The federal government has announced that 32 people in 12 states were sickened with salmonella poisoning after eating precooked, frozen chicken dinners. The problem? Many of the people who got sick apparently did not follow the instructions for preparing the meal, which called for heating it in an oven. Those who got sick popped their meals in microwaves instead.

According to the Department of Agriculture, the dishes included breaded or pre-browned chicken breasts, some of them stuffed with vegetables or sold as “chicken Kiev” and “chicken cordon bleu.” The appearance of the food led people to assume that the chicken breasts were thoroughly cooked, even though they were still raw or undercooked inside. The agency said that some of the sicknesses occurred in Minnesota, but would not identify the 11 other states involved in the outbreak.

The issue is that people think it’s cooked and it just needs to be heated up,” Carlota Medus, an epidemiologist with the Minnesota Department of Health, told the New York Times last year. “Microwave cooking for something that has to be cooked isn’t always a good idea.”

Bon appétit.

  1. JimD says:

    Wasn’t that Dumbya’ Menu for School Lunches: A plate of Salmonella and a nice Glass of LEAD LACED WATER ??? Well, I guess the REPUKES CONTROLLING THE FDA think that if you are not rich ($5 Million by McSame’s estimate), than that’s GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU !!!

  2. mthrnite says:

    Yeah, but how do you keep the feathers from catching on fire? Maybe I’m doing this wrong.

  3. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    That’s it, #3! They’re coming to take away your microwave. Those damn things just aren’t safe the hands of amateurs.

    I use mine to clean smelly kitchen rags and sponges. And warm up the poodle, but I can’t say that in public.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    “The appearance of the food led people to assume that the chicken breasts were thoroughly cooked, even though they were still raw or undercooked inside.”

    ““Microwave cooking for something that has to be cooked isn’t always a good idea.””

    Well, if it’s not really precooked then of course you have to cook it before eating. Darwinism at work again.

    Also, microwave ovens will actually cook it faster than a conventional oven. The writer is an idiot. But, hey it’s the New York Slimes so, accuracy isn’t important.

  5. god says:

    It is confounding how far away from reality nutballs can be.

    #5 apparently thinks it’s the NY TIMES fault that people in 12 states got salmonella poisoning. Must be warming up for the day-after-Election-Day excuses.

    And BTW, for all of you warming up to the Darwin idea, really only legit if you discount food prepared in a fashion that allows salmonella bacteria to be present during production.

    That ain’t the consumer’s fault no matter how dim they are about pushing buttons.

  6. Raff says:

    I used to eat those quite a bit. But they are basically breaded raw chicken. I usually cooked mine for almost a hour. I never got sick.

  7. eyeofthetiger says:

    Mmmm, chicken pizza rolls. Breekfast of chimpions.

  8. Jimbo says:

    Isn’t the issue that we’re selling food with salmonella in it?

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    #5 – O’Pinocchio

    >>The writer is an idiot. But, hey it’s the
    >>New York Slimes so, accuracy isn’t important.

    Well, now that you’ve gotten the disdain for the NY Times off your chest, I almost hate to tell you that THE F&CKING AUTHOR NEVER SAID CONVENTIONAL OVENS WERE FASTER.

    Maybe if you spent more time reading the NY Times and less time reading World Net Daily, you wouldn’t come across as such a moron.

  10. Paddy-O says:

    #6 dog blathered, “#5 apparently thinks it’s the NY TIMES fault that people in 12 states got salmonella poisoning. ”

    Please, if you post here, at least learn to read. Deal?

  11. Riker17 says:

    Doesn’t all food have some dangerous virus or something in it from the store? That is what cooking is all about, killing off the bad and making the food healthy. Microwaves can’t kill the bacteria like an oven can.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    #11 – O’Pinocchio

    >>Please, if you post here, at least learn to
    >>read. Deal?

    You might want to take your own advice.

  13. sargasso says:

    Eating anything with breasts, can’t be good.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    #12 -Riker

    >>Microwaves can’t kill the bacteria like an
    >>oven can.

    Are you on drugs?

  15. ECA says:

    its not ONLY HEAT, its TIME..
    So what you can raise the temp to 300 degrees in 2 seconds…2 seconds isnt enough to KILL IT.

    You need 7-10 minutes of SOLID heat..
    Not a few RAYS wondering around the meal to warm it.

  16. Raff says:

    15# Ever put something in the microwave and cook it for quite a while only to take a few bites before discovering the middle is still frozen or undercooked? (or on the otherhand like molten lava)

    Certainly both a microwave and a conventional oven can both kill bacteria.

    But the real problem is how can one tell when all portions of something that is microwaved are cooked evenly, so that everything is raised to the same temperature which effectively kills harmful bacteria?

    Just because the little tray in the middle of your microwave spins around doesn’t mean all bacteria in your food was cooked to death.

    Maybe your on drugs?

  17. Freyar says:

    I still hold that these people are too stupid to feed themselves. We need a government feeding program to prevent these poor people from killing themselves.

  18. ECA says:

    Better idea..
    GET rid of the microwave and TEACH people how to COOK.


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