• Extinction watch continues unabated. I’m thinking this has something to do with an upcoming movie.
  • Sarah Palin’s hacker indicted and faces 5 years.
  • RIM’s Blackberry Storm getting a lot of play because it has a touch screen.
  • Unisys hires turn-around artist from Gateway.
  • MySQL falling apart.
  • XOHM chips to be in Lenovo and Acer notebooks for WiMAX.
  • Wii HD is a rumor.

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  1. Great. Sarah Palin’s email hacker was indicted. Now when are they going to indict Sarah Palin herself, for her unethical and illegal use of clandestine email accounts to circumvent the archiving of official communications related to state business? They’ve pretty well swept that under the carpet.

    But wait! Not everyone has forgotten about the VP candidate’s ethical lapses; an ex-state worker is suing to prevent “gov.sarah” (aka “gov.palin”) from destroying the evidence of her malfeasance.


  2. @#1: Yet no one can remembers the fact that the thieves have failed to find any official hidden emails in her private account…

    Now, where are those valiant reporters to connect this intrusion to the family of the intruder, hence the Democratic official, hence the Democratic party and Obama’s campaign as they did in the Watergate times. No connection? Than why not a peep from Obama to at least condemn it?

  3. prh says:

    Figures, everything Sun touches turns to crap.

  4. god says:

    Baltimore, John – not Philadelphia.

    BTW, is it beyond your ken that people find reasonable concern in the potential diminishing of species on Earth? Life on this planet is not limited to movie scripts.


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