spreading Hate?

    Even if that is what the doll said, the only people who would think it is spreading hate are the ones who think Muslim extremists are the only ones following Islam.

  7. Hyph3n says:

    God (or Allah) forbid that we call Fisher Price and ask what the doll actually is saying.

  8. Michelle says:

    How is saying ‘islam is the light’ spreading hate? Fox is insane.

  9. McCullough says:

    Sounds like gibberish to me, much like everything from Fox.

  10. jccalhoun says:

    Wow, what a hatchet piece. Don’t bother calling Fisher Price and asking them what the doll is supposed to say or anything… That’s good reportering there…

  11. Check out the blogs of the right-wing extremist who posted the video. Good Lord. What a whack job. Posts claiming everything from “Obama is the Anti-Christ” to false allegations that Raila Odinga (The prime minister of Kenya, falsely portrayed as an islamic militant murderer) is Obama’s cousin.

    It’s fruitcakes like this that give me hope for America. They’re so far out in right field, even the right wingnuts have to disavow them.

    And yeah. Why doesn’t somebody call Fisher-Price and ask THEM what the doll is supposed to be saying. That crackly gibberish coming out of the doll’s mouth is about as intelligible as the speaker at a McDonald’s drive-through window.

  12. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Dolls should be free to say anything they want. This is the U.S.A. after all! When dolls talk to me I try to ignore them because they are basically uneducated pieces of plastic. As a side note, Ken was gay and that’s why Barbie left his ass. I know this for a fact because my G.I. Joe told me. Joe is a good friend of Barbie, so I know it’s got to be true.

  13. blah blah blah says:

    For sake of argument, let’s pretend the doll is saying “Islam is the light”. Some seem to be defending it. So what would the reaction be if the doll was saying something Christian like “Come to Jesus?”

    Just curious.

  14. McCullough says:

    #12. I’m worried for you.


  15. #13 – McC

    >>#12. I’m worried for you.

    Why? I thought he did a spot-on impression of the fearmongers shown in the video.

  16. Buzz says:

    The real answer will have to come from the folks at Fisher Price.

    What was the original script?

  17. Cursor_ says:

    Wow I thought it was saying can I have a light?

    I thought it was pro-smoking.

    Man I must be dumb!


  18. Geoffrey says:

    Fisher Price doll with pro Christian message?

    Oh no!

    Merry Christmas!

  19. zmijuga says:

    Really comforting to see Amaericans are not anti-muslim, they are anti-terror, anti-extremist etc… Try to picture how we muslims feel when we see such reports in regular tv (clue: like pig in Teheran). That things like this still surprise me shows how naive I am.

  20. Mia (the woman at the start of the video) is an asshole. Maybe (assuming that the doll is actually saying “Islam is the light”) it’s not appropriate for a kiddy toy, but to say that “it’s spouting more hate than love”? wtf??

    I know a number of Muslims, in America, France, and Spain, and I’ve never heard a single one of them “spout hate”. If some of the Christian holy rollers spouted as little hate as those folks, the world would be a better place.

  21. If the fat woman at 0:48 is “glad it didn’t end up in her cart”, then wtf is her Pillsbury Dough Girl daughter doing with it out in the parking lot? Did they steal it?

  22. Paddy-O says:

    #22 ROFL!

    Good point.

  23. zorkor says:

    Its amazing to see all this hatred against Islam just because some doll is talking about it. Most of the American people here know its nothing to shout about but Noooo, the Foxy News channels loves to create an issue out of a non-issue thing. Its disgusting to hear the comments of the people on this Fox news, spreading hate just by saying Islam is light? you got to be kidding right?
    These types of dolls are mostly made for different markets. I am sure this doll was actually intended for some Middle east market but wrongly ended up in the USA, but Fox loves controversies, they see it as an excuse to spread more hate against Islam. Now who is spreading hate, the doll or the FOx hole new channel?

  24. jccalhoun says:

    This is not Fox News but a local Fox affiliate. Most local news programs are pretty dreadful and do anything for ratings. The fact that it happens to be the Fox affiliate has little to do with it I’m sure.

  25. Ho-Lip Tex says:

    The dolls are actually saying “Kill our mommy.” Bonus points if you remember back that far 🙂

  26. i have the doll says:

    for my 19 month old… i thought it was saying “isel is duwhite” because i had no frame of refrence but after i saw this video and typing in “Islam” and “Light” on my google browser, you will see hundreds of references to Islam being the Light according to its followers.

    I listened to my daughter’s doll and it is pretty clear when up to your ear, “Islam is the Light.” I do not see it as a message of hate, though. So boo to those who say it is hate. The thing that makes me have any feeling against the doll is that I did not want a doll that says “Islam is the Light.” I wanted a doll who just moved and cooed for my daughter. She loves this thing but it has to go for its false advertising.

    In Christian belief, Jesus is the Light. If anything, I think it just went to the wrong market. But of course you will never get a doll for the US market saying “Jesus is the Light” without controversy from non-Christians. heck, Merry Christmas cannot be seen nor displayed anymore where I live. Balboa Park’s Christmas on the Prado is now called Balboa Holiday Lights.

    So let’s be fair… no Islam is the Light doll if there is no Jesus is the light or Merry Christmas out in public.

  27. hhopper says:

    Here’s a video where the audio is much better:

  28. Wooo! From the Owasso Reporter: “Upon further investigation, the Owasso Reporter came across some Web sites where others have discovered this doll and also claim she utters the words, “Satan is King.”.

    Must be the Antichrist at work!!! Satan is King. Zounds!!

  29. Bando says:

    They mentioned this effect on a recent episode of The Skeptics’ Guide 5×5, in episode 38 (“Pareidolia”). Listen to it here:
    In a nutshell, we recognize patterns, even if they don’t actually exist.

  30. Bando says:

    That’s 5 and an X and a 5. I think this comment system converted the X into a multiplication symbol! It screwed up the whole link.

    [Whenever there’s an x in a URL, WordPress converts it to a multiplication sign and destroys the URL. To keep this from happening, use a capital X. – ed.]


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