Obama gave some details. McCain didn’t give any, although he mentioned (without details) buying up bad mortgages. Didn’t we do that last week?


  1. Hugh Ripper says:

    Does McCain just really not like Obama, or does he have a problem with ‘colored folks’?

  2. JimD says:

    Quick Summary: Obama Wins, McSame Loses !!! Obama surge continues, McSame continues to sink !!!

  3. retzed says:

    Obama swayed more undecided voters towards him. He displayed his understanding of the economy as well as a vision of peace. McCain was creepy, warmongering, ignorant of the economy and generally mimicked Bush on his failed policies.

  4. BillA says:

    Hope vs Hate. I’m voting for “That One!”

  5. scumola says:

    McCain just ‘knows’ how to fix things – that bugged me so much tonight. Shoulda, coulda, woulda, … Hindsight is always 20/20.

    McCain is such a wuss.

    McCain isn’t worried about Social Security – he married a billionaire. He’s set for life.

    The “that one” comment seemed either racist or just hot-headedness.

  6. Montanaguy says:

    Or maybe just doesn’t respect the rookie who’s been on the force for a year and wants to be chief of police because he has a lot of cool ideas that the taxpayers can bleed for. Stop pulling the idiotic racism card. As a black man, I’ve never seen McCain as a racist.

  7. Hope that Obama is selling have been sold to me by the Communist finest. The same who have frequently placed McCain types in jails… Voting for Obama? Just skip the middle man and bring in Castro or Chavez (Putin is already too much market driven).

  8. brendal says:

    Obama has to be one of the least intelligent candidates I’ve seen for a long time…and that is just my personal opinion. I was astonished by his answers tonight…on technology and economics. Just amazed…and what’s with the pigeon-toed stance at the end? He looked like a little boy. Is he going to stand dismissively like that in front of Putin? He’d chew him up and spit him out.

    Maybe he thinks he’s running for class president or something?? I wish…

  9. god says:

    Funniest experience: wandering from news site to news site after the “debate” trying to find one that put up a poll for visitors to the site.

    Fix, WSJ, CNN – all usually have someplace to register your opinion. Not tonight. I honestly think they don’t want the story to end this soon.

    I think it already has. If McCain could turn out the lights on his way out the door, he could retain leadership of the Republican Party. If he goes out down and dirty a la Rove, whose left?

    BTW, the only poll I found – so far – was at MSNBC. 80% Obama, 16% McCain. 4% who gives a shit.

  10. mthrnite says:

    If you find a candidate to elect,
    Only one candidate to elect,
    Then he’ll be That One too…
    That One!

  11. Hugh Ripper says:

    #6 I don’t know if McCain is racist or not but his body language toward Obama is very strange. It kind of reminds me of Basil Fawlty’s body language toward his wife’s (black) doctor.

    Its not beyond the bounds of possibility that his body language is staged to relate to the ‘racist’ vote. But I’m just being paranoid, right?

  12. That one? Wow i don’t care how he meant it, it was wrong and shows how low McCain’s going.

  13. Thomas says:

    I thought the debate was fairly balanced which is to say neither gave me any real feeling of confidence.

    Obama seemed to dodge a couple of issues like McCain’s claim about the fine for not providing insurance. McCain had a tendency to go on rah rah tangents.

    Neither would win any prizes for their geopoliticial strategy, but Obama came off sounding like a rank amateur. I felt that McCain ripped him a new one on Pakastan. As McCain said, you cannot hope to get the help of a country if you are going to turn around and tell them that you’ll do whatever you want if that country don’t do what you want.

  14. Bill says:

    As a lifelong Repuke, I just voted absentee, totally Democratic.
    Enough is enough.

    McCain is an old fool.

  15. J says:


    That is becase there is no fine. He explained that pretty clearly in his answer.

  16. ArianeB says:

    “That one” is going to be the next President of the US. Obama has significant leads in enough states to get over 300 electoral college votes

    McCain’s only hope is to score some major upsets, and sweep all the “too close to call” states. In other words, “cheat”. Time is up for McCain, early voting is going on now in key states. People are already voting.

    The thing is I think they both know its over. Obama missed some golden openings of attack, and he passed on them. McCain’s focus is keeping the base happy so as to keep congressional seat losses to a minimum.

  17. Thomas says:

    Actually, no. Obama never actually responded to the specific question about the fine.

  18. J says:


    THERE IS NO FINE!!!!!!

  19. J says:

    I will say again what I have said many times here. The election is over. Obama is going to win by a landslide or large margin. I started saying it when he picked Palin. She has proven to be what will end up losing the election for the Republicans.

  20. JM says:

    I have zero character flaws. I’ve simply decided that looking that F’ing Tard in the eye is the last thing I ever want to do.

  21. QB says:

    I keep expecting Obama to be somewhat condescending. McCain “won” that category.

    If you had McCain saying “my friends” as a drinking game hit then you would be in the hospital now.

  22. Buzz says:

    I noticed that when a black person asked a question of McCain, he maintained eye contact with the questioner for about half a second, then worked the seating section or room in general, never returning to the originator.

    Obama addressed the core answer to the specific individual, black or white for much, much longer, before expanding out to the rest of the audience, frequently bringing acknowledgement back to the originator.

    In a wide shot with Obama in the foreground, McCain watched him from the back until Obama turned to face McCain. Instantly, McCain jerked his gaze to his notes. A more obvious unconscious avoid-eye-contact demonstration couldn’t be staged by actors working with a good director.

    In a drama, that move would have signaled you that the avoider had deep problems.

    McCain would NEVER have pulled such a deep-seated fear/avoidance/racist/hateful (pick two) emotional response out of his subconscious if the other debater had been Hillary or Biden.

    I think McCain has mental problems well hidden at the surface, but seething under his skin.

    McCain needs this win to justify all those harsh prison days. He neeeeeeeeeeds a Victory At All Costs.

  23. Im4Obama says:

    When Obama wins, no one will ever be sad again and everyone will get a pony.

  24. Geoffrey says:

    Many Americans don’t vote on issues, they vote for winners of personality and beauty contests. This has been done before in Argentina.

    McCain wins because he has Evita. He needs to say nothing at all.

    “Evita Perón sought to realize her grandiose aspirations by creating her own public image and myth. She truly was a self-made woman and invented herself for the public eye. Evita made herself into the common people’s idol by displaying herself to the world in a manner that was best calculated to elicit the adoration of her audience.”


  25. QB says:

    I guess my question is “Why would anyone want to be president with this mess to clean up?”

  26. Palin is a says:

    EDITORS: Why aren’t you blogging the Palin Secessionist Video? It claims she hates the government of the USA!

    And it all makes sense, she claims Obama hates the USA, when in fact it is SHE who hates our country!!

    F’all, she is a traitor.

  27. Greg Allen says:

    >> Palin is a said, on October 7th, 2008 at 9:09 pm
    >> EDITORS: Why aren’t you blogging the Palin Secessionist Video? It claims she hates the government of the USA!

    Palin is playing the guilt by association game, saying that Obama was “Pal’in around with a domestic terrorist.”

    Well, isn’t Palin sleeping with an enemy of America?

  28. Palin is a says:

    #25 Geoffrey, great analysis, connecting the naked ambition of Evita Peron to Sarah Palin’s behavior.

    Lots of good reading material on this thread.

    Jaegermeister pointed out the Palin Secessionist Video in thread 26997.

  29. MarkP says:

    McCain put in a solid performance but so did Obama. Neither answered any questions directly. As a liberal who wouldn’t vote for a Republican if you put a gun to my head, and supporter of Obama since the beginning, I would like to have seen more candor in Obama’s answers, but that’s risky and he’s demonstrated he’s cautious by nature.

    The race is going to tighten in the last weeks, they always do. But Obama’s going to win with 300+/- electoral votes, wrapping up a solid win but not a landslide. Dems will gain in the Senate as a result but not hold a filibuster-proof majority and they’ll gain about 10 seats in the House.

    So in the end they’ll still have to work with the GOP. If Obama supporters think we’ll be ushering in the Millennium, think again. The next few years are going to be miserable to say the least, regardless of who’s in the WH.

  30. MarkP says:

    #’s 27 & 28,

    Your ignorance and gullibility tars all Obama supporters. Even if Mr. Palin once believed in and argued for Alaskan secession, there’s no actual evidence that he did (unless you count guilt by association), that doesn’t make him guilty of treason under the law.

    One must support the violent overthrow of the American govt/constitution to be a traitor. And there’s no evidence that either Palin ever supported anything of the kind. So stop trying to sell that crap.

    Sarah Palin is an idiot and wrong on most of the issues. Argue with her on that basis. This other stuff is just BS, just like the crap the other side has been slinging at Obama (that he pals around with terrorists or is a secret Muslim, etc). Grow up, will you? Please?


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