Now you can piece together words from Sarah’s speeches and interview to create a new one with her distinctive, Vice Presidential style. You betcha!

Here’s an example of one I created. Hear it and be transported by the words of our future VP like this guy:

BTW, while I’ve got you here, what do you think of all that Alaska secessionist stuff floating around the Interwebitubes about Sarah and Todd or her charging expenses when at home or ‘Troopergate?’

Thanks to Hop

  1. tcc3 says:

    Not very authentic. She didn’t say maverick in yours. Not once. =)

  2. Mark Derail says:

    KEATING ECONOMICS: John McCain & The Making of a Financial Crisis

  3. bobbo says:

    1. Alaska Secession==Powerful Men always have women behind them rooting them on, protecting them, directing them with sex when young, with astrological insights when old. Powerful Women always have a svengali type behind them. Men happy out of the spotlight leaving them free to enfluence but with lots of time to hunt, fish, and skimobile. I put most of the secession on HIM and she is putting up with it except when she can grab a few votes out of it. No Govenor would give up the tax flow that supports Alaska.

    2. Charging Expenses. She thought it was a benefit that she deserved and only reflected how smart she was to do it. After you get your first million in net worth, every additional government dollar of revenue is the icing on the cake. Many go to Washington poor, no one leaves not rich.

    3. Trooper Gate. She will subvert the Constitution and good government precepts of accountability EVERY CHANCE SHE GETS. THE WOMAN IS DANGEROUS!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Named says:

    Ahhh… A clockwork orange image. You betchya that was a good movie!

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    #1: Just for you. Click here

  6. Personality says:

    This is great!

  7. jbenson2 says:

    The nutroots are out in force. One thing I have to give them credit for is they manage to find and post more crackpot sites the closer we get to the election.

    I heard that Alco is experiencing a huge increase in their sales, thanks to the number of aluminum hats they are selling.

  8. Noam Sane says:

    what do you think of all that Alaska secessionist stuff floating around the Interwebitubes about Sarah and Todd or her charging expenses when at home or ‘Troopergate?’

    The only proper response is to have Dvorak photoshop a clown nose on Al Gore.

  9. Fedup says:

    Dvorak needs to change this site name to the

  10. Mark says:

    Considering the head of the Alaska Independent Party said they would need to “infiltrate” the Republican party and that Todd Palin was being CC’d on the government of Alaska emails, that brings his associations into play and Sarah’s judgement. This is far more relevant than any Obama/Ayers connection. Of course the most important thing is Sarah is woefully unqualified to be president, which is how the vice president is to be selected according to the constitution.

  11. Geoffrey says:

    Just can just call me Evita.

    Never mind your pointy-headed “issues”. This is no time for academics. Americans need jobs!

    The crowd responds: We love you!

  12. #10 – FedUp

    >>Dvorak needs to change this site name to the

    Why? Just about every post he makes about Obama is a slam.

  13. gooddebate says:

    Yawn, more image deterioration for John. I tell my children all the time not to call people names. Not because it might hurt them but because of the what it does to their mind. It reinforces a way of thinking that isn’t healthy. What’s sad is that the 50 percent of Johns stuff I do think is interesting might deteriorate too. Do you really want to teach your mind to think this way?

  14. Jess Hurchist says:

    #7 “I heard that Alco is experiencing a huge increase in their sales, thanks to the number of aluminum hats they are selling.”

    I heard Alco is struggling, maybe everyone’s already got a hat.

  15. Fedup says:

    Because he has turned over the site to people who believe that Obama has never had a bowel movement and that only wisdom and truth have ever fallen from his ass.

  16. Uncle Dave says:

    Fedup: You’ve got it all wrong. We don’t love Obama. We just can’t stand McCain & Palin.

  17. cfk1 says:

    Sarah and Todd are welcome to support whatever goofy political groups they want. Even Alaska is part of America (at least until the secessionists have their way). Gaming the state for “stay at home” per diem pay and “Troopergate” suggest a level of hubris and/or political tone-deafness that is troubling in a public figure promoting herself for higher office. The real question I’d ask here is how Republicans would respond if the Obamas had behaved in a similar fashion. Frothing at the mouth demands for special prosecutors would be my best guess.


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