Jerome Corsi of WorldNetDaily

NAIROBI, Kenya – The government of Kenya is holding WND senior staff reporter Jerome Corsi in custody at immigration headquarters after police picked him up at his hotel just prior to a scheduled news conference in which he planned to announce the findings of his investigation into Barack Obama’s connections in the country.

Corsi, the author of the No. 1 best-selling book “The Obama Nation,” was picked up by authorities at his hotel at 9:45 a.m. and detained at Nyayo House, the provincial headquarters for Nairobi. “Just as we were about to start the 10 a.m. press conference at the Grand Regency Hotel in Nairobi, Kenyan immigration approached us and detained us,” Corsi told WND by telephone this morning. “Tim Bueler, my publicist, and I are now in the immigration offices, with our passports taken. The immigration officer told the press, ‘There is no problem, and Dr. Corsi is a friend of Kenya.'”

Unconfirmed reports say Corsi has been taken by government officials to the airport. He has not been available by phone or e-mail since 9:30 a.m. Eastern. Corsi had extensive meetings with top Kenyan officials upon his arrival. His visit and his activities during his stay have been well-known to authorities at the highest levels. A senior immigration official in charge of investigations, Carlos Maluta was quoted by the Associated Press as saying: “We still haven’t decided what to do with him.”

Despite reports elsewhere to the contrary, Corsi has not been arrested or charged with any offense.

An official with the Embassy of Kenya in Washington said he was unaware of Corsi’s detention. The Ministry of Immigration in Nairobi could not be reached for comment. WND tried again, later, to contact a spokesman for the embassy and was told by a receptionist the official word is that Corsi was not detained. “He’s enjoying his holiday in Kenya,” she said. Corsi had promised a news conference today that would “expose details of deep secret ties between U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and a section of Kenya government leaders, their connection to certain sectoral groups in Kenya and subsequent plot to be executed in Kenya should Senator Obama win the American presidency.”

Meanwhile, the management of the hotel where Corsi was scheduled to hold the press conference has repudiated its plans to provide the facility.

It seems criticism of Obama can be a risky venture, even in America.

  1. #31 – O’Pinocchio

    Heh. Heheheheheh!

    You can slander and libel our next Commander in Chief all you like.

    Your guilt-by-association tricks no longer have an effect. Check the polls.

    Barack HUSSEIN Obama will be the next JFK, whether you like it or not. The smart money is shorting McBush stock, big time.

    Too bad. So sad.

  2. Buzz says:

    I hear the Nairobi Incarceration Diet can turn a Fat Cat into a Thin Cat in mere weeks. It might produce beneficial epiphanies.

  3. bobsyeruncle says:

    #33 ” …Barack HUSSEIN Obama will be the next JFK…”

    OK, I’ll bite. Who will be the next Lee Harvey Oswald?

  4. Nimby says:

    Twenty agents to detain a man suspected of working without a valid visa. I’m sure Obama’s friend, Pres. Odinga, had no influence in this at all…

  5. Greg Allen says:

    Corsi certainly DESERVES to be in jail.

  6. Lou says:

    This guy is an idiot. This guy just looks like an idiot. Then he speaks and you know he is an idiot.

  7. #36 – Nimby

    >>I’m sure Obama’s friend, Pres. Odinga, had no
    >>influence in this at all…

    Haw haw! Are you a “reporter” for World Net Daily too? All this Obama/ Odinga shit has been debunked a thousand times over.

    Corsi was in Kenya to pimp his dirt-throwing book, he bollixed his paperwork, and they booted him, telling him to come back when he had his paperwork in order.

    Next. Nothing to see here. Move along folks.

  8. Schlagger says:

    Lets see,
    Spent 20 years a a racist church but not notice

    Hire Weatherman Underground terrorists as staffers, but be unaware

    Get endorsed by terrorist organizations and say it doesn’t matter

    Take money illegally from foreign influence peddlers. claim you don’t know

    Yup, sounds like Chicago Politics at its best.

    I wonder what percentage of the dead vote he will get..


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