University of Idaho cheerleaders will unveil their new, more demure, uniforms at the home football game Saturday against Nevada.
Complaints that the previous uniforms were too short and revealing prompted the change.
Shelly Robson, adviser to the school’s Spirit Squad, said the new uniforms better represent the university, which is in Moscow, Idaho, about 80 miles southeast of Spokane, Wash.
“As a public institution, we are responsive to the community that supports us and we are stewards of our image,” Robson said. “The old uniforms were not appropriate for or reflective of Idaho.”
Found by Aric Mackey.
Who needs muslims ’cause the Evangelicals are doing a thuper job.
Dang – and here I was gonna move to Idaho
I like the second picture – TRICK or TREAT!
It’s a damn shame cheerleaders have to wear anything at all.
What do you expect? It’s Moscow, ID. That place, and it’s sister city of Pullman, WA are about as close to East Bumf&ck as they come.
Even Ernest Hemingway killed himself after he moved to Idaho.
MM — every so often you remind me as to whywe keep you around. HAR
@ #1
Yea, who needs Muslims when Evangelicals are flying planes into buildings, strapping explosives to kids and slicing off the heads of infidels with rusty knives? No difference there, eh.
They should totally dress in clothing that provides as much coverage as possible. Make it as ridiculous as possible!
Give me an “A”! The American Taliban are alive and well in the USA. Why are all the morons located in the middle of the country? Is it the dust? The tornadoes? I have never heard a good answer to this question.
They should wear a uniform that covers up everything – that’s a quick way to get half of your audience (the guys) to stop coming to games. If they compromise, though, and wear something slightly more demure, the cheerleaders are admitting defeat. You have to go all-out to make the complainers realize that they’re being ridiculous.
#6 JCD
You keep Mister Mustard around because every village needs an idiot.
Sorry MM it was just too easy.
That’s because the Evangelicals have learned a long time ago that it’s bad PR to do those things otherwise they’d still be hanging african americans under a poplar tree for whistling at a white chick.
#10 – contempt
>>You keep Mister Mustard around because every
>>village needs an idiot.
Not very original, connie. The smart money has been saying that about your Exalted Lord and Master Dumbya for 8 years now.
#12 Mister Mustard
Nope not very original, but sometimes the old songs say it all.
Christian love.
Not one mention that Sarah Palin went to the University of Idaho?
#15 – Jag, LMAO! I’ll bet that holy water has a blue tinge from Tidy Bowl! That baby must have been thinking, “Jesus fucking Christ!”
#15 – The priest probably boned her little boy.
According to some Evangelicals the Catholics are not Christian, instead they’re idol worshippers.
The new cheerleaders:
Certain parts of Idaho have a very high percentage Mormon population. Perhaps that’s the source of the prudishness?
Why is is that we always have to give in to the minority groups? (numerical minority, not racial). If you don’t like the uniform, then don’t go to the games, thats your choice. Don’t impose your morals on someone else.
Last time I checked this is a free country ruled by the MAJORITY. At least it used to be…
#20 The new cheerleaders:
Hmmmm, some are missing teeth. That has possibilities.
Fundie Christians: Girls, remove those revealing clothes and cover yourselves.
Fundie Muslims: Girls, remove those nasty genitalia and cover yourselves.
Yep, no difference.
How about…. potato sacks!
What really bothers me is sports uniforms for the athletes are getting baggier. I’m tired of the hip-hop culture frankly. I’m not gonna be forced to wear my pants hanging halfway off my butt just because Russell Simmons says to.
You’re livid in your own primate Idaho….
What you need to remember is how COLd it gets around here.
And if you REALLY want to use Cheer leaders as a distraction… There are better ways. MOON the other team.
The new cheerleaders
#29 Uncle Patso:
(in Dalek voice) Two Four Six Eight
Who do we appreciate?
Dav-ros! Dav-ros! Dav-ros!
(Whovians will understand)