New York Times – Frank Rich – October 4, 2008:

After the debate, Republicans who had been bailing on Palin rushed back to the fold. They know her relentless ambition is the only hope for saving a ticket headed by a warrior who is out of juice and out of ideas. So what if she is preposterously unprepared to run the country in the midst of its greatest economic crisis in 70 years? She looks and sounds like a winner.

You can understand why they believe that. She has more testosterone than anyone else at the top of her party. McCain and his surrogates are forever blaming their travails on others, wailing about supposed sexist and journalistic biases around the clock. McCain even canceled an interview with Larry King, for heaven’s sake, in a fit of pique at a CNN anchor, Campbell Brown.

Alaska’s self-styled embodiment of Joe Sixpack is not a sulker, but a pistol-packing fighter. That’s why she draws the crowds and (as she puts it) “energy” that otherwise elude the angry McCain. But she is still the candidate for vice president, not president. Americans do not vote for vice president.

So how can a desperate G.O.P. save itself? As McCain continues to fade into incoherence and irrelevance, the last hope is that he’ll come up with some new game-changing stunt to match his initial pick of Palin or his ill-fated campaign “suspension.” Until Thursday night, more than a few Republicans were fantasizing that his final Hail Mary pass would be to ditch Palin so she can “spend more time” with her ever-growing family. But the debate reminded Republicans once again that it’s Palin, not McCain, who is their last hope for victory.

You have to wonder how long it will be before they plead with him to think of his health, get out of the way and pull the ultimate stunt of flipping the ticket.

  1. JimD says:

    This is too funny !!! From Huffington Post, Borowitz column:

    “Elsewhere, Sen. John McCain’s practice session for the second presidential debate was cut short when his pants burst into flame.”

  2. emeryjay says:

    Nobody pays attention to Frank Rich. See No. 9

  3. right says:

    You betcha, she says. The earth is 5,000 years old because I’ve seen footprints in the dinosaur footprints. Witchcraft will see her through the tough times, I’m sure.
    Just thinking…Troopergate might just put a halt to all this wonderfulness later this month.

  4. #32 – EJ

    >>Nobody pays attention to Frank Rich. See No. 9

    Heh heh. In your dreams. Frank Rich’s column is always at the top of the “most read” and “most emailed” list on the NYT web site.

    Of course, you probably claim nobody pays attention to the NYT, right? All the wingnuts are reading World Net Daily and similar hate rags..


  5. jim says:

    how about we get rid of all of the top 4 and just have a giant write-in election? noone else is appealing out there attm, we might get people to think about this…

  6. Bill says:

    Our founding fathers were right to not trust the unwashed public to elect our leaders… isn’t that what the electoral college is all about?

    Do you really think the ‘president’ controls anything?

    I think not much at all…

    Vote if you want but it doesn’t mean a thing.


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