I’m starting to think of Microsoft as the Sarah Palin of the tech world. Pretty to look at with quirky and catchy outbursts that get your attention, but when looked at closely turns out to be empty and simply divorced from reality.

Apparently this latest Bizarro World advertising is supposed to get programmers to come to the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference later this month. Why do I get the feeling they should name this product Windows Se7en instead?

The company’s advertising has certainly come a long way since this:

  1. QB says:

    Gee, we don’t need an ad agency, we can do the ad ourselves!

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    I liked the Steve “Rabid Dog” Ballmer ad better. At least the “BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE” schtick was amusing, in a juvenile way. Once.

    That queerbo boy-band idiocy? Sheesh. Music videos were hot back in the 80’s. Nowadays, not so much.

    Leave it to Microsoft to pounce on a trend that was cutting edge on MTV circa 1981.

  3. amodedoma says:

    Pathetic, even more pathetic than their Vista ‘wow’ campaign, I love it! After years of frustration with their vision, products and corporate strategies, I finally get to watch the gradual decline of the behemoth. The spirits of all those great companies that had fallen victim to M$ are watching with satisfaction in heaven.

  4. Bob West says:

    These are in house promos not ads……..

  5. Bob says:

    I thought it was funny, of course many of the mac fans will just stop 40 seconds in and leave a comment, but I thought the ending was funny.

  6. J says:

    Wow that is just horrible. That is shameful and horrible.

  7. gquaglia says:

    M$ once again proving that they just don’t get it when it comes to creating hype for their products.
    I think M$ should consider getting the agency that does Comcast’s cable vs DSL commercials. Bill Slowsky can extol all the virtues of Windows and all its bloat as compared to the Mac and Linux.

  8. JimD says:

    WinBloze – whatever “Version” Don’t get no respect !!! Why should it ???

  9. Boyd says:

    Microsoft are their own worst enemy. When they do crap like this it’s just embarrassing. I have never seen a company so completely ignorant of what “cool” is. Don’t they know that this makes them seem amateurish and out of touch? And that reflects badly on their products no matter how good or bad they might be. It’s cringe-inducing. It’s like watching your drunk uncle hit on someone half his age on the dance floor at a wedding.

  10. jskrill says:

    Since the body of the blog does not appear when I click on the title in my google/ig page I have no idea what you are talking about.

    Could you please, please, please fix this problem. It has become so boring to have a so called techie reporter with the only blog in the universe that doesn’t work.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    The epitaph to Microsoft’s empire…

  12. Uncle Dave says:

    #10: Nobody has a clue what you’re talking about. It works fine for everyone else.

  13. Timerever says:

    I actually think it’s really funny, but you have to watch it ’till the end. 😀

  14. @12 – Unk

    >>Nobody has a clue what you’re talking about.
    >>It works fine for everyone else.

    I think he must be using Netscape Navigator 2.0 as a browser…

  15. Improbus says:

    This web site may be an eyesore but it works … most of the time.

  16. admfubar says:

    brian didnt get it? or should that be ballmer?, is this what really happened to bill gates, and they are calling it retirement?

    this is funny! it documents the state of microsoft to a ‘t’.

  17. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Skip the middle. If you don’t you’ll need to bleach out your eyes.

  18. otte-o says:

    12, 10: I actually run into the same problem when I click the link from Google Reader. For some reason it doesn’t display the content on the page and you have to click the title of the article to reload it to view the content. It’s very odd.

  19. #10, 12, 18

    Huh. Right, it does NOT work properly from Google Reader. It shows the title and the comments, but no pic, no text. Unless you re-click.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    #19. Sounds like a bug in the reader.

  21. Kelvington says:

    It’s nice to see Tina Wood can still get work! Loved her and Laura Foy for years.

  22. Bill says:

    We had better drugs and more fun at APplE!

  23. Money says:

    once again I’ve been wasted.

  24. jared says:

    In the very least they could have added some coffee (or water) to the actual cups. It’s annoying when TV shows do that – all you hear is that empty sound when they touch the paper cups or set the cups on the table.

  25. Daniel says:

    Makes me want to switch to a Mac

  26. Rick Cain says:

    Typically terrible advertising from Microsoft.

    At least it wasn’t scary, like the ninja-kicking backflipping robot monster Windows 2008 thing.


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