Imagine watching the international company you run fall apart. Now imagine you’ve got to work double time to keep the company from destroying the global economy because you’ve involved your company in many businesses around the world.

Everyday you wake up and the newspaper is hammering your boneheaded decisions. Meanwhile CNBC has ten people on the screen at once talking about your failures. Finally, you go hat in hand to the government who reluctantly gives you the money you need to protect the world against the mess you made.

Ugh, feels stressful just thinking about it. Afterwards, you probably want “Me” time to recuperate, correct? Okay, good. Now that you’ve been through what the AIG execs have been through, we hope you won’t judge them too harshly:

ABC: Less than a week after the federal government committed $85 billion to bail out AIG, executives of the giant AIG insurance company headed for a week-long retreat at a luxury resort and spa, the St. Regis Resort in Monarch Beach, California, Congressional investigators revealed today. …AIG documents obtained by Waxman’s investigators show the company paid more than $440,000 for the retreat, including nearly $200,000 for rooms, $150,000 for meals and $23,000 in spa charges.

“Less than one week after the taxpayers rescued AIG, company executives could be found wining and dining at one of the most exclusive resorts in the nation,” said Waxman as he prepared to question AIG executives.

Hey, it’s been a tough couple a weeks, give em’ a break will ya.

  1. Lou says:

    Just another day screwing the people.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    Couldn’t these idiots be more obvious?

  3. pagon says:

    and you expected . . . . what?

    The entire response has been another case of this repugnant administration stampeding a gutless (and bought) congress into providing windfalls to their “base”.

    Can you say “October Surprise”?

    This bailout will do very little to help the problem, in the medium and long term. It’s the wrong approach – that does nothing to remedy the underlying cause – the mortgages.

    Count the minutes until we start hearing that we need even less regulation.

  4. JimD says:


  5. WTF? says:

    BURN ‘EM!

    Why are these assholes still free to roam? They should be, at the least, locked up for 25 to life.

  6. Libertican says:

    This reminds me of my mother-in-law’s retirement dinner. She was an executive assistant in a major insurance company. Most of the conversation at the dinner was the Account Executives reminiscing about their lavish sales meetings and extra-curricular activities in Paris, Hawaii, etc.; none of which my mother-in-law attended.

    I have been in sales, so I understand the value of incentive travel and team building, but some people are oblivious to how these activities are perceived by customers and clients.

  7. merelyjim says:

    Couldn’t they have put a rider in the bill that says they have to account for this kind of crap?

  8. JM says:

    As we were formulating the plan for AIG, I thought I had mentioned the parts about continuing it in a lean and mean format. But that maverick in my brain wanted to take a nap just then…

  9. fulanoche says:

    hold the next retreat at gitmo

  10. hhopper says:

    Complete, blatant assholes!

  11. Does anyone know of a good delivery service that will deliver a cock punch?

  12. Jägermeister says:

    #12 – Mister Ketchup

    Call Steven.

  13. kirbluv says:

    The phrase “class warfare” gets thrown out pretty casually these days (the mention of the possible repealing of Bush’ tax cuts can bring it out, for one example). But… these are guys who embody the meaning of that phrase. I’d have no problem seeing them on the receiving end of a Hollywood-style angry mob (pitchforks and torches optional).

  14. Nimby says:

    Sure, it’s just a drop in the bucket and, sure, it was probably scheduled months ago and a substantial advance payment made. But, don’t these people have ANY concept of public relations? I feel like I need to say more but I am so flabbergasted I just can’t think of the words.

  15. Glenn E. says:

    Well these clowns had little or no conscience about getting us into this mess. So why should we expect them act any different now. Back in the S&L bailout days, the banking association still held its annual outing in beautiful Hawaii. And you can bet they’ll be doing it this year too. Regardless of all the failures and foreclosures. It’s not these executives’ money and properties that’s been lost. They’re all guaranteed a nice salary and plenty of perks, no matter what happens. They, Congress, and the White House all live by different rules of economics. They’ll still be eating steak, when the rest of us will be sucking down thin soup.

  16. celery says:

    America-the country that has universal access to guns. Suddenly this seems like an upside.

  17. Bill says:

    You have to fight for the right to PARTY!!!

  18. amodedoma says:

    Eat the rich! No really! I’m surprised there isn’t a rash of disappearances. US gov. corn fed pork – the other, other, whitemeat. Rich folk, it’s what’s for dinner. I’d like a Fuld garnered with AIG exec pudding for desert!!!

  19. bobbo says:

    Whats “outrageous” is this goes on all the time and is written off as reasonable and necessary business expenses.

    The truth is it is additional compensation that should be taxed to those receiving this benefit.

    Won’t happen. When you take money from overly rich capitalists, it is class warfare. When you take money from poor people, its the free market.

    And how did our guns protect us from this rape?

  20. jescott418 says:

    The government should have been taking them to court and not bailing them out!! Just goes to show who’s side our government is on.

  21. Paddy-O says:

    McCullough, you welcome.

  22. Stephanie says:

    Could someone please declare eminent domain, condemn and put a freeway through their mansions?

    That would put a smile on my face. Then again, so would knocking that guy out with a roundhouse to the head.

  23. Ben says:

    I am only mad about this because we bailed these people out. There is a simple solution though, and it would make everyone happy. Have them pass a collection plate around to the execs to pay for this party out of their own money. That would be fair to the tax payers who are bailing these idiots out.

  24. Jopa says:

    One word – Crooks!

  25. #17 – celery

    >>America-the country that has universal access to guns.

    We do??

  26. UnaKRon says:

    …I just…GRRRRRR…*smashes stuff*….I think i just strangled a kitten…dang it…I did..look what you made me do AIG….

  27. Paddy-O says:

    #23 “Could someone please declare eminent domain, condemn and put a freeway through their mansions?”

    And get paid cash for something that won’t sell fast?

    That’ll show em. Give them MORE tax $.

  28. MikeN says:

    Bobbo nailed it.

    Why get mad at AIG when so many companies spend money like this? The crime was bailing them out.
    Can we drop this corporate welfare anytime soon?

    Did AIG buy an executive new Airbus for one?

  29. robin says:

    Are you f***ing kidding me?!
    While I sit here and make pasta for dinner and wonder how I will pay the heating bills this winter,
    these fat asses are out getting a massage? On my dime?!!
    I think that every fat cat at AIG should be required to go any given American working class household and give the entire family living there a massage.
    Thank God I’m a screaming liberal and don’t believe in guns in the house.
    This whole pile of crap stinks!


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