Ok, so the formula for this is simple and I can see it wearing thin. Obama = something new, modern, slick. Biden = Something functional. McCain something old and clunky. Palin = a toy version of the above.
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If the candidates were tacks on your chair! Who would your square your bum first?
What if the Candidates with the INTENET ???
Obama – Fiber
Biden – Cable
McCaine – Telegraph
Palin – Dial-Up …
I get the joke! Enough Already!
Ok we get it, haha!
This gag is getting really old.
Besides, Biden should be one of those old 80’s cell phones that were the size of a brick.
I don’t get this whole Palin = Toy thing.
#4 – srg
>>I don’t get this whole Palin = Toy thing.
Let’s make believe we’re taking the Miller Analogies Test:
Palin is to a real candidate as an appliance is to: *
* – that’s right. A toy.
I love this! Is it me or the smile of the toy phone matches that of Palin? anyway its very funny.
I still have one of those Fisher Price phones, my mother said I loved that toy. 🙂
If it isn’t funny, it’s only because it’s true and there is still an outside chance McCain might get elected, die, and that unholy terror will be president.
What if the Candidates with the INTENET ???
McCain = two tin cans and a string
#5 okay well The Miller Analogies Test is not something we have here in the UK, though I have heard of it.
From what I understand about Palin, she managed to clear up a lot of the corruption in her state, doesn’t sound like a toy to me. Again this is what I’ve seen from across the Atlantic (where everyone seems to think it’s a foregone conclusion that Obama “the saviour” is going to win) so maybe I’ve missed something here but seeing what he slimy politicians here are like, I think it’s good to see someone who’s not going to stand for it. We actually need someone like that here, again if there’s nothing I’ve missed.
Sure she’s being investigated for abuse of power, but if in doing that, she was removing corrupt politicians, I can see the motive.
It’s all backward, Palin is the iPhone which does a lot of things including play games, and McCain is ATT. Palin is communicating by text, email, and phone, and web, telling everyone about how Biden and Obama are the “Little Trains That Could”.
#11 – srg
>>From what I understand about Palin, she
>>managed to clear up a lot of the corruption
>>in her state
>>Sure she’s being investigated for abuse of
See any inconsistency there?
And no, she wasn’t “removing corrupt politician” while she was abusing her power, she was doing stuff like trying to strongarm the boss of her ex-brother-in-law to fire him in a petty family spat.
This is who we’re supposed to accept as being “a heartbeat away from the presidency”??
I don’t think so.
Flip Wilson, It’s worse than that !!! McSame INVENTED THE HOLLOW LOG DRUM, the precursor to the cell phone !!!
This is getting SAD..
Wow ! This just in: Obama leads McCain by TWELVE POINTS IN VIRGINIA !!! 10/6 5:37 PM ….
This is such drivel. I though the libel left was FOR womens rights. I though the Right were the Chauvinistic name calling women haters.
So the Dems put a women up for an important elected office, and the left votes for an unkown man instead of the well know woman. The right puts up a women for an important elected office and all the liberals can do is make fun of her.
What hypocrites!!
If one thing has become clear from the ‘crisis’ is that Obama’s anything but something new. No wonder he was so quick to push the president’s solution to the crisis. He accepted campaign contributions from the lobbyist that works for fannie mae and freddie mac. In fact it seems that most of our most influential congressmen have received contributions from the same source. No wonder they got it passed, oh and don’t mind the pork, our congressmen owe a lot of favours so there’s no way they can pass a bill with this many zeros. They’re all a bunch of sellouts!
20: This is because unlike the right, the left doesn’t consider differentiated genitalia a qualification in it’s own right.
See ya in 2012. Good luck finding a real candidate by then.
Obama = iPhone = Expensive, looks good, lock down, slow Internet.
Biden = Blackberry = Expensive, looks good, addictive, hazardous to your health.
McCain = POTS = Party line, inexpensive, outdated, whats an internet?
Palin = Toy = Boy Toy, inexpensive, no connectivity with elite systems, Junior Sixpack.
Ok, Ok, we get it. All you Dvorak left wing Obama ass kissers love the fuck out him. We get it. We understand that you Obama supporters (including Dvorak who apparently gets a boner over this bullshit so he keeps asking for more) would like nothing better than to give him a Monica Lewinsky. Next….
“If the candidates were tacks on your chair! Who would your square your bum first?”
Why do I think that’s a trap to make me say something lewd?
Hehe, the comments are funnier than the article, QQ more republican supporters! It must be hard to watch your campaign falling apart.
Palin = Toy is a great analogy!
snore already
Shouldn’t Obama be the toy car, with his inexperience and all?
come on people. its just a joke. which i love very much. its almost election time and people have the right to make fun of any candidates they want. i want this series to continue, i love them. john give us more of this and annoy the palin lovers more! yee hawww!!
John C.,
We get it, already. Enough with recycling this same joke every day.
**News flash for Republicans**
If you put up a candidate for high office that would lose a battle of wits with a house plant, be prepared for constant ridicule. It has nothing to do with gender. It has everything to do with being utterly unsuitable for high office.