Maybe I’m just an old timer but back in my day I remember when a Trillion Dollars was a lot of money. Things sure have changed.

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “When you ain’t got none a trillion is as good as one.” – Hobo Joe

  2. z says:

    Learn about how our corrupt fractional reserve banking system works, then you’ll understand why a trillion ain’t what it used to be.

    Seems like the only thing that hasn’t vastly inflated in the last couple of years is my salary.

  3. Breetai says:

    Yup inflation sucks thanks to the federal reserve killing the economy with inflation. A quadrillion is probably not far off. Ron Paul is right we’re getting screwed and begging for more.

  4. mthrnite says:

    A million seconds is 12 days.
    A billion seconds is 31 years.
    A trillion seconds is 31,688 years.

  5. Geoffrey says:

    A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon you are talking some real money.

    Send me a blank check for 700 billion or else the economy will die! Pronto!

    And then I will demand some more after that because you reinforced my reward response, you can count on it.

    As a kid I used to think a “trillion” was a fake word, along with a “zillion.”

  6. Improbus says:

    By this time next year we may be carrying around money in buckets. For those that don’t get the joke: hyperinflation.

  7. Buckyballs says:

    Amen #5 – where’s Everette Dirkson when you need a real republican?
    BTW, anyone figured out why the fed stopped publishing M3 a couple years ago?

  8. amodedoma says:

    Heck I can remember when a million could last a lifetime, if one was careful. If everybody wants more somebody’s gonna get less. Problem is it seems everyone has a price and our respected leaders are no exception. So now when some ultra rich guys come up with a plan to get richer they just pay whatever’s necessary to get legislation that’s favourable to their plans. They could care less that the country’s gonna suffer the consequences. As the class split becomes wider and wider, life in America is gonna get harder and harder (for the vast majority).

  9. z says:


    Who said everyone wants more and more? I may be in the minority, but I happen to believe there are quite of lot of people like me who are happy to have just enough and would rather see a higher quality of life for all than egregious excess for some.

  10. JMcM says:

    Calm down, it’s only a thousand billion.

  11. amodedoma says:


    Yeah but, if there were a lot more like you and me this world would be a better place. Unfortunately if you live in the US and you don’t want more – you’re classified as a loser. For the ‘average american’ you got to work your butt off to have just enough, and if your lucky enough to have more, you got to do something with your money or you lose it to taxes and inflation. Lucky for me I had good cause to emmigrate to Spain 20 years ago.

  12. ECA says:


    ALL i want is enough to live on.
    Pay ALL my bills, Gas for my car, Insurance for my car, AFFORD the RENT/mortgage..and 3-5% for alittle entertainment.

    And beyond that abit of TRUTH in government.

  13. LibertyLover says:

    BTW, anyone figured out why the fed stopped publishing M3 a couple years ago?

    The public was getting too informed. I wonder if that’s not the real reason for the “bailout.” People were starting to catch on so they moved a few things up.

    This article talks about the law not going into effect until 2011, but the bailout bill moved that up to immediately. How long has the government known about the coming crisis?

    I’m not really into conspiracies, but some of this really stinks of one.

  14. ECA says:

    13, go back and look at the BAILOUT when BUSH sr. was around for the LOAN assoc.

  15. Dowars & Senztz says:

    It’s only $166.66 per person of 6 billion people.

  16. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “All I need is this ashtray, this paddle game, this…” – The Jerk

  17. bobbo says:

    Its just a psychological thing, but when I fly over the USA, I look down and it doesn’t make sense to me where all this “money” comes from.

    I further don’t understand how we can lose so many jobs and not really go off the cliff to devastating hyper-inflation and culture clash.

    Seems like the only thing keeping us afloat is all the other countries are just as bad or worse? Why would other 100 year old banks in Europe dive into these high risk securities?

    The dismal science.


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