Jamie Lynn Spears is pregnant with her second child at the age of 17- according to the National Enquirer.

The sister of Britney Spears and star of Zoey 101 gave birth to her daughter Maddie Briann just three months ago after surprising the world with a teenage pregnancy.

Now it’s claimed she is two months gone with a second child after mistakenly believing she couldn’t get pregnant whilst breast feeding.

The report says the Spears pushy matriarch Lynne went crazy when she heard the news and along with friends is telling her daughter to have a termination.

This is what happens when your home schooled at the trailer park. I apologize in advance for posting this… I couldn’t resist.

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Medical science knows what causes that now.

  2. Johnnycanuk says:

    And McCain is on Obama about his sex ed. policies… Looks like they are needed, doesn’t it???

  3. STEVE says:


  4. Flip Wilson says:

    Idiot. Remind me how she’s related to Palin.

  5. Mac Guy says:

    This has to be BS. But hey… If it’s not, then maybe we should reconsider taking sex ed out of schools is such a bright idea.

  6. LibertyLover says:

    That girl sure likes to scrump!

  7. More proof that all Southerners are slack-jawed yokels who would rather rut than get out of their trailer homes and find a real job. Why didn’t we let them secede back in 1860?

  8. ubiquitous talking head says:


    Not exactly an urban myth. Women are LESS likely to get pregnant during breast feeding.


  9. Improbus says:

    Well, it isn’t like the Spears line is known for intelligence. That is why they have babies early. They should be glad that one of them made some money before she self destructed.

  10. Zybch says:

    What do you expect from a family of talentless sluts?

  11. contempt says:

    #7 SJ

    I’m sure Southerners would find you much more objectionable than you find them. From what I can tell they would be right.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    And they call me a horny bastard..

  13. Special Ed says:

    She should’ve stuck with the butt secks.

  14. Jägermeister says:

    #14 – Angel

    Only difference is that you’re not making women pregnant… 😉

  15. Floyd says:

    When I was still a Catholic, I knew a family in the parish that was larger (17 kids) than the family on the “clown car” picture. That’s one reason I gave up Catholicism a long time ago.

  16. hhopper says:

    As Groucho Marx said to a woman with many, many kids, “I like my cigar too, but I take it out once in a while.”

  17. just Ed says:

    Because you could not have 17 kids??

  18. CrankyOldGuy says:

    Looks to me like she is a product of public schools-not home schooling. But I suppose we can just throw out totally unsupported garbage to readers and call them “facts”-talentless whore, yes, home schooled southerner just shows your northern ignorance.

  19. #20 – Crank

    >>home schooled southerner just shows
    >>your northern ignorance.

    Accurate though, isn’t it?

  20. McCullough says:

    #20. Nope, grew up in Virginia, guess that blows your argument all to hell…..personally, I love the South.

  21. McCullough says:

    #21. Met some real backwoods rednecks in the north too Mustard, ever been to New Hampshire, parts of Pennsylvania, Indiana?

  22. Named says:


    Well, my wife used that line on me too. Good thing our second born child is as wonderful as the first!

  23. No one in particular says:

    The sad part is that she probably thought that ‘while breast feeding’ actually meant ‘during the act of breast feeding’.

    Actual quote just before conception: “OK, hurry up and finish before the baby’s done!”

    Yeah, I went there. I’m not proud, but dammit, someone had to say it!

  24. #23 – McC

    >>ever been to New Hampshire, parts of Pennsylvania,

    Yep, lived in all 3 states. And yeah, there are some rednecks there too. There’s just something about good ole boy southern trailer trash that kind of takes the cake.

    And Virginia may be south of the Mason-Dixon line, but most of it’s more like a DC suburb than E. Bumf&ck.

  25. McCullough says:

    #26. Beg to differ, western Va and eastern Va are like 2 different states, but travel around this country enough, you’ll find rednecks in every state, Colorado, California, Idaho, etc..

    Its more of rural vs. city than it is north vs. south in my experience. When you classify a whole group like “Southerners” the way you do, you do sound like a bigot. For someone who pretends to be so Progressive, and supposedly anti bigoted, it comes off a little hypocritical.

  26. #27 – McC

    OK, you win. It was an error in judgment.

  27. Stephanie says:

    Mister Mustard,

    There is trash in every state this country has.

    To say that the Spears are entirely talentless is false. It takes a true business mind to pimp out your teenage daughters to the pop culture world.

    And it is sad to say that I have a friend with a master’s degree in some fancy science who got knocked up when her first baby was only months old.

    Sex in and of itself just makes the brain go stupid no matter where you are on the chart.

  28. the answer says:

    I love that joke. it’s a vagina, not a clown car

  29. McCullough says:

    #28. No problem. This was supposed to be a humorous post. When I was in the military, I was forced by financial circumstances to live in a trailer park, in the South. Most of the people there were salt of the earth…..but there was some trash in there too.

  30. #29 – Stephanie

    >>There is trash in every state this country has.

    Yeah yeah. I already fessed up to my error in judgement.

    >>To say that the Spears are entirely
    >>talentless is false.

    I don’t believe I ever said they were entirely talentless. I don’t know of any particular talents that the kid sister or the mother have, but I enjoyed Britney’s cameo appearance in the Austin Powers movie, where she did the boogaloo with Mike Myers to the tune of “Oops, I did it again”.


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