Obama gave some details. McCain didn’t give any, although he mentioned (without details) buying up bad mortgages. Didn’t we do that last week?


  1. syrinx says:


    Did anyone catch Tom Brokaw bitchin’ about McCain and Obama getting in the way of the teleprompter at the end?

    What’s the matter, Mr. Brokaw? Didn’t you retire as a pro at this stuff? You can’t wing it like a real reporter? Huh? Huh??

  2. Palin is a says:

    # 31 MarkP, hey don’t patronize me when you aren’t interested in doing any research. The oath of the VP is:
    “I, [Vice-President Elect’s name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

    How is she, and her husband, not a traitor if the story is true? I didn’t say anything about treason, I said she appears to be a traitor. Stealing the definition from M-W: one who betrays another’s trust or is false to an obligation or duty.

  3. I says:

    From a blog by Will Wilkinson:

    “Gut read. Obama owned it. This election’s over unless he murders and eats the flesh of a child on live television.”

  4. m.r. says:

    McCain acted like a cornered angry lion!
    Obama was unsure of himself!
    in my opinion, both are poor choices!
    the system of choosing the best of show in politics needs an overhaul. can either which will win be sued for false promises?
    these guys should be investigated by BBB.
    were are you FDR when your country needs you?

  5. Mark Derail says:

    This Video Alone

    KEATING ECONOMICS: John McCain & The Making of a Financial Crisis

    Should prove to the dimwits what they are getting into should they continue to vote for McCain.

    C’mon, I don’t want another Bad Pres Repeat from my neighbors down south.

    Put aside his name and skin color. Barrack is the better choice.

  6. Flip Wilson says:

    How much does McCain hate Obama?

    Wouldn’t even shake his hand after debate.

    How do we know it’s over?

    McCain left the stage as quickly as possible while Obama hung with the audience taking more questions and posing for pictures.

    What’s McCain afraid of? Actual voters asking questions, or is he simply more comfortable being on a stage while people scream “kill him” and “terrorist”?

  7. moss says:

    It really is funny. I get up and take my first cuppa to the computer to wander around and gauge reaction to debate #2 – and site after site, especially newspaper and TV sites, aren’t offering their readers a chance to participate in a poll about response.

    Previously, they did.

    Though the funniest was the Boston HERALD which editorialized against Obama and tried their damndest to make McCain look “presidential” – and then polled visitors to the site:

    82% to 16% favored Obama.

    Oh, Fox News viewers were much closer. 54% to 46% – Obama.

  8. loconavi says:

    Am I the only one who thinks McCain had a strong start? He was relaxed, working the room and attacking Obama with ease. And why is no one talking about the KO punch by McCain about healthcare fines. But Obama recovered and delivered his KO with the Pakistan and foreign policy answer. The finish went to Obama.

  9. Uncle Dave says:

    Has anyone considered the fact that debating skill has little to do with governing ability?

    I would rather have a president who can get things done rather one who can talk his or her way around any issue to win a debate. Of course, that probably leaves out both these candidates since they haven’t been all that great at either.

  10. contempt says:

    #41 Uncle Dave

    You make a good point and it goes back to the fact that Senators make lousy leaders.

  11. #18 – Thomas

    >>Actually, no. Obama never actually responded
    >>to the specific question about the fine.

    Sure he did; he said “there will be no fine”.

    On the health insurance issue, McBush would be well advised to just keep his pie hole shut.

    His “plan” of taxing employer-based health insurance and giving “tax rebates” ($2500 for an individual, $5000 for a family) to go out and buy their OWN health insurance is just about the shittiest idea that’s come out of this campaign. Health insurance for a family costs an average of $12,000/yr (not $5K), assuming you can even GET it. If you’ve got a pre-existing condition, you’re pretty much f&cked.

    Shitty, shitty plan.

    I’d vote for Obama just to keep McBush away from health insurance.

  12. 40 – loconavi

    >>And why is no one talking about the KO punch
    >>by McCain about healthcare fines.

    Because there was no KO punch.

    McBush’s healthcare “plan” is so piss-poor, he’s got no business even trying to throw a jab at ANYONE, much less Obama, whose healthcare plan leaves McBush sitting on his ass in the dust.

  13. contempt says:

    #44 Mister Mustard

    We have just witnessed how government incompetence (Barney Frank) can lead to financial crisis, so why would you want government in charge of your health care?

  14. bobbo says:

    #41–Uncle Dave==yes these staged stump speeches have very little value in most cases, still, they can have “some” value.

    I for one am much more against Palin than I would be absent the debate ((actually thats impossible given her performance with Gibson and Couric—image what a “real” debate would do to her?)).

    The best scenario here is the oft referenced case of the first Kennedy/Nixon debate. Nixon won on radio, Kennedy won on TV. Left Brain/right Brain? Candidates are not any one thing. They are how they perform in what venues according to the values of those reviewing them.

    We all know Lincoln was too ugly to be a TV president. Was that “him” or “us” and by “us” I mean all the dimwits out there who would have voted for (Johnson?).

  15. J says:

    # 25 Geoffrey

    How shit. My wife and I were discussion just that comparison the other night. I said to my wife that her whole “Act” seems like Eva Duarte. She is a shinning example why the “common” folk should not rise to the highest office.

    I worked on the musical back in the early 80’s and access to tons of history on that woman. The methods are identical as is the spite that lingers within.

  16. #45 – contempt

    >>We have just witnessed how government
    >>incompetence (Barney Frank) can lead to
    >>financial crisis

    Barney Frank wasn’t responsible for the financial crisis. It was Dumbya and his “deregulate at any cost” policies.

    And under Obama’s healthcare plan, the government isn’t going to be “in charge of” health care. They’re just going to make it available and affordable. Unlike McBush’s abortion of a plan, where employers will stop providing healthcare insurance for employees, who will be on their own with a $5000 “tax rebate” to try and find an individual ($12,000 – #25,000+) policy. And heaven help them if they have any pre-existing condition; they’re totally SOL.

    It’s hard to imagine a health care policy that’s worse than what we have now, but McBush has proposed one. 45,000,000 uninsured will look like nirvana if McBush’s policy is adopted.

  17. contempt says:

    #48 Mister Mustard

    Barney Frank was the guy who stood in front of the cameras and told the country that Fannie Mae was in good shape. A bold face lie as it turns out. Had he revealed the truth we would not be going though this financial meltdown now.

    Or maybe it was because he was in a sexual relationship with one of the head guys at Fannie Mae of whom he was trying to protect?

    Let’s at least place the blame where it should go.

  18. ‘temp

    >>Had he revealed the truth we would not be
    >>going though this financial meltdown now.

    In the big picture, Barney Frank is chump change (your obvious homophobia nothwithstanding).

    It was Dumbya’s 8/10 of a lost decade that put us in this mess.

    Just like every other endeavor he played with pre-POTUS, he drove America into a crisis of unprecedented proportions.

    And the more America learns about McBush, the farther ahead he moves in the polls.

    As the Ragin’ Cajun said on CNN last night, you can call the dogs in, wet the fire, and leave the house.

    This election is, for all intents and purposes, over.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    I loved the part where the fact that Obama wants to fine parents wants who don’t have health insurance for their kids was disclosed.

    Looked like Obama swallowed a frog.

    Another one was where Obama said that only a FEW % of small businesses had income over $250k/year! Maybe a supporter here can tell us whether he is intentionally lying or, is just stupid…

  20. Pmitchell says:

    Mustard your dead wrong try reading something other than the huffington post or media matters for once

    Barney Frank and Chris Dodd are in the middle of this and the main culprits in the collapse they blocked every bill that tried to rein in Fannie and Fredie because they both had finacial stakes and personal stakes ( Barney was takin it up da butt from freedie chairman) and made millions of dealings with freddie

    Start with this and then try google it is a great source of information even for blind lib fools like you


  21. Pmitchell says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]

  22. #52 – Paulio Mitchelli

    You’re getting repetitive.

    I say again: Fannie and Freddie were PART of the meltdown, but they were far from being the prime movers. That would be Bumbya and his “regulation-is-the-spawn-of-satan” laissez-faire style of “governing”.

    Besides, the biggest profiteer in the whole Fannie/ Freddie mess was McBush’s underling who took millions and millions of dollars from Fannie/ Freddie to act as their surrogate.

    And Barney Frank isn’t running for President. McBush is. Where do you suppose his loyalties (and the loyalties of his underlings) lie? Hmmmmmm???

  23. contempt says:

    #50 Mister Mustard

    So Barney Frank should get a pass because his deep throat has seen as much traffic as Hershey Highway? I don’t think so. The fact that he is a pervert helped contribute to this mess.

    Again, can’t we at least place the blame on the guilty?

  24. Pmitchell says:

    wow mustard your better at avoiding giving an answer than Obama maybe you should enter the political arena

  25. Paddy-O says:

    #16 J sa”That is becase there is no fine. He explained that pretty clearly in his answer.”

    Partially. He explained that there is no fine for businesses. There is one for parents who don’t have ins. for their kids.

    So, parents who can’t pay get fined. Small businesses that employee most Americans & have income over 250k/year, (large % of small bus.) get a tax increase making it hard to employ more people and, during hard times will have to lay people off…

  26. #55 – Contemptuous

    >>So Barney Frank should get a pass because his
    >>deep throat has seen as much traffic as
    >>Hershey Highway? I don’t think so. The fact
    >>that he is a pervert helped contribute to this

    Jesus H. Christ. I really hope you’re trolling. The idea that anyone would actually hold ideas like that makes me fear for the future of civilization.

  27. #57 – O’Pinocchio

    >>There is one for parents who don’t have ins.
    >>for their kids.

    Parents who can’t get or can’t afford insurance for their kids can get it for free (or for peanuts) through CHIP. At least until the Republicans eviscerate the program.

    On the other hand, they’re sure as shit not going to be able to insure the family through an individual policy for McBush’s $5k “tax credit”. And if anyone in the family has any health issues (i.e., they actually NEED the insurance), they won’t be able to get it at all.

  28. #56 – Paulio Mitchelli

    >>wow mustard your better at avoiding giving an
    >>answer than Obama maybe you should enter the
    >>political arena

    I answered all your questions (just like Obama). The fact that you don’t like the answers is irrelevant.

  29. Paddy-O says:

    #59 Mr. Mustard avoids the issue. (Although better than Omama did.)

    Parents will get fined if they don’t purchase ins. for their kids. Period.

  30. contempt says:

    #58 Mister Mustard

    Oh come on, don’t act so pious. Why must you defend the indefensible? Barney Frank played a major role and should be held accountable.

    Not quite sure why you are standing behind him – so to speak – but maybe you should open your eyes to what is going on around you.


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