A coded French diplomatic cable leaked to a French newspaper quotes the British ambassador in Afghanistan as predicting that the NATO-led military campaign against the Taliban will fail. Not only that, but the best solution for the country will be the installation of an “acceptable dictator.”
“The current situation is bad, the security situation is getting worse, so is corruption, and the government has lost all trust,” Sherard Cowper-Coles, the British envoy is quoted by Jean-François Fitou, the author of the cable, .
The two-page cable – which was sent to the Élysée Palace and the French Foreign Ministry on Sept. 2, and was leaked to the investigative and satirical weekly Le Canard Enchaîné, which printed excerpts in its Wednesday edition – said that the NATO-led military presence was making it harder to stabilize the country.
“The presence of the coalition, in particular its military presence, is part of the problem, not part of its solution,” Cowper-Coles was quoted as saying. “Foreign forces are the lifeline of a regime that would rapidly collapse without them. As such, they slow down and complicate a possible emergence from the crisis.”
Within 5 to 10 years, the only “realistic” way to unite is for it to be “governed by an acceptable dictator,” the cable said, adding that “we should think of preparing our public opinion” about such an outcome.
So much for all the crap about “bringing democracy to the Middle East”. That, of course, has always been part of preparing Western public opinion for extended war.
British officials said that the comments attributed to Cowper-Coles were distorted and did not reflect official British policy.
They’re expecting a phone call – any minute now – from Washington, DC, telling them what their official policy is, this week.
Acknowledging that there is no option other than supporting the United States in Afghanistan, the ambassador reportedly added, “But we must tell them that we want to be part of a winning strategy, not a losing one.”
The U.S. strategy, he is quoted as saying, “is destined to fail.”
“Not only that, but the best solution for the country will be the installation of an “acceptable dictator.””
Of course. It is a country that still uses a tribal form of gov’t. They don’t fit into our Western mind set.
We should leave the country alone with the admonishment that every time terrorists operating from Afghanistan attack our country we flatten one city. Just make sure every person in the country knows this ahead of time.
The whole region has been destabilized by Bush. Now, we are paying the price with financial hemorrhaging of our treasury.
The bottom line now is Americans need to set aside their prejudices and get Obama/Biden in office. If Obama were white, it would be a no contest.
The more one looks into McCain, he looks more irrational. Palin makes Bush look smart and I never thought that would be possible.
The only way we can win over there is to win over here first.
#2 “The whole region has been destabilized by Bush.”
The area has been a shambles since Zahir Shah left in the 70’s.
Get a brain.
This is typical Western policy for such countries; just ask most dictators in Africa and South America. This foreign policy was the backbone of the Cold War era strategy to stop the spread of Communism. Now, with Terrorist replacing Communist, the new “Red Scare” has assured the continuation of these decisions for the foreseeable future.
What is the goal now?
The initial goal was to kick the crap out Al Qeada on no uncertain terms and make an example out of the Taliban who were hiding them. Or at least that’s what it should have been. The full weight of the US military led coalition should have been directed at Afghanistan. After that it could have been transitioned to international aid development.
The US policy seems to be nation building and another shining Jeffersonian democracy in the middle east. The goals and the outcomes are just too vague.
You cannot win any war with brute force. Please read that 3 or 4 times to understand my point.
USA rallied the whole West army into bombing Afghanistan into pulp thinking that this will solve the problem. What that accomplished was creating more enemies of the US when civilians starting dying from carpet bombing and dropping daisy cutters.
Any person who has lost any close friend, family member joins the Talibans to fight the US and Nato army. Thats they only was to get revenge as the Afghan government is too weak to respond to US bombing of the civilians.
instead of the US learning from this mistake, the are repeating the same thing by using drones to bomb the Pakistan areas. Which is resulting in more civilian casualties, now the tribes in Pakistan are threatening to go into Afghanistan to target the US troops there for revenge. Before it was Afghans and now Pakistan, US really knows how to many enemies.
#6 – zorkor – You cannot win any war with brute force.
I guess you’ve missed out on the rebuilding effort.
instead of the US learning from this mistake, the are repeating the same thing by using drones to bomb the Pakistan areas.
If the Pakistanis had dealt with Al Qaeda and the Talibans within their borders, there wouldn’t be a need for this, correct?
Pakistan are threatening to go into Afghanistan to target the US troops there for revenge.
Which would result in the Pakistan armed forces being neutered.
We have to vote the terrorists out of office here so we don’t have to fight them over there.
#6, I guess you missed out on world history for the last 100 years.
EVERY major war was won with brute force. Then keeping the peace was won with rebuilding and democratization.
Name ONE war that was won not using brute force!
Again, the problem with Afghanistan is Pakistan. If it wasn’t for Pakistani support of the Taliban, then Afghanistan would be stable and doing fine.
And, BTW, since when do the FRENCH have any good military advice? They did such a good job in Bosnia…
Your question about Pakistan not doing enough to stop the talibs is unfounded. We have lost more soldiers in your war against terror then anyone of your allies. Even know when you are speaking, we have our Army near the border punding the terrorists hide outs.
Of course when your great US army starts bombing from drones, things get messed up there. The Pakistan army focus then is directed to shoot your drones and lookout for sovereignty breach by the US rather than continue the anti- terrorist operation.
By the way, instead of coming into Pakistan and bombing the civilians, shouldn’t the US just focus on solving the Afghan issue first?
Bombing , threatening, bullying and bribing your away is an American trademark for winning the war. It might work in your brains but ground realities are different.
I used to date an Afghani guy and he said that basically, he doesn’t have a country anymore…he considered himself Indian now…he escaped A-land when he was 14 when Russia was barreling down on them. Basically, it’s not just a landscape filled with tribal warfare…there is no civilization there.
ah, Google ads had a Pizza Hut bacon mac and cheese on sale. Damn that looks tasty. Whats cheesy is easy and whats easy is good. NY Times today has an interesting article about some drug dealer connected to a certain foreign president. Hell, it’s not like they are related or anything…
#9 – ah yes – the French.
We couldn’t have won our own Revolutionary war without the French – BUT THEN THEY WENT HOME.
If they hadn’t gone home, we would have done to them what the Iraqis and Afghanis are doing to the US now. If they were still here – in 2008 – we would still be fighting them. Any citizen of any country would do the same.
Why should we rely on Pakistan for our foreign policy success or blame them for our problems? They are an independent country with their own agenda and problems. They have no obligations to us. The money we have sent (and are still sending) buys us no “loyalty”. To think otherwise is foolish. How much money would it take for you to sell your country? (Of course, our armament manufacturers like the profits.)
As the French learned in Algeria, the Russians in Afghanistan and the Israelis in the Palestinian territories: foreign occupation is the mother’s milk of terrorism.
Must every leader learn this the hard way? Will our citizens ever learn it?
#10 – zorkor – Your question about Pakistan not doing enough to stop the talibs is unfounded.
Then why are weapons and fighters still flooding over the border?
instead of coming into Pakistan and bombing the civilians, shouldn’t the US just focus on solving the Afghan issue first?
Because the Talibans are kept alive by the support pouring in from Pakistan.
If Pakistan had done their part, the US wouldn’t have to cross the border to do the job.
Dear Jagermeister,
I am sorry to say that its people like you who are the cause of all the world troubles. Why are you not doing enough, why are you not joining us, why are you not sending your troops to occupy others, so many demands from the good ol’ US of A.
The people will pour into Afghanistan as long as Afghanistan is under illegal occupation. Where there is wild life, there will be hunters. So you cant blame a small country like Pakistan to come and control something with which all your military might cant.
If the US cant solve the problem with all its might, how can a third world country like Pakistan can? Its time that US should recognize its failures and do something about it. Blaming and bombing your already exhausted ally (Pakistan) will only make the terrorists happy and not solve anything.
There is only one solution.
To embrace the moderates in these countries (Afgan, Iraq, Iran, Cuba, Venez, whatever), and in teaming with these moderates, shame their radical left and radical right factions into behaving.
Anyone who disagrees is obviously a Drama Queen who craves drama over productivity.
End of Story.
#15 – zorkor
The US has respected Pakistan’s border for seven years because the Pakistani government said that they would deal with the Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters inside its border. Obviously that wasn’t happening.
The people will pour into Afghanistan as long as Afghanistan is under illegal occupation.
So, in other words, Pakistan should harbor terrorists, just because you and your friends deem the occupation illegal? When we’re at the subject… what’s illegal about it?
Where there is wild life, there will be hunters.
So, now you’re supporting cross border raids by the US?
So you cant blame a small country like Pakistan to come and control something with which all your military might cant.
It’s pretty sad that the Pakistani army can’t even control its own country.
Its time that US should recognize its failures and do something about it.
Oh, they are… that’s why you will see more bombing of Al Qaeda and Taliban strongholds inside Pakistan.
#17, Jägermeister. Exactly! Well said.
Now watch Zorkor not respond. How could he?
#18 – Ah_Yea
Thanks. We’ll see what Zorkor has to say.
Jager, I found a picture of Zorkor!
What’s wrong with a dictator? Can’t they or won’t they govern themselves.
We could leave Afgan to themselves and let them evolve on their own.
Let them create their Islamic paradise!
The West would view in awe how perfect their society will become!
They can stand as a model as to how far the human race can go!
They can join with their brothers in the Middle East to show the world what can be accomplished if you embrace their way of life!
Liberals opposed the war in Iraq, said we were diverting from the real war in afghanistan.
Now that Iraq has quieted down, lib erals will oppose the war in afghanistan.
60 Minutes ran an interview with the guy who leads and elite force, tasked to kill Bin Laden. And from what he said, I gather many of his suggested attacks were rejected by the Administration. Basically hamstring his efforts. So it seems as if they really DON’T want to kill Bin Laden. Especially if they keep fixing the group with Afghans who make deals with Bin Laden to keep his alive. Surely the CIA knows this, as they’re monitoring the situation. But their target keeps getting away. Cause they keep giving him a way out. And insisting on these Afghans’ involvement.