Edinburgh’s Evening News has discovered that, when it comes to personal privacy, Google’s Street View is a strictly one-way thoroughfare.

The paper was alerted yesterday that several examples of the Orwellian spycar fleet were being prepared for action at a disused garage site in Drum Brae South. It duly dispatched a snapper to record the action, but when he “began to capture the teams setting up the roof-mounted cameras, he was threatened with legal action”. Photographer Ian Georgeson explained: “I was standing on public ground taking photos of the cars when one of the drivers came over and said that they didn’t want us to print their faces. He said if I used any shots of him they would sue us, because they were concerned about reprisals.

“He admitted they were a bit concerned about the way people would react to the cameras, but said they would be in Edinburgh for a couple of months at least trying to map the city.” Guy Herbert of UK civil liberties group No2ID told the Evening News: “That is an extraordinary situation, but it does seem to be the case that while large organisations, traditionally the police or councils, are happy to photograph the public, they are less keen on being photographed themselves.

“It would be interesting to see just what legal grounds they think they have to stop their picture being used that wouldn’t also apply to the pictures they are taking, and I think they would be on pretty treacherous ground.”

Now everyone has to start taking pictures of these guys , every chance you get….

  1. Thinker says:

    I love it…the penny drops. 🙂

  2. sargasso says:

    Streetview Bagdad, now that’s worth waiting for.

  3. Bureaucracy never fails.

  4. JimD says:

    Hey, at least Google mounter their camera on a Prius !!!

  5. Google is Eco-friendly!

  6. ECA says:

    Ya liked the picture better so you reposted the story??

  7. Greg Allen says:

    I’m still amazed at streetview.

    I get so used to technology that I quickly forget how amazing some of this stuff it.

    Irregardless of all other issues, this is just an amazing effort.

  8. jccalhoun says:

    Wait a minute, people in the UK, where there is one CCTV camera for something like every 14 people is calling Google’s streetview “Orwellian???” Talk about misplaced priorities…

  9. Greg Allen says:

    >> jccalhoun said, on October 6th, 2008 at 3:01 pm Wait a minute, people in the UK, where there is one CCTV camera for something like every 14 people is calling Google’s streetview “Orwellian???” Talk about misplaced priorities…

    Very good point jccalhoun. You nailed it.

  10. RTaylor says:

    This is in Edinburgh. God bless them, the Scots has been known to be a wee bit cantankerous. Caution can be a virtue.

  11. BdgBill says:

    My job sometimes involves taking pictures of businesses. These photos are always taken from public property.

    Unfortunately, half the population thinks they have the authority to demand that anything they own not be photographed. I have the police called on me or I call them myself on a weekly basis.

    I thouroughly enjoy laughing in peoples faces when they threaten to sue me.

  12. Jantmass says:

    Irregardless. No such word. Pet peeve of mine

  13. Travis J says:

    I thought Google started blurring out the faces of people in the pictures. If this is true, then they could still take legal action against the journalists if they printed the pictures.


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