The Press Republican – Article: Keene artist had hard time getting back into US — Are you kidding me??

Keene Valley resident Jerilea Zempel was detained at the U.S. border this summer because she had a drawing of a sport-utility vehicle in her sketchbook.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers told Zempel they suspected her of copyright infringement.

She was released after more than an hour in custody at the Houlton, Maine, port of entry from New Brunswick, Canada.

Her release came only after she persuaded border guards she was an artist doing a project that involved a crocheted SUV as a statement against Americas dependence on oil and love for big vehicles.

  1. lmj3325 says:

    Why are these customs employees even concerned with copyright issues? They must have the illegal aliens and terrorists under control so they moved on to bigger and better thinks.

    If / when we pull the troops out of Iraq can we send all the scumbags that work for the RIAA and MPAA over there to take place of the troops?

  2. riker17 says:

    Too funny, must be more to this story. “Copyright infringement?” How? So, we are no longer permitted to draw cars in our sketch pads.

  3. Ben says:

    If the drug sniffing dogs don’t smell anything and the person is a US citizen they shouldn’t be searched. If the border police along the Canadian border have nothing to do, they should send them down to the Mexican border to stop illegal aliens.

  4. Nemesis says:

    “Her release came only after she persuaded border guards she was an artist doing a project”

    …Some artist.

  5. gromnie says:

    John; you kept asking on TWIT for proof that someone had ever been stopped at a border for “copyright violation” suspicions.

    Ask and ye shall receive.

    And it’s only going to get worse from here. Do I now have to travel with receipts for every song on my iPod? Seems like it…

  6. chris says:

    Well if this is our idea for the next big seller I can understand why so many people are afraid of foreign competition.


    Since she was REENTERING the U.S. she must have been seen as spying FOR and not ON American car companies. The green minded guard immediately saw that the drawing was salable to Detroit because of its elegant lines. He was only trying to protect them from themselves.


    Sarah Palin was the real spy, she merely hired the artist as a mule to smuggle the drawing across the border.

  7. Ranger007 says:

    Well, I certainly feel safer!

    How many illegals do you suppose sneaked across the southern border while they were hassling this lady?

  8. JimD says:

    Wow !!! Homeland In-Security !!! Arresting drawings now !!! Don’t you feel much safer now ???

  9. JM says:

    Troublemaking protest bitch. She should be thrown in a tank at the Hanoi Hilton for being such a problem for our border guards.

    Just remember, kiddies—make a drawing; go to jail. It’s the law.

    Hey you kids: Get off my lawn.

  10. McCullough says:

    She’s lucky she didn’t have this in her vehicle.

  11. Geoffrey says:

    When government is the terrorist, revolution is nigh.

  12. jimbob says:

    Story sounds a little sketchy.

  13. Improbus says:

    “Law” enforcers, aka cops, will be douche bags no matter what agency they work for. Same mind set same power trip.

  14. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “Her release came only after she persuaded border guards she was an artist doing a project”

    Most artists let there work speak for them. I would have arrested her too!

  15. brendal says:

    You think this is bad? I got stopped going into Vancouver for not checking the “business tool” box on the form. Why? Because I had my laptop with me. I then procured a pen from my purse and waved it in his face and asked,

    “Isn’t this a business tool, too???”

    He laughed and passed me through…I was later told by my CEO that I was very lucky he didn’t get my cynicism…but then again, few Canadians would…let alone customs officers.

  16. deowll says:

    It’s getting to be insane. The thing that is becoming the biggest threat to anybody trying to do anything is the government.

  17. Balbas says:

    Just remember: when ACTA is signed, what this lady went through will seem like a walk in the park.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    Eight years of Bush are enough.

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