Obama gave some details. McCain didn’t give any, although he mentioned (without details) buying up bad mortgages. Didn’t we do that last week?


  1. #62 – ‘tempt

    >>Not quite sure why you are standing behind him
    >>- so to speak –

    Haw haw. Again with the homophobia. Are you really that insecure in your own sexuality that you have to keep harping on the fact that Barney Frank is gay? At least he ‘fesses up to it, not like the GOP closet homos with their wide, wide stances and their underage lovers.

    btw, I’m not “standing behind” (haw haw haw) Barney Frank. I think he’s a douche bag.

    But when it comes time to allocate blame for the economic meltdown we’re going through, he’s at the end of the line.

    And if you say you don’t see that, you’re either a liar or too stupid to live.

  2. #61 – O’Furniture

    >>Parents will get fined if they don’t purchase
    >>ins. for their kids. Period.

    O’Pinocchio, your nose is getting so long you won’t be able to fit in the polling booth at this rate.

    Obama’s not going to fine “small businesses”; he’s not going to fine parents.

    Why don’t you check some facts (like at factcheck.org) before you go running off at the mouth with Anal Cyst Limbaugh’s talking points?


    Sheesh. You’re too easy. Shutting you down is like debating Palin. Shooting fish in a barrel.

  3. lynn says:

    When McCain said, “Social security will be easy to fix,” I was waiting to hear how he planned to fix it so easily. However, we only heard the statement – and I think he repeated it – “easy to fix.” Since the big issue is more old people than young people, I assume he plans to round up old people and shove them into ovens?

    Also, it bothered me that McCain never modulated his Mr. Rogers-like confidential semi-whisper. I was surprised that the PBS analysts described the effect as ‘warm’. He sounded like a creepy old uncle asking us not to tell auntie what we caught him doing. To be fair, I am also turned off by Obama’s prissy-face when he’s annoyed.

    I think McCain is just not a naturally good speaker; he starts a thought but fails to complete it effectively. I think that when he called Obama “that one” he was intending to then refer to himself as ‘this one’ – that would have been a nice little sound bite. Without the ‘this one’ he instead produced a really jarring moment.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    #64 … “he’s not going to fine parents.”

    Sorry. He said he’d fine parents. PERIOD.

    From NBC/NJ’s Aswini Anburajan:

    In a conference call to announce the personal endorsement of Linda Nelson, president of the Iowa State Education Association, Obama said that he would “http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2007/11/28/485042.aspx parents” in order to enforce the mandate in his health insurance plan that all children be covered.

    “I would sign them up in school in the same way they would get inoculated. I would fine parents if for some reason they refused. I am happy to be very clear on how we would enforce the mandate,” Obama said.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    Link didn’t stick.


    [Just type the link in… don’t add any code to it. WordPress takes care of it. – ed.]

  6. #66 – O’Pinocchio

    Since poor parents can get health insurance for their kids for FREE, why would any parent NOT insure their children? Hmmmm? Would YOU prefer to pick up the expenses when the kid gets leukemia or is run over by a dump truck and spends 18 months in the hospital?

    And the link you posted was from a year ago, when he was debating health care with Hillary.

    McBush’s spurious charges that people are going to be taxed and fined to death under Obama are so silly as to hardly warrant a rebuttal.

    As Obama said, “If you already have health insurance, the only thing that is going to change for you under this plan is the amount of money you will spend on premiums. That will be less than you are spending now, by as much as $2500.00”.

    Unlike McBush’s plan, where families are going to be left holding the bag for the $7000+ difference between his “tax rebate” and what they actually have to pay for insurance (if they can get it at all).


  7. Debate Watcher says:

    Let’s face it: McCain is a pathetic weak little old man who thinks he is entitled to be prez. simply cause he’s been around so long. Obama is 10X the man McCain is. It’s time the old white racist war-loving republicans were sent packing. Good riddance to the incompetant idiots that ended the american century in less than 8 years…well done boys.

  8. contempt says:

    #68 Mister Mustard

    The best plan is don’t pay premiums and when you need health care show up at the emergency room.

    Why fight it? It’s clear that those who play by the rules are constantly getting hosed, so everyone should sign up today for the illegal immigrant health plan.

    Hey, it works for them and it doesn’t seem to bother the government.

  9. #70 – contempt

    >>The best plan is don’t pay premiums and when
    >>you need health care show up at the emergency

    Well, that’s certainly been Dumbya’s health care “solution”.

    Too bad it doesn’t work. If you get shot, the emergency room will take you, insurance or no. If you have a chronic medical problem (cancer, diabetes, hypertension, etc.) you’re shit out of luck.

    Obama’s health care plan is so far superior to McBush’s, there’s not even any comparison.

    Is it perfect? Of course not. Compared to McBush’s plan (or what we’ve got now), it’s heaven on earth.

  10. Paddy-O says:

    #68 “Since poor parents can get health insurance for their kids for FREE, why would any parent NOT insure their children? ”

    Don’t know, that’s not the issue. The FACT is that Obama said what he said and HASN’T retracted that statement.

    Do you have a later link with him retracting that?


    So, the fact is that he wants to fine parents who don’t purchase gov’t mandated insurance.


  11. Paddy-O says:

    #74 Yep, raising taxes on small business (where most Americans work) thus killing jobs, fining parents who won’t buy into gov’t mandated ins., raising taxes on capital gains (where most of Americans retirement $ are invested) and further damaging foreign investment in the U.S.

    Ah yes, fresh air at last! LOL

  12. Scurvy says:

    I’m from the federal government and I’m here to help you.

  13. Calin says:

    Obama, last night, said that only a tiny percentage of small businesses make over 250K.

    Really? 250K income would allow you to pay about 20 employees 6 bucks an hour….if you had no other expenses at all.

    I think Obama’s definition of small businesses really needs some looking into.

  14. Pmitchell says:

    Ohh Obama is by no means the superior candidate it just that in the history of this country the press has never gone so far out of their way try to elec to the position of the president a man with less experience and more skeletons in his closet than Mr Obama. He is by far the most unfit man for the job in the history of this country and I just hope he does not do irreparable damage to it

    when the truth about a man is as covered up and under reported as it was with this man all I can hope is that when it does finally start to come out, the press will pay the price they deserve for their deception

  15. Paddy-O says:

    #77 I used to sell primarily to the SMB segment with a product that was priced on a sliding scale by employee seat count.

    Marketing wise I had to break up and analyze the employee count and income to get pricing correct.

    His tax hiles will hit the “sweet spot” where the largest % of American’s work.

    Just because people want to get rid of an idiot like Bush is no reason to throw yet another idiot like Obama into the White House…

  16. brendal says:

    #79 You’re being too kind…Obama’s not an idiot like “W”…he’s a fool. That’s worse.

  17. Thomas says:

    At no time during the debate did Obama utter the words, “There will be no fine.” Read the transcript.
    Obama never answered the question during the debate. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/07/presidential.debate.transcript/.

    McCain harped on him multiple times and then they just dropped it and moved onto a different subject.

    Frankly, I don’t like either candidate’s ideas for health care. Obama never mentioned who would be paying the premiums for those people that choose the government plan nor did he explain how that government plan would compete with commercial plans (at least during the debate). I guarantee that if Obama’s plan goes through, Congress will vote themselves different coverage.

  18. #75 – O’Pinocchio

    Raising taxes on “small business (where most Americans work)”???

    LOL, indeed. Small businesses are rallying around Obama like moths around a flame http://tinyurl.com/5nvkon

    As to the “government mandated insurance”, wtf? Parents who don’t want their children covered by insurance should probably have the children taken away, not just have a fine levied on them. If they can’t afford it, they can get it for free. Are you promoting child abuse and bad parenting?

    As to the capital gains tax, I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Right now, many retirees-to-be have capital LOSSES, so they don’t have to worry about it. This is mostly a problem for the super-rich, who don’t do any actual work, but shuffle paper and money around and profit from their efforts.

    In any case, it’s all water under the bridge and over the dam. Time to call in the dogs, wet the fire, and leave the house.

    Obama is our next POTUS.

  19. #80 – Brenda Lee

    If Obama is a “fool”, McBush is a garden slug.

    Either of the candidates would probably be better than Dumbya, but McBush, not by much. There’s a reason they call him “McBush” and “McSame” try as he might to distance himelf from his mentor and his mentor’s failed policies.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    #82 “As to the “government mandated insurance”, wtf?”

    I’ll explain it slowly (did you take your meds?).

    If a parent doesn’t purchase health ins they will be fined by the Fed gov’t (IRS will enforce). If they still won’t pay the fine the IRS will prosecute. If found guilty (under IRS regs) they can be jailed. Unless of course Obama has congress rewrite the tax codes so there is no threat of jail for tax evasion…

    Understand now?

  21. Paddy-O says:

    #82 “LOL, indeed. Small businesses are rallying around Obama like moths around a flame http://tinyurl.com/5nvkon

    LOL! An Omama position paper! LOL. Where’s data on ANY small business “rallying”?

    “As to the capital gains tax, I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Right now, many retirees-to-be have capital LOSSES, so they don’t have to worry about it.”

    And the rest that still have value will lose it! ROFL! Idiot.

    “This is mostly a problem for the super-rich,”

    Yes, middle American’s 401ks belong to the “super rich”!

  22. #84 – O’Furniture

    No. I still don’t understand. If parents can’t afford health insurance for their children (which seems to be the only reason they would not have it), they can get it for free. Do you understand that?

    And in MA, where they have “government mandatated health insurance” (not just for children, but for everyone), nobody is “fined” if they don’t have health insurance. They just lose their personal deduction when filing state tax returns. No fine, no prosecution, no jail.

    Do you understand that? Or are you so hung up on this “socialized medicine” thing that you can’t see the facts?

  23. Paddy-O says:

    #86 One more time; Obama said that he will FINE parents who don’t buy insurance. PERIOD.

    Simple, and a fact. Do you understand? Yes or no.

  24. #85 – O’Pinocchio

    If you don’t like my links, post some of your own. I’m interested to see evidence of the revulsion of small business owners towards Obama. All the small business owners I know are voting for Obama.

    >>Yes, middle American’s 401ks belong to the
    >>“super rich”! ROFL!

    Middle America’s problem with their 401(k)s is not the capital gains taxes they may or may not pay when they retire. It’s that they’re shrinking to the point of invisibility because of Dumbya’s and the Repub’s mismanagement of the financial sector over the past 8 years.


  25. Paddy-O says:

    #88 “I’m interested to see evidence of the revulsion of small business owners towards Obama. ”

    Why, I never said anything about it. Just because I caught you in a lie is no reason to then try and lie about what I said.

    But, that’s a typical lib tactic. YOU said small bus was rallying around Obama. It’s up to YOU to back up what you posted. All you could show is an Omama produced paper cheering himself.

    You lose. Everything I’ve said is true and backed up. All you have is prevarication and then, attempted deception with a link that isn’t relevant.

  26. #87 – O’Pinocchio

    >One more time; Omama said that he will FINE
    >>parents who don’t buy insurance. PERIOD.

    He didn’t say what form that fine might take. It could be like MA, where you lose your personal tax deduction.

    I have no problem with that. If parents are unwilling to acquire health insurance for their children and will not accept free health insurance for their children, wtf are they doing with children in the first place??

    No prosecution, no jail. They just lose their personal tax deduction for being incredibly irresponsible, and probably not fit to be parents in the first place.

    Pretty mild “punishment”, if you ask me.

  27. #80 – O’Pinocchio

    >>You lose.

    Uh, no I don’t. You said that Obama was going to tax small businesses into oblivion, which is such an absurd lie, it barely warrants a reply.

    I did you the favor of replying, with evidence from Obama’s own mouth and anecdotal evidence from small business owners that I know.

    If you don’t like that, tfb. Provide some evidence of your own. So far, all you’ve done is run off at the mouth with your own hot-air opinions, trying to pass them off as fact.

    In the end, nobody really gives a f&ck what you think about Obama anyway. He’s in like Flint.

    Look for things to start getting better in 103 days.

  28. brm says:

    #90 Mustard:

    “He didn’t say what form that fine might take.”

    Yeah, well, no one knows what kind of punishment you get inside Gitmo, so what’s the prob?

    It doesn’t matter if the fine is a dollar. The government can’t force people to buy health insurance in America. Period.

    You keep going on and on about how not buying health insurance for kids is child abuse. We prosecute child abusers, we don’t fine them. Pick one.

  29. brm says:

    #90 Mustard:

    “will not accept free health insurance for their children, wtf are they doing with children in the first place??”

    We can also start fining people for refusing to take food stamps.

  30. #93 – brm

    >>We can also start fining people for refusing to take
    >>food stamps.

    No, but we can fine them (and much worse) for starving their children.

    If parents refuse to take adequate care of their children, other measures need to be taken.

    You have a problem with that?


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