1. QB says:

    Frickin’ hysterical. Queen Latifah was a stroke of genius.

  2. eyeofthetiger says:

    In Urdu Latifah means joke.

  3. mike says:

    Such wonderful maverickitudeness.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    We recorded this and watched it this am.


  5. Ringo says:

    Bet Tina Fey is praying for McCain/Palin to win so that she has a guaranteed character to portray for the next 4 years.

  6. lock_down says:

    Palin can touch my flute any day.

    Ho ho ho.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    Awesome! 😀

  8. If Palin said “maverick” one more time, I was going to shoot the TV.

    And the self-evident fact remains, if somebody looking like Dick Cheney tried giving those snappy one-liners, weasel-worded answers, usually to questions that were not asked, he’d be laughed off the stage.

    On substance, Palin got her head handed to her on a silver platter. Even her “area of expertise” (energy) doesn’t expand beyond drilling ANWR. No wind, no solar, no nukes, no clean coal. Just drill, baby, drill.

    What’s with that “drill, baby, drill” mantra she’s promoting, anyway? Was she a Black Panther in the sixties? Did she have a fling with Huey P. Newton?

    [Uh… Mr. M, that wasn’t the real debate. – ed.]

  9. Palin is a says:

    At this point I can’t imagine Obama-Biden winning.

    Obama should be all over the news discussing his views, attaching McCain-Palin, and telling us what we need to do to be successful again.

    All I hear on TV is Palin Palin Palin.

    American politics is now just like American Idol.

    Specifically: I would be very surprised if Obama is able to be elected on change (which he represents whether he wants to or not).

    Change is something people want when they are bored, not when they are scared about the future. Only single people who have no families want radical change in a climate of fear. When we are afraid, we want to maintain the status quo because a new direction has the risk of forcing us to change who we are. We don’t want to change who we are, we want everyone else to change.

    End of story.

  10. RLJ says:

    haha, Tina Fey is hilarious.

  11. Libertican says:

    #9 Excellent analysis of current popularity of ‘change’.

    Also, can’t Palin appear on SNL and win back some votes, if not her dignity. Is it allowed without inviting every candidate?

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    #9 – Palin is a

    >>At this point I can’t imagine Obama-Biden

    Get used to it, Governor. Obamaa is still leading in the polls, same as he ever was. You may have made a “good” impression by not looking like a dimwitted bozo who didn’t know her ass from a hole in the ground (as you did during your interviews), but that’s all sizzle, no steak.

    Watch for the gap to widen between now and the elections.

    Even your recent appearances at redneck venues (where they BOO!!! when you say “New York Times”) aren’t doing anything to shore up the loss that’s coming in November.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    #9 “At this point I can’t imagine Obama-Biden winning.”

    Study history. Whenever there is an economic downturn, the 1st pol to promise “a chicken in every pot” usually wins.

    Obama is smart to go the communist route at this time.

  14. QB says:

    #13 Paddy

    Wasn’t Herbert Hoover a Republican? Of course, I forget my history. The little known Republican Communist Party. 😉

  15. Greg Allen says:

    For me, the turning point against Palin was the newspaper and magazine question that stumped her.

    OK, it’s really bad that a potential future president may not read newspapers or magazine. (I’ve heard that Bush doesn’t either.)

    But, I find it absolutely inexplicable that Palin couldn’t bluff that question.

    Who couldn’t name a couple of newspapers and magazines? Even if you don’t read them often?

    But it is crazy-bad that a journalism major, from even the crappiest junior colleges, couldn’t name a dozen newspapers and news magazines!

    Something is really wrong with Sarah Palin.

  16. Paddy-O says:

    #14 “Wasn’t Herbert Hoover a Republican? Of course, I forget my history.”

    Actually, you have forgotten your history. Hoover never actually said that phrase.

    It was said, but not by him…

  17. multipleshotsfired says:

    Good stuff… too bad Sarah does not have that nasty-ass scar on her face like tina. Maybe she can have a dog bite her so it is a perfect match!

  18. MikeN says:

    >On substance, Palin got her head handed to her on a silver platter.

    Only because Biden can lie all over the place, and the media will say it gives him gravitas.

  19. MikeN says:

    SNL should be put out to pasture. What percent of that skit was original?

    Announcer: And now it’s time for another episode of The Big Ear Family!
    Krusty: Honey, I’m home! Oh, I got wax in my ears. Better clean ’em.
    (dejectedly..) This goes on for 12 more minutes.

    This was more than 15 years ago!

  20. #18, #19 – Lyin’ Mike

    >>Only because Biden can lie all over the place,
    >>and the media will say it gives him gravitas.

    Not quite, Lyin’ One. After the fact checkers checked the facts, it turns out that Biden creamed Palin on the FACTS, even though Palin had her “talking in vague generalities that don’t mean anything and can’t be rebutted” engine pegging the redline.

    >>SNL should be put out to pasture. What
    >>percent of that skit was original?

    Not as much as SHOULD HAVE been, for the wellbeing of America.

    Comedians don’t have to make shit up when it comes to Palin, all they have to do is repeat what she says, and the audience convulses with laughter.

    Truth be told, they should be crying, or shaking in fear. The idea that someone as unqualified as Palin is actually being considered (by some) as a serious candidate for the “one heartbeat away from the presidency” job is a sad and frightening commentary on the intelligence of Americans.

  21. Sea Lawyer says:

    #20, frightening commentary on the intelligence of Americans.

    If there was any of that, then Biden would have been at the top of the Democratic ticket, instead of the feel-good candidate of the century, Obama. Of the four, McCain and Biden are the only two who have any real business being in the race at all, and I still wouldn’t vote for either.

  22. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    What percent of that skit was original?

    In the words of many comedians, you can’t write stuff this funny. Palin acted as if this was a debate for mayor of Juneau, or Nome, or even Wasilla. Absolutely no substance, and lots of shrill cuteness. Winking? WTF? That’s what we expect in a VP?

    I saw a connection between Fey’s prior sketch and Palin’s interview with that MSM heavyweight Couric, and just repeating Palin’s words verbatim–in a different context–was far funnier than it should be. Don’t blame SNL…blame the GOP idiots who chose a brainless dumbass who’s only two virtues are her willingness to be controlled by the GOP power and being a MILF.

    In 2008 the worst of the two evils is really bad.

  23. KevinL says:

    It’s goin to be okay Mr. Musturd. If you’re right about the election direction then you have nothin to worry about. Of course, I hope you’re not basin this on the polls? Those silly things are only about 8 or 9 hundred folks out of 80 million voters. Course they do say they’re accurate to + – 3% error. Course you know that rate is only for unbiased samplin. Pollin on the phone is the definition of bias don’t ya know. People do pay a lot of money for these polls so they roll an average so the ups and downs smooth out and look much better. They sure do make me feel better. I don’t think I even need to vote since it’s already locked up!

  24. Brian says:

    Tina Fey and SNL is really, really overdoing the Palin thing in a desperate, pathetic attempt to be relevant again.

    The first time, cool, but to continue to hammer this

  25. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #24 Brain – As long as Palin is out there so will the comics. Whoever runs for office is fair game. This has always been true and thankfully will be forever.

  26. Mister Mustard says:

    #8 – Ed.

    >>[Uh… Mr. M, that wasn’t the real
    debate. – ed.]

    I was talking about the real debate, son.

  27. MikeN says:

    >After the fact checkers checked the facts, it turns out that Biden creamed Palin on the FACTS,

    No, the factcheckers are reporters in the tank for Obama just like the rest of the media.
    Take a look at a right-wing site that lists dozens of errors by Biden.




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