Fireball during the Leonid meteor shower

Scientists were today celebrating the first successful prediction of an asteroid smashing into the Earth’s atmosphere.

The chunk of space debris burst in a spectacular fireball though it was no more than 15ft across. And it had an impact out of all proportion to its size as it enabled experts to prove they could warn of potentially catastrophic asteroid strikes…

It’s the first time we’ve been able to predict an impactor in advance,’ said Donald Yeomans, manager of Nasa’s Near Earth Object programme, which tracks asteroids and comets that come close to our planet.

Tim Spahr, head of Harvard’s Minor Planet Centre, added: ‘If this were something larger and it was going to hit the ground we would be able to get people out of the way.’

The asteroid – labeled 2008 TC3 – was spotted yesterday a little farther away from Earth than the Moon by a U.S. observatory in Arizona.

I spotted the earlier articles, yesterday; but, decided to wait until the event took place and was observed – to Post about the asteroid. I’ll bet there are a number of observers who acquired decent still photos and video footage.

I’ll keep checking and eventually replace the stock image I used up top.

  1. moss says:

    Haven’t bumped into any photos; but, here’s a confirmation sighting by an airline pilot:

  2. ramona says:

    Oh, the Rapture…

  3. JimD says:

    If only they could predict STOCK MARKET “IMPACTORS” !!!

  4. Rabble Rouser says:

    So have the predicted the “big one” yet?
    Some of us would like to know when we should be prepared to stick our head between our knees, and kiss our asses goodbye!

  5. jrock says:

    this picture is sweet i like the colors.

    ikonboard freak

  6. Emily says:

    Wouldn’t this have a big impact on the dinosaurs?

    They’re already gone.
    Never mind.

  7. Rick Cain says:

    Well when the planet killer comes, we at least know what to call it.


  8. Nimby says:

    # 4 Rabble Rouser : I can’t speak for everybody but, if they convince me the world is ending, I expect it will be someone else’s ass I’ll be kissing goodbye. In fact, I think I should be practicing right now. Excuse me…


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