New York Times – Frank Rich – October 4, 2008:

After the debate, Republicans who had been bailing on Palin rushed back to the fold. They know her relentless ambition is the only hope for saving a ticket headed by a warrior who is out of juice and out of ideas. So what if she is preposterously unprepared to run the country in the midst of its greatest economic crisis in 70 years? She looks and sounds like a winner.

You can understand why they believe that. She has more testosterone than anyone else at the top of her party. McCain and his surrogates are forever blaming their travails on others, wailing about supposed sexist and journalistic biases around the clock. McCain even canceled an interview with Larry King, for heaven’s sake, in a fit of pique at a CNN anchor, Campbell Brown.

Alaska’s self-styled embodiment of Joe Sixpack is not a sulker, but a pistol-packing fighter. That’s why she draws the crowds and (as she puts it) “energy” that otherwise elude the angry McCain. But she is still the candidate for vice president, not president. Americans do not vote for vice president.

So how can a desperate G.O.P. save itself? As McCain continues to fade into incoherence and irrelevance, the last hope is that he’ll come up with some new game-changing stunt to match his initial pick of Palin or his ill-fated campaign “suspension.” Until Thursday night, more than a few Republicans were fantasizing that his final Hail Mary pass would be to ditch Palin so she can “spend more time” with her ever-growing family. But the debate reminded Republicans once again that it’s Palin, not McCain, who is their last hope for victory.

You have to wonder how long it will be before they plead with him to think of his health, get out of the way and pull the ultimate stunt of flipping the ticket.

  1. Palin is a says:

    We deserve everything we get.

    When this imbecile wins, we will only fall lower.

    I’d take Regan in the last 4 years (the Alzheimer years) over her.

  2. QB says:

    There is some serious problems, and the distinct possibility of a global depression. The Republicans need to bring a better game than Palin if they want to be taken seriously again.

  3. syrinx says:

    I prefer good ol’ fashioned intelligent politicians than this hockey mom, but since this is a popularity contest and Palin wins (yeah, you heard me right), then America will get what it deserves.

  4. Special Ed says:

    Eh, she’s better than Bob McCain or whatever the fuck his name is.

  5. Improbus says:

    I have a plan if McCain/Palin wins. Get high and stay high because I don’t want to be sober when the shit inevitably hits the rotary oscillator. Seriously.

  6. Palin is a says:

    Now the news (tv) is only talking about the mudslinging and name calling.

    No one I’ve seen is talking about the issues any more.

    This is as bad as when the News only talks about how much a candidate is raising in funding, rather than the issues he/she stands for.

  7. Greg Allen says:

    The way McCain is looking and acting these days, Palin might be president shortly after inauguration, anyway.

    But, thankfully, that seems pretty unlikely if the GOP don’t steal this election again.

  8. multipleshotsfired says:

    And Joe Biden is better? Good lord, the guy has worked in the private sector for what, two years? He is a perfect example of a career politician. All bought and paid for, and if he gets in we deserve every minute of it.

  9. Sarah Palin is bright, articulate, and clean. According to Joe Biden (or whomever he plagerized that line from) that qualifies her to be president.

  10. EdB says:

    Senator McCain:
    For the good of America…
    QUIT the race!

  11. mthrnite says:

    God is getting pretty old. He’s like, over 9000 or something, and he barely ever even sticks his head out anymore. I say it’s time we shake things up and put a woman in the REAL top seat.

    It’s not THAT much more implausible than Palin as president. I think we should seriously consider it.

  12. Palin is a says:

    #9 Springheel Jack,

    You are like the Berliner, on 30 April 1945, with War In Europe almost lost, who says Hitler is a great man, smart, articulate, clean, who only wants to the best for the Fatherland and the World.

    No matter how horrible someone is, how ill equipped to perform the job, how inappropriate, there will be people like you that see that person as your savior.

  13. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    I hate these political ads on this page!!!!!

  14. Rick Cain says:

    Palin forgot that Joe Sixpack is a Union member, and unions are no friend of McCain and the Moosehunter.

  15. Bob says:

    #12, sounds like you just described Obama to a tee.

  16. Max Bell says:

    If Sarah Palin is the best hope left for the GOP, the next election will be between a democrat and a libertarian.

  17. Palin is a says:

    I can’t say how qualified Obama is. He is an outsider, in many ways, and lacks the political acumen (that’s “smarts” – for you six-packers) that is required to get something done in Washington, and that only comes from years of experience.

    He does seem intelligent, and I haven’t heard him say anything of substance that I can not accept. The next debate will solidify my impression of him, one way or the other.

    McCain appears to have lost his way under the mighty thumb of my party. I don’t like McCain’s idea of taxing my health benefits, but as long as everyone’s benefit is taxed on the basis of the amount received (ie families receiving more insurance coverage-money than individuals, pay more tax (on an absolute basis)) then that proposal is fair enough for me.

    I reside in a heavily blue state, so my vote would be blue by default (that is, my vote doesn’t count).

  18. Buzz says:

    Oh great. Another Palin comparison.

  19. Uncle Patso says:

    # 8 multipleshotsfired said:

    “He” (Biden) “is a perfect example of a career politician.”

    That’s what we need: a real professional (and one who knows where all the bodies are buried) to get the Obama/Biden legislative initiatives passed and actually get stuff done.

  20. tomdennis says:

    I am looking forward to a bridge to Russia and Catalina. “Yupe – You Betcha!”

  21. justEd says:

    She has more testosterone than anyone else at the top of either party.
    There I fixed that for you.

  22. LibertyLover says:

    Quite a few states have election laws that require the candidates names be on the ballot by a certain date. You can bet the farm that if McCain dropped out the democrats would challenge the “change” of putting Palin in the President slot.

    This will never happen no matter how much you want to dream.

  23. #8 – Multiple

    >>And Joe Biden is better? Good lord, the guy
    >>has worked in the private sector for what, two

    That would be two years more than McBush. He was a crash test dummy, then a POW, then a politician. And Palin’s no better, although she dues have that beauty queen experience.

    Sure, his wife is a capitalist overlord (of the trust fund baby sort), but she’s not running.

    Maybe he should have picked his original wife (the one he dumped and traded in for a trophy model) as his running mate. She seems to have more “private sector experience” than McBush and Palin combined.

  24. QB says:

    #8 “He (Biden) is a perfect example of a career politician.”

    Apparently, so is Sarah Palin.

  25. bobbo says:

    If I had any respect for my own country, it would hit a new low in the notion that “Palin” would be anything except the demonstrated incompetency of John McCain and his evidential expert analysis of the American Public’s stupidity. Its like living in an alternate universe. I think Palin is an excellent example of a small town rural half time volunteer mayor==period, end stop.

    I’d cry for my country if there were any tears left.

  26. JimD says:


  27. Mister Mustard says:

    #26 – JimD

    Jesus, man. Calm down. You’re going to have a stroke.

  28. QB says:

    Palin’s biggest tell is that she freezes under pressure just like Bush did on the 9/11 morning. Let’s face it, if Katie Couric can drop her dead in her tracks then she isn’t ready.

  29. JimD says:

    # 27 Mister Mustard, don’t you think a WORLD WIDE REPUBLICAN DEPRESSION is something to get excited about ???

  30. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #29 – Excited? Yes. Panicked like a prom queen with a fresh zit on her nose… not so much.

    #28 – Bush dropped dead in his tracks when he was told of a deadly attack on New York City. Palin dropped dead when asked what magazines she reads.

    #24 QB: #8 “He (Biden) is a perfect example of a career politician.”

    Apparently, so is Sarah Palin.

    True… but Biden is a career politician because he’s good at it and wants to get the job done. Palin just wants the job.

    I never thought I’d see a serious bid by a candidate worse than Bush, but by golly, there actually is a greater danger to our nation than Bush. You betcha.


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